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Noob on the horizont.

Discussion in 'Players helping players' started by AmIPRO, May 19, 2020.

  1. AmIPRO

    AmIPRO User

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    Hello guys. I just started that GOD adventure yesterday night. After playing 4 years on classic.

    Back in the days i tried a lil bit of frst chapters of GODs, but wasnt mine thing.
    So after Innova f***ed up hard the Classic and the Essense, i deside to give a try here.
    Ofcourse illl not spend a penny for sure for ingame goods.

    So basicaly:

    I'm Dark Elf Iss Enchanter looking for a party, active clan and ppl to show me how to play proper the game.Back in the days that was the best ISS as i remember cause of the STR bonus ( it was a olly beast) now i have no idea how it is.

    I'm curious about the solo instances, dailys and the other stuff i can do ingame without donating.
  2. CarmenSpectra

    CarmenSpectra User

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    Years ago Core server was not your thing, so I dont think it will be your thing this time.
    You dont want to spend a penny ingame, nothing wrong about that. But you will need to spend time to gather gear.
    The game provides you some basic gear to level from level 1 up to level 105. After 105 you really need to gather decent gear, you wont get anywhere with the free gear.
    Many new players / returning players quited after level 105 or earlier. Why? Because they didn't spend real money or time to the game.
    Then they found out: the game is too hard for players with the free gear and they quited.

    The game has evolved. Currently below level 105 is the demo mode, the training academy. Everything is fast and easy.
    After 105 the real game starts. As said above, now you really need some decent gear.
    Gathering good gear is much harder than leveling in this chronicle.

    Dailies you can do after 105. Most people are doing these daily instances at level 107+. But as Iss Enchanter you can be invited to party at level 105 but you need to have decent gear. Unless you have an OP DD friend who can carry you.
    Daily instances are very hard for most people: lacking of dmg, lacking of defence.
    There is 1 solo instance you can do: Kastia. It is hard for support classes to do this solo instances, you need very decent gear to finish it with success.

    There are daily timed zones (also called Session Zones) which you can do at 99+:
    Coal Mines: gives very good XP from 99-105.
    Primal Isle: gives enchant scrolls for circlet/dragon shirt/bracelet, circlet upgrade stone, crystal of dawn.
    Golden Altar: was the source of income for top players, now not much people doing it
    Storm Isle: gives good XP for level 100+
    Tower of Insolence: XP and drops (Improved Rune Stone) for level 110+

    If you really want to play Iss, you will need to find a group of friends to play together, making a CP or join a CP.
    Leveling a support class up to level 105 is hard and long. You better buy at least PA account so that you can have a DD box to powerlevel your main Iss.

    Good luck on your journey on Core server.
    Last edited: May 20, 2020
  3. Pougen

    Pougen User

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    As a returning player myself, and struggling to XP / gear up, i can affirm that you can't do anything without throwing money in L2 Store.

    There is a lot of stuff that you never heard of, and all that stuff cost billions/trillions to get. 80 % of players are ready to buy 100+ $ on each "Store event" so called "Offer". If you miss the top item the event gives, the gap with other players will grow even more.

    That said, you will understand that there will be no PVP for you, because even mentees are running around with dragon weapon, and the one that will PK you will have no penalties at all.
    You will be one shot material at all levels, and anywhere (Siege, Olympiad, Ceremony of chaos, open field ...)

    About PVE, instances and farm zones are labelled with a start level. If you wanna go in one of your level, you'll need minimum Bloody +10 Weapon to do low damages.
    For zones like Storm Isle open for 100+, you can't kill anything before 107.

    You will have exhalted gear with quest, the weapon you get ~+8 Bloody Helios, and for exemple, at the moment a +12 Bloody Helios retributer cost 23b +
    So for a small upgrade, you'll need money impossible to earn with farming.

    Game is now oriented solo a lot. 80% of map is useless with old mobs still up giving nothing.
    No or nearly none bosses to farm.
    Craft is dead, old mats removed from game.
    Play with market to get money is hard and unsafe, when something is rare "not farmable", it's injected via "store event" on server.
    So, items are not precious for long, and prices can drop from one day to another.

    It's a sad statement considering the game it used to be.

    That said, you can still have fun, nostalgic players can't leave L2, find a group of friend and go on.
    Last edited: May 20, 2020
    Leckter likes this.
  4. Pougen

    Pougen User

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    End game PVP : https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/673001/

    Armors can't handle firepower anymore, so all is about one shot kill / invulnerability / untarget gived by items and skills, or rez / use feather.
  5. AmIPRO

    AmIPRO User

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    So basicaly guys, what are you doing here ? How do you get fun ? Before the fun was the adventure to get your gear.
    Now when everybody is trowing $$ to get his items, where is the pleasure of achieving it ? I played 4 years classic with 0 donate and i was so happy with it ( ye i was paying 4 accounts, but still ). I was so happy when i achieve somenthing more than others. Now ppl come throw 1000-5000 euro on server, playing 30 days get bored, re-sell gear and quit.

    When you dont donate, you have to think how to gear yourself, to do trade bussines, your brain have to work.

    I'm old school player who work for his gear, not paying it. As i see thats not the right server for me :D

    This NCSOFT put a mobile game on PC, in which we stare in Monitor how our char afk and donate for that.....

    I see ultra farmed ppl who dont know even how to assist on macro. Thats what Donation does with the games :D
  6. Pougen

    Pougen User

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    You can give it a shot, but that's more like a casino than a game :D

    Sometimes they don't quit, when they keep being killed by people of their own level (giving 5k € don't teach how to play) they become angry and go pvp/pk every low levels.
    Exactly what happened on Classic after 3 months rush. (60+ C grader PK running around)

    That's 80% of your day on Core.

    But, you can just play and enjoy, do your thing and ignore the rest. Just don't try to be competitive as a returning player, there is no point to.
    Last edited: May 22, 2020
  7. AmIPRO

    AmIPRO User

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    I see. SO i need to find ultra donator. He will equip me, i will be his Active ISS Pet :D
  8. Pougen

    Pougen User

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