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Isnt continious pk harassment???

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Volotron, Jan 22, 2020.

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  1. Thunderbuild

    Thunderbuild User

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    I do remember the old days. AFK grinding was illegal and reds dropped items. A lot. Now AFK is a sales point and reds drop nothing. In fact, as best I can tell, reds suffer nothing from being red (correct me if I'm wrong; I don't go red). This is a different game. In fact, reds routinely show up for the orc fortress and are left alone.

    Your last sentence is correct. The PKers can't realistically be PKed. They are OPed. Besides, what would be the point? Since they don't drop anything, they'd just get their whole clan to PK back and you'd lose anyway.

    My point is simple. The game should be about PVP (that's what wars & sieges, etc. are for) and PVE (that's what AFK leveling is for). It should not be about PKing people you are at peace with to destroy PVEing.
    Bemused likes this.
  2. Fosgiver

    Fosgiver User

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    Pitty!! I wanted so much play again a little bit of Lineage and dont have to fight with the gold sellers, because that they are.
  3. SK111

    SK111 Banned

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    I can speak only about red eu server because i'm not playing on blue anymore since 2 months
    this is specifically for ami who's playing mainly on skelth
    this isn't sketh bra
    if you sometimes manage to pk one single member of united clan they did it on purpose
    revenge system
    for the next 24 hours they will know every single moment where you are
    and again
    and again
    and again
    to gank you 40 vs 1
    all day long
    EmmaWhite likes this.
  4. AmIPRO

    AmIPRO User

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    Punishin them on PK will not solve anything. On classic they were dropping items , and what ?
    Top farmers gear 80 lvl dagger with BW set and C dagger ( they have fulll WH with those ) fulll with quick healing potions and keep Pking again.

    Its sad but thats how it goes.

    Even if they drop on PK, they will not let you farm the spots they want. I remember when i was farming Plains of GLory at 50 lvl, a necro 78 lvl ( 3rd class ) was loggin next to me , 35 sec after i refuse to leave spot and 1 shot me. After that char goes off again, and waiting for the next " im not leavin spot FU " :D

    The only chance of stopping RMTers is to stop buying from them. There is no other solution.
    Even if they drop since pk 1 . You will see them running around with 3rd class naked ponies and ****** afkers.
  5. Fosgiver

    Fosgiver User

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    No penality against PKers
    Mass PK on server
    Need Lcoins for resurrect without penalty

    Goodbuye Innova
  6. Thunderbuild

    Thunderbuild User

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    That's why they need to sell runes that prevent PKing when not at war, etc., which we've proposed above. Can't stop the PKers by punishing them, then give the victims a way to protect themselves.
  7. ChickenWing

    ChickenWing User

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    Some of your points are nonsense, you guys say you play LineageII since you were wearing diapers but you don't demonstrate it

    The "Auto-hunt" system was placed for 2 reasons.
    Read the name carefully "Auto-hunt" Automatic Hunting, it is not called "AFK While sleeping system" or "AFK while working 18 hours as the slave I am" you "CAN" turn it ON so your character will automatically do "something".

    They did not promise you would not die.

    The first reason is to fight back bots, now that everyone can be a bot, the majority of the players that were using bots just stopped doing so.
    The second reason is to join into the "casual player" market and you may ask ¿what do you mean with 'casual' ?

    Those players who do not have time to farm using their own fingers until lvl 76, those player who wake up at 5 am and come back after 5 pm.
    Well, they're now playing the game and most of those 'casual' players are the ones who complain about PK.

    I have to give you 1 point and it's about PK penalty. "15%/30% less P and M def plus -15 speed isn't enough penalty for wiping an entire leveling zone. They should increase the penalty.

    What can they add? they can add something like "you cannot teleport or bless while you are RED" with RED i mean from -1 until -7000 because -7000 karma is the max negative karma you can get (I have a PK character for wiping adena farmers)

    Also they can block buffs, you can keep those buffs you got before going red but you cannot buff again if you're at -2500 karma or more.
    ¿Why 2500 karma or more? basic. Penalizing the entire PK system from -1 to -7000 like that (talking about buffs) is too harsh, sometimes you NEED to PK someone because there is TOO MANY people in the server. We cannot afford the luxury of having everyone logged in and leveling up at the same time forever.

    Sometimes you go to a catacomb and you find ALL room occupied, War-thorn is full, what do you do? log off and come back in 3 hours hoping that one asian got tired of ADENA FARM and log off the farmer? hahaha hell no, what you do is find the weakest character, if its without CLAN will be better and if everyone has clan you just seach for the most stupid clan name like "BroSb4HoS" and kill him so you can use that ROOM.

    And why? you may ask, chicken... why do you have to kill the poor little man, he is at work or... he cant defend himself while afk, you're a coward.

    Well guys lineage II has been ALWAYS about supremacy. that's why we have the PK system.
    You need CONTROL, you are STRONG, you are TOP LVL, you cant let a bunch of hippies take the Raid boss or the Catacomb ROOM while they dance and smoke weed and sing "its mine i saw it first"

    If you play L2 since the beginning you know what I'm talking about. you gotta take that RB, Aggression and reset the RB while you PK that hipie clan and why? because you CAN. And if you die, revive and try again. if it is necessary we go to war but you're not gonna take it F1F1F1F1F2F1F1F1F2F2F1F1F1F1F2F1F1F1F1F2F2F2

    And that is how the game WORKS. That's why the strongest CLAN always farm and control those RB.

    Trust me, if i am farming and some random RED bSide guy tell me "Leave", i leave because i cant fight him and you gotta appreciate that the random guy from bSide is ATLEAST asking (commanding) you to leave, most of the players will just kill you so they reduce the chance of the "fight back" to 0%

    And that is why developers of LINEAGE II will NEVER, read it carefully, N E V E R create a L-coin rune so you can be immune to attacks unless you're at war with 'X' CLAN.

    This is not an AFK game and the Auto hunt system was not created so you can stay AFK, if you want to be AFK it is up to you my friend.

    PK is not harassment and i know, i know, i really know what is that "someone" plays search and destroy with you, trust me, I DO KNOW how do you feel when a lvl 80 hits you 9999 when you're lvl 48. But according to the terms and conditions that is not harassment.

    NOTE: I DO NOT SUPPORT THE PURGE (requiem, its and those guys) because they don't have a solid reason for killing everybody, they just DO IT.

    I DO kill adena farmers (when I am going to use the spot) because i believe "if you want to make your business out of this game, then do it in another place and boom, fk off) Sometimes they log in a lvl 79 for revenge, sometimes they don't... That's a risk you gotta take.

    Sometimes you can auto-hunt afk all night long and sometimes another player kills you 10 minutes after yo go sleep. Sometimes is requiem, sometimes is just a random guy.

    You're totally right. Donators doesnt care about dropping while PK. they have tons of adena farmers, they have tons of euros in the bank, they will just buy it again or log-in another p2w character but you know what.

    You are angry, someone killed you, you're not in peace, you want revenge and you know if that person has 5000 euros to donate the whole equipement and some fancy hair/cape accessories of course they will have L-coins to ress without penalty, you will do "no harm" when killing them.

    You need more, you need something that feels like a soft wind passing though your sweaty neck while the weather is really HOT. refreshing.

    If they drop, atleast you know you did something.

    You know, maybe not a drop while PK, Maybe a JAIL, where you have to spent hours and hours logged in to reduce karma with time.

    I mean, if you kill 1 or 2, maybe 3 players its ok. but if you wipe out the entire server, you need some punishment because that behavior is not normal, maybe a bounty...

    A bounty hunter quest, i don't know i think jail would be the best. in addition something like "you cannot log off while in combat" and you just stay in combat mode while RED. So we avoid going PK and logging off.
  8. Constance

    Constance Volunteer team

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    Go to RU Essence forum, find News and Announcements and there is your answer about PK system. If you are lazy, nothing will change in the near future.
  9. andthirteen

    andthirteen User

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    Why we have to go to read on russian forum? And why we are lazy? Is not people who answer on russian forum suppose to answer here? Looks they are lazy not us.. or better say they don't care about EU the same like they don't care about dual box. Is call L2 essence Eu not Ru so why we have to read on russian forums again?
  10. Thunderbuild

    Thunderbuild User

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    Not true. Only a period would start a new thought. The comma merely separates the prepositional phrase from the rest of the sentence. The phrase still relates to the first phrase, saying when you can gain the experience. Granted, it would have been clearer if they had said "gain experience, even while you sleep." But the notion that the prepositional phrase after a comma starts a whole new thought, a thought which is never completed, is both logically and grammatically unsound.

    The truth is that they did promote Essence on the basis that you would be able to use auto hunt to level up while you are AFK. Unfortunately, they also promoted Essence as more PVP oriented. Worse, they refuse to acknowledge that PVP and PK are two different things. We cannot have AFK leveling, as promised, and PKing, as implicitly promised when they see PKing as merely PVPing. Their sales pitch was false. It could be made true by an easy fix, such as protection runes, but they refuse to do so. I honestly have no idea why.
    Feb 4, 2020
    Please do not refer us to the Russian forum. I don't know Russian or even how to get to their forum. Any information you wish to provide, please provide here, where we can access it easily and in English. Thank you.

    And, for goodness sake, don't call your customers lazy!
    Bemused likes this.
  11. Constance

    Constance Volunteer team

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    What? You don't pay me same as they don't pay me. I am not part of Innova team.
  12. Thunderbuild

    Thunderbuild User

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    Well, you are listed as part of the "volunteer team." Perhaps I'm wrong, but I see your role as a go-between -- passing information between Innova and its customers. How do you see your role as a part of that team?

    Passing information that is useless to me -- like "look on the RU forum" instead of giving us actual information -- or calling the players lazy does no one any good. If you are going to serve as a part of the volunteer team, then please act like a good faith go-between, treating both sides, Innova and customers, with respect and doing your best to serve both. If you aren't going to act that way, what is the point of having you on that team?
  13. Constance

    Constance Volunteer team

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    Oh, common. I didn't call anyone lazy. I said "if you are lazy". Don't be offended, it's not offensive world or so. And I pointed at RU forum, because the news isn't here posted yet.
  14. Thunderbuild

    Thunderbuild User

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    I'll accept that explanation, if you accept that I'm not lazy just because I don't look for information on the RU forum (which is what your original comment strongly implied). As for the news not having been posted here yet, please post it here. That's better than referring us to the RU forum, I think.
  15. Bistabil

    Bistabil User

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    You are not entitled to have all information you need delievered to you and delivered now.
    Also, you got summarized information from russian forum: "nothing will change in near future".
    Obviously by "if you are lazy" Constance meant if you don't want to go to russian forum and translate information yourself.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2020
  16. Thunderbuild

    Thunderbuild User

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    It is not a matter of entitlement. It is a matter of service to customers and basic politeness.

    Please tell me how to get to the RU forum and how to translate it and I'll give it a shot, even though it makes much more sense from a customer service standpoint to simply post the information here, in English.

    Was "if you are lazy, nothing will change in the near future" a summary of the the information on the Russian forum? I thought it was a commentary on our asking here instead of seeking out the information on the RU forum. Perhaps I misunderstood. I was puzzled as to how seeking out information on the RU forum made anything more likely to change. Your interpretation does make more sense. If it is correct, I owe Constance an apology, since I did not realize that was an actual answer.

    Yes, you can extend the 2 hour day by two hours by paying adena and real money. That's 4 against the 24 that grinding would provide. I loved the "trying to play the game without playing it" comment. Auto hunt automates a part of the game that is not particularly fun. People are trying to use it to level up so they can actively play the parts thast are fun, as they were promised they could do ("while they sleep"). Honestly, I don't think there is anything wrong with that.
  17. Thunderbuild

    Thunderbuild User

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    Uh, no. Read the promotion again -- "Character gains EXP, while you sleep." It doesn't say, "Theoretically, character gains EXP while you sleep, but in fact your character won't because you will be constantly PKed and we consider PKing a fundamental part of the game." It is not behaving like a spoiled kid to expect the game to deliver what it promises.

    I've played this game since C1. I've watched for years as people AFKed, but they did so illegally. Since I never cheat, I leveled up the old fashioned way, hands on keyboard, and did okay. Now, finally, they give us a legal way to AFK level. I'd like to be able to use it and get the benefit of it. as promised in their advertising. That's all.
  18. Leckter

    Leckter User

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    I don't need to go read, on the other hand, you should read what I wrote : cf situation No 1. No pk involved and still no farm. So what you want ? Be alone on the server ? You may achieve that though...

    You CAN afk level. All the tools are working, prove me wrong. Being unable to is not the game fault.
    You CAN launch your macro, and exp. And many ppl do.

    And it has nothing to do with experience or time played from C1 or whatnot. Who cares if you played legit or not in the past. That doesn't grant you free safe farm now, auto exp or not. So yeah, spoiled kid behaviour...
  19. Thunderbuild

    Thunderbuild User

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    When the game allows, indeed encourages, PKing, being unable to AFK level because of constant PKing is the game's fault.

    You are right in one sense. On Blue now, the PKing is not constant, so one can do a fair amount of AFK leveling. I'm talking about situations when PKing is constant, as it is/was at the higher levels on Red and was when Requiem and Its and others were on the warpath on Blue.

    The spoiled kid is the one who wants to spoil everyone else's fun by taking advantage of game mechanics to kill people's characters that have done nothing to them, are minding their own business, and whose clan is not at war with them. You wouldn't be one of those spoiled kids, would you?

    Whether you are or not, the point your defense does not address, and cannot dispute, is that we were promised the ability to have characters gain experience while sleeping and were given a game in which the mechanics encourage folks like Requiem and Its to prevent that from happening. And, when we point that out to Innova, we are told that PKing is an integral part of the game and that they will not give us any way to ensure that we can do what they promised we would be able to do. You know you can't dispute that so you talk about spoiled kids instead.

    I believe Innova should live up to its promises, including the one that characters can gain experience while their player is AFK. You don't. The end.

    P.S. Requiem and Its and the other PKers are doing nothing wrong, at least in a game sense. They are abiding by the rules that allow, indeed, encourage them to PK innocents. The shame is that this game is ideally suited for both PVE and PVP. Simply use one of several ways to limit PVP/Pking to clans at war, sieges, 3 on 3, oly, etc. and allow PVEers to, as you put it, "safe farm." (You actually said "free safe farm" but I'm advocating a solution when the safe farm is not free but comes in the form of a rune that is paid for with real world money.)
  20. RandomPlayer

    RandomPlayer User

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    Report Its for obstruction of the game process by extorting in-game values through threats of killing a character

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