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#DontLetEssenceDie - A solution for PKs

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Dimitri2, Apr 27, 2020.


What should they do?

  1. Remove Karma CAP from 7000 to UNLIMITED

  2. Drop items from PK 1

  3. Lock teleport services

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  1. Dimitri2

    Dimitri2 User

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    We all love Lineage II. I bet you’re still playing this game because you’re nostalgic or a good friend of yours invited you to join on an epic adventure. Also, you’re not 14 years old anymore; you may have a spouse, a family, and maybe kids. Stay with me and let’s discuss the big problem of the server: PKs

    The server is full of toxic players, starting from the biggest clans to the smallest ones. We’re seeing players PK other players all the time. ALL THE TIME. We should do something to stop that or at least give us a reason to let it go.

    Why PPL PK other players for nothing?
    - The so-called “Essence” server doesn’t punish PK players. You can PK anyone as you’d pvp them. There’s no KARMA for the PK players. They can get to 7000 Karma, and that’s all. They’ll keep killing people for nothing with no punishment. They can die 7 times and their karma is completely gone.

    What should they do?
    There’re many things they can do to stop PKs and bring more fun to the game. Who doesn’t like to hunt PK players for the reward of getting their items? — I do.

    - Remove the karma cap of 7000 to UNLIMITED.
    - Let items drop starting from PK 1 as we know since day 1 of Lineage II.
    - Stop using teleport services while PK. — This is insane.

    Requiem is happy in Necropolis. We know why he's farming with his 20 boxes all day there. I don't need to say it out loud.

    Fix your PK system and make this game fun again. #DontLetEssenceDie
    Almeyda and __i7__ like this.
  2. WarMongerL2

    WarMongerL2 User

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    Add all of the above option
    Almeyda and __i7__ like this.
  3. Horbag2

    Horbag2 User

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    Drop items would be the most effective solution
    __i7__ likes this.
  4. Ydwros

    Ydwros User

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    The only good solution is to Increase Karma to 100.000 and the Debuf to lvl10, Increase the Penalty of Debufs and to have stages every 10.000 Karma, after lvl6 Debuf (60.000 Karma) items start drop with higher chance and Def / Run Speed /Cast.-Atk. Speed rly low, on lvl10 PKer must have some really unpleasant position.

    I believe, in the example above you all understand, that the PK / PvP nature of Essence is still kept, it punishes more some1 who want to break every1s balls nonstop, while the majority of players on the other hand can still have fun with some random PKs around.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2020
    __i7__ likes this.
  5. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    good luck with that ! You are suggesting changes to INNOVA when they are just franchise , 0 decisions they can take ... For crying out loud they cannot even fix the lag issue without the koreans.

    if u expect anything of that to happen - wrong server.
    __i7__, Bers Ser and Ardyn like this.
  6. EmiLF

    EmiLF Banned

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    Well ivoid your only luck it's that the ones who read all we wrote are beeing paid even if we can't use the goods we purchased from innova.
    Fact is innova it's a company made to make money and not to loose it.
    They have beeing paying a monthly fee to run a server where kids like you can run around doing the sociopaths.
    Sooner or later someone will be fired up and there will be the end of all games for the kids like you.

    To me the best solutions it isn't to post in here because your reward will be a ban for having said something.
    Just make a petition to ncsoft with datas on how much money they are loosing x month.
    I don't know for sure what are the terms of the licence but, usually, ncsoft should get a fixed fee + a % of the monthly revenue.
    It's a shame laby isn't around anymore to give a proof of all the damage you've done.
  7. iVoid

    iVoid User

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    As you can see i joined 2013 , and im not talking cause im sociopaths , i dont run around pking .

    I got like 20 pks since im on essence.

    All i've said is coming from personal experience.

    Ask them when the Update with 105 level max came to innova , why we had 2 months of non stop lag ? 2 MONTHS!??!?!?!

    People were paying premium accounts + donating , and after 2 months of people not being able to play even with WTFast , their reward was - DISCOUNT FROM L2STORE haahha...
  8. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    If you guys want to play PVE, go play hello kitty.

    People expect to be afk 24/7 on autohunt w/o any problem? Please.

    Also, since i PK a lot (860 PKs while i write, and 863 as soon as i'll be done cause i see 3 more players i gotta PK) i can tell you that there are an infinite reason why one PK.

    Some PK for fun, which is actually not my style. Others PK war-tags that quit clan or clans that join enemy side and pretend to be left alone farming 24/7 so they can later on join war. Those are my targets. I got A LOT of PMs of people crying "OMG WHY QQ" or they even pretend they know nothing when they were literally doing raids with the enemy side when they got PK.

    TBH i don't care about randoms or about PKing randoms but playing dumb wont help.

    PK system has been reworked cause this Essence is suppose to be "PVP-Based" and PVP means also PK. Speaking of which: you guys cry so much about this new PK system while you probably forgot that in the past you were getting PK if you were KOS or even for fun and the opponent could just insta-bsoe. Here we got a nerf that lower our stats by 15% (p.def/m.def) and -30 speed if we get up to 7k karma. And back then i'm quite sure that you guys were still not fightning back ur PKs cause you were too scared to, so what are you talking about? You'd be PK with or w/o drops, with and w/o penalties, with and w/o ports. And i was PKing players even in Classic version where you had drops on death.
    Bers Ser likes this.
  9. EmiLF

    EmiLF Banned

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    There's a misurderstanding xHaseo p.s. please respond to my questions about the treasure hunter setup topic thanks

    Fist of all this is the only l2 version where you have to pay to get xp boosts.
    Every time you get pked you are loosing real money.
    There's another innova server called core+tiat log in on there and try to find in the l2store a single good but the runes which
    don't disappear on pk who help you exp faster and for what you have to pay in € or $
    Innova is selling only xp boost and all the other **** it's xp boosts related
    they had to convert xp boosts to try to sell a chance to get the new pendant
    same with the last craft event
    Are you blind or what?

    Second of all do you really think ppl are pking just because they like it? you fool
    They pk everyone because this way the xp it's pointless and everyone will look for gear but only the pkers are dropping the gear
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2020
  10. Gumarodak

    Gumarodak User

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    They will not change it, its actually a good thing, since you can pk afk bots and take the spot. If you cant fight back, you dont deserve the spot.
    And For all who crying that innova losing money bcs you cant use the items from lcoin...One good donator spends in 1 week dollars like you Crybabies will spend in 1 year... so they realy care about your money :)
  11. __i7__

    __i7__ User

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    IDK, but looks some guys here in forum don't understands the point of the topic, is not about why u do pk, or how u get orgasms killing low lvl ppl, or how many excuses u need to invent to do pk, is about how the pk engine is importat in l2, but without a real penalty for pk, there is no sense tell that pk is a part of l2. Here is a fake and for sure a commercial mechanic , for high level players and 4game selling lcoin for ress.

    Meanwhile , a miracle is happening in NA, ncwest hearing their customers about pk, discussing and implementing.

    Lets se what they did about the pk system there in the last update?


    A level 4 debuff for chaotic characters has been added.

    LV1 - Karma points -1080 = Decrease P. Def./M. Def. by 5% and movement speed by 5.

    LV2 - Karma points -2880 = Decrease P. Def./M. Def. by 10% and movement speed by 10.

    LV3 - Karma Points -4320 = Decrease P. Def./M. Def. by 15% and movement speed by 30.

    LV4 -Karma Points -5760 = Decrease P. Def./M. Def. by 30% and movement speed by 35. Cannot use escape (e.g. Scroll of Escape, My Teleport, or Instant Teleport) UOWWWWWW


    The Einhasad's Observation debuff will be applied to your character based on consecutive kills without resetting Karma points back to zero. A Lv. 4 debuff will be applied (not Lv. 3) automatically when killing more than 4 players in a row.


    Killed 1 player -720 --

    Killed 2 player -1800 Lv1

    Killed 3 player -3240 Lv2

    Killed 4 player -6120 Lv4

    Killed 5 player -9720 Lv4

    Killed 6 player -10000(max) Lv4


    When PK count is 8 or higher, killing 1 player will prevent you from using escape skills (need to use Scroll: PK or complete Sin Eater quest to reduce PK count).
    The maximum amount of Karma points you can obtain has been reduced from -100,000,000 to -10,000 with the update.


    The locations of characters with more than -5760 Karma points will be shown on the world map (same as the feature of showing the location of Cursed Sword users on the Live server).
    The number of the PKers whose locations are shown on the map is limited up to 30 players.
    PKers will not be shown on the world map if they've just logged in or are playing in instanced zones or world instanced zones (same as the Revenge System rules).
    If you are the target character, then your icon will not be displayed on the world map.


    Perhaps if they had implemented something like this here months ago, the red server would not be dead and would not need an excuse to try to pass players from blue pro red, as is happening now. But it seems that here the players are not heard, and the problems take a long time to be solved.
    jinkz, Dvyus and Dimitri2 like this.
  12. TearsOfBlood

    TearsOfBlood User

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    it needs another option - nothing
  13. Dvyus

    Dvyus User

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    Then the game will die, no brainer really but as long as it suits players to carry on their litlte ego inflating actions in a game with so much potential and also unfortunatley so much abuse then the only ppl left playing will be scammers, sellers of the RMT group and idiots who want everything and deny others access to it. Congratulations the only funny thing about this is so many of you have spent thousands of your own money investing in a game you are pounding into the ground #idiots :Laugh:
    __i7__ likes this.
  14. you wish

    you wish User

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    lol i've made a topic about this on the red server. PK is killing the server,nobody wants to deal with this ****,no PK penalty is a joke and makes ppl leave the server,soon it will just be United and their bots playing there. Weird business model but wtver,you reap what u sow.
    Dvyus and jinkz like this.
  15. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow User

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    i would say add all of them.
  16. you wish

    you wish User

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    also i forgot to say,but i vote all of them aswell
  17. Almeyda

    Almeyda User

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    Pk is not PVP is PvLow lvl farming. Grow up and don't be afraid of change. Let Pk's have penalty and you be you pking who you want after.
  18. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    I was PKing in GOD, classic and essence, it's not a penalty that will stop me. If i've to kill war alts i'll go karma OR find a way to "f*ck the system".

    In GOD i had a summoner to spam marks on enemy 'till their death.
    In classic i had a summoner to PK with free gear.
    In essence i PK with main and alt when i'm bored to go and drop my karma (alt has aden/sealed items that cannot be drop).

    Easy work around. Also, you can PK players on ur own level, stop qqing that it's about hunting lowbies. In case you don't know, and since i got pms by kids going like "OMG YOU HUNT PEOPLE IN LV 70 CATAS OMGOMGOGMOGMG", mobs in lv 70 area are white even for lv 83. I can still hunt in cruma 70-75 or in silent valley since mobs there are WHITE.

    But from tomorrow we will have a free-ress event, which SHOULD BE a FREE ress, meaning that you wont waste lcoins to go to village, so for a while the PK issue should be resolved.
  19. Almeyda

    Almeyda User

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    So, if you will keep on the PK rampage yourself why not support the "no teleport" wile chaotic or the drop probability? you will still be you.

    Mate nothing is free in this game. You want adena - farm it. you want items - buy them. why should PK be free of any consequences?
  20. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    You are right: you want to be afk 24/7 farming adenas and enemy want to leave clan or create alts to pretend they are friendly, why should they do that without consequences? :)

    And actually we got a debuff when we hit certain amounts of karma. -15% p.def/m.def and -30 speed :(