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[Guide Contest] New Players Farm Adena

Discussion in 'Players Guides' started by Horyon, May 9, 2020.

  1. Horyon

    Horyon User

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    Hi guys... i will post here one way to farm adena easily for new player. Keep in mind that is one way, there may be others and better.

    Server: Red (may work in blue but consider population)
    Name: Helyon (know as Horyon my main nickname)

    ♦ Jorney Until 40 ♦
    Here its a old video of my stream. You can follow the video to make the quests until 40, for we really start the guide.
    But there is discontinued information so before watch take a look at the written and updated info below.

    • Now you receive HASTE book for free. So the only necessary to buy is Clarity and Berserker Spirit.
    • The NG+16 Weapon was changed for Aden Weapons System.
    • A new Starter Pack named - Newbie Gift. With a Neck Valakas( more skill damage) and other consumables.

    ◊ Farming ◊
    The Base for farm remains the use of the skill [​IMG] Absorve Light Soul for recovers more mana when transform, and the Damage skill [​IMG] Twin Shot to HK (Hit Kill ) or 2 skills the mobs. But without the NG+16 Weapon, it become more hard at beginning...
    The locations where you need to go are predefined by the item [​IMG] Adventurer's Mark because it give extra recover HP and MP by item level (increase by level 1-5 from Missions). So lets see where farm after 40.

    • Sea of Spores - First place to farm, here you will have quests for done, so its natural farm here a little.
    • Cemetery - Next stop keep having quests for done. But it starts return some adena. The focus here is finish the books.
    • Fields of Massacre - Now with some time you can farm some good adena. Problem here is a strong special mob who spawn for kill range characters. You can choose stay more at Cemetery or give a chance for Enchanted Valley.
    • Plains of Glory - Lots of mobs and killing fast, you start farm a high amount every day.
    • War-Torn Plains - And finally the top spot. A full day can farm 4kk++. Here there is other alternative, The Patriots Necropolis its good also but small in comparison, but keep in mind if you dont find a place to farm in War-Torn have this other place too.
    • Silent Valley - If you got good stuff farm here become another alternative, but is more hard than War-Torn for no much diferrence on adena farm.
    With time you will fill the randon craft bar some times, if appears a C or B Coupon or Top Grade Bow try it. The damage will help in farm and make it more fast. In case you get a A grade bow, you can try turn off SS and farm all day without cases when it over, and also keep the good damage.
    You also can make the 3 class and learn more levels from Twin Shot and after delevel for keep farming with better skill power.
    And finally, have just 1 archer may be a problem with SG and Shots. So if necessary make more than 1 farm for switch when needed.

    Thank you for read until here, hope it help begginer players.
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
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