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[Guide Contest Winner] Ultimate Death Knight guide

Discussion in 'Players Guides' started by DoomerDK, May 20, 2020.

  1. DoomerDK

    DoomerDK User

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    Ultimate Death Knight guide by Doomer
    Lineage 2 Essence EU BLUE

    Table of contents

    1. General information
    2. Skills
    2.1 Physical skills
    2.2 Reinforcement skills
    2.3 Weaken skills
    2.4 Transform skills
    2.5 Special skills
    2.6 Passives
    3. Equipment
    3.1 Weapon
    3.2 Armor
    3.3 Jewelery (Rings/earrings/necklace)
    3.4 Special (Dyes, Hat, Belt, Cloak, Talismans, Agathions, Jewels etc.)
    4. Leveling

    1. General information

    Death knight is the newest class addition to Lineage II Essence. It is a melee fighter class, that utilizes ignoring enemy defense on his physical damage skills, having good utility and crowd control skills while being relatively tanky and being able to dish out huge area of effect damage bursts in late game situations. Very reliant on high level spell books, that are quite hard or expensive to acquire. This class uses 1h sword + sigil and light and/or heavy armor.

    Human – Most universal DK. Has good all-around stats, a little bit more HP than the other death knights. Beginner friendly.
    Dark elf – Has the highest damage out of all 3 races. Excels at 1v1 due to dark elf having hex and power break debuffs. Has the biggest damaging AOE ability out of all 3 races - Lightning storm. A little bit squishier than the other races. Recommended for advanced players.
    Elf – Fastest and most fit to be the tank version of DK. Elf’s AOE ability Frozen field freezes the enemies in place for several seconds after it lands, making it the best DK for massive pvp battles (10v10+, castle sieges, etc.). Recommended for playing in big pvp clans/alliances.

    2. Skills

    In this part I will go through what our skills REALLY do and how and why they can be used in various different scenarios.

    2.1 Physical skills

    [​IMG]Low cooldown, low mana cost. This is your bread and butter, your go-to spam skill. Has a little ‘hidden’ passive that comes from your passive called “Undying will”. It gives 15% chance for punishment to do extra (+50%~) damage. This is THE skill to have turned on toggle when auto AFK farming.
    [​IMG]A little bit stronger than punishment, however with 10 sec cooldown. Works very well in a solo target burst rotation (Punishment -> Wipeout -> Punishment). Can have it toggled on when auto AFK farming, however it’s not needed and sometimes not efficient. When the loop rotations comes to wipeout and your wipeout is on cooldown your character will make a basic attack instead.
    Has a little bit higher range than Punishment and Wipeout. Lower damage than your 2 other skills and higher mana cost makes it inefficient for PVE, therefore not recommended in AFK farming .
    One more good thing about fists of fury is that this skill sometimes regenerates 2 extra DP so it can be used in situations where you have enough mana to spend and need to recover your DP more quickly. For example - when you’re filling your DP bar before an Olympiad fight.
    For the most part this is your ‘filler’ skill in PVP that you fill the gaps between your punishments when wipeout is on cooldown:
    Punishment -> Wipeout -> Punishment -> Fists of fury -> Punishment -> Fists of fury -> Punishment etc.
    Another advanced trick in PVP regarding fists of fury – when you’re trying to damage an enemy that is constantly running away from you, it is very good to use such a rotation:
    Deadly Pull -> Punishment -> Fists of fury and repeat until the target is dead. This is only possible because of the longer range that fists of fury offers.
    Very important skill in DK's arsenal as it is one of the two AOE skills the class has to offer. Good damage and a VERY strong debuff that decreases opponent's physical AND magical defense by 40%. Very good in both PVP and PVE AOE farming .

    Requires a spellbook, that can be obtained in one of the following ways:
    1. Lv. 75 and 80 group raid bosses, 0.5% - 1%
    2. Random craft
    3. Buying from people
    Human death knight ONLY

    The 2nd and the biggest AOE damage ability that Human DK has to offer. Damage scales directly from P. Atk. This is where your AOE burst damage comes from. It does 2 BIG damage ticks and applies a burning damage over time effect (the DOT effect damage is quite low).

    Requires a spellbook, that can be obtained in one of the following ways:
    1. EPIC raid bosses, 0.5% - 1% chance
    2. Baium, 3%~ chance
    3. Random craft
    4. Buying from people
    Dark elf death knight ONLY

    The 2nd and the biggest AOE damage ability that Dark elf DK has to offer. Damage scales directly from P. Atk. This is where your AOE burst damage comes from. It does 3 BIG damage ticks and has the biggest AOE damage overall when compared to Burning field or Frozen field.

    Requires a spellbook, that can be obtained in one of the following ways:
    1. EPIC raid bosses, 0.5% - 1% chance
    2. Baium, 3%~ chance
    3. Random craft
    4. Buying from people
    Elf death knight ONLY

    The 2nd and the biggest AOE damage ability that Elf DK has to offer. It is actually very different from the other races, since this one FREEZES all opponents caught in this skills effect. It is one of the best skills in the whole game in massive PVP battles, since you can CC big groups of people at the same time. It comes with a price of course and deals significantly less damage than Burning field or Lightning storm.

    Requires a spellbook, that can be obtained in one of the following ways:
    1. EPIC raid bosses, 0.5% - 1% chance
    2. Baium, 3%~ chance
    3. Random craft
    4. Buying from people
    2.2 Reinforcement skills

    Will only mention DK class specific buffs.

    [​IMG]One of the main reasons DKs can be quite tanky, increases the HP and CP pool by A LOT at higher levels.
    Summons a shield in front of the character that absorbs all projectiles and spells coming from the frontal direction ONLY. This is a VERY strong defensive buff against archers and mages (it absorbs divine beam too) as long as you're facing towards them and are not in melee range. Death guard level 2 also reduces ALL damage taken by 10% for the duration of the buff. It means it is also viable against melee damage dealers. Especially good skill in PVP, but can work quite well in some scenarios of PVE too.

    Requires a spellbook, that can be obtained in one of the following ways:
    1. Lv. 65 Group raid bosses, 0.5% - 1%
    2. Lv. 80 Solo raid bosses, 0.1% - 0.5%
    3. Buying from people
    [​IMG]Chance (high) to fear enemies for a few seconds when they hit you. Very useful buff in PVP, most of the time just activate it before the fight starts, since it lasts for 1 minute and it should be enough for the whole fight. Can be used in PVE as well in situations when you pull more monsters on you than you could normally handle.

    Simple 5 minute duration buff that increases the offensive stats by quite a bit.
    Short (30sec) buff that increases the attack speed by 100%. Very good in PVP and a little bit less, but still useful in PVE. Mostly used before acquiring Ultimate DK transformation.
    Human death knight ONLY

    Chance on hit to put a damage (low) over time effect and reduce the target's P./M. defense by around 15-20% for 3 seconds.

    Spellbook can be bought at any grocery shop that sells spellbooks.
    Dark elf death knight ONLY

    Chance on hit to paralyze the enemy.

    Spellbook can be bought at any grocery shop that sells spellbooks.
    Elf death knight ONLY

    Has a chance on hit to slow opponent's Atk. Spd, Cst. Spd and Speed.

    Spellbook can be bought at any grocery shop that sells spellbooks.
    2.3 Weaken skills

    A strong CC ability, that puts the target in a bone cage for 5 seconds (10 seconds if you are an Elf DK). Can be used to setup your burst very well. Can be used defensively on your allies as well, however it is quite hard to pull off successfully. The caged target is immune to all damage for the duration of the cage. Can be cleansed.
    Good trick in 1v1 PVP - Damage your opponent with your single target skills to take away his CP -> Bone cage -> Come close to the target and once the cage ends use Hellfire + your other AOE skill to finish the opponent.

    Requires a spellbook, that can be obtained in one of the following ways:
    1. Lv. 70 group raid bosses, 0.5% - 1%
    2. Lv. 80 solo raid bosses, 0.1% - 0.5%
    3. Buying from people
    [​IMG]Solo target debuff ability. Recommended only in 1v1 combat or small skirmishes. Especially good vs dagger classes.
    AOE debuff (around your character). Very similar to Hierophant's block windwalk skill. Mostly PVP skill, good in massive and small numbers PVP. Can be efficiently used to chase targets. For example Deadly pull -> Deadly Ligament Rupture -> Deadly pull -> Damaging abilities.
    Can be used in PVE to aggro monsters around you before you get ready to AOE.
    2.4 Transform skills

    This transformation alone makes the character 50%~ stronger. It is THE skill to have as a DK, however it is VERY hard to obtain. Increases offensive stats by a big margin, gives speed and decreases the received healing penalty. It is highly recommended to go full STR build after your obtain the Ultimate DK transformation, since it boosts your p.atk by 40%. After you have the transform and go full STR, your race-specific AOE damaging ability (Burning field, Lightning storm, Frozen field) becomes VERY strong. Late-game DK with transform, full STR build and good equipment can alone kill groups of people with just Hellfire + Burning field / Lightning storm combination.

    Requires a spellbook, that can be obtained in one of the following ways:
    1. Baium, 0.5% - 1% chance
    2. Avatar of Antharas, ~2% chance
    3. Antharas, ~20% chance
    4. Random craft
    5. Buying from people
    2.5 Special skills

    [​IMG]One of the most useful skills in PVP that DK has to offer. Good in solo/small skirmish PVP to chase down targets but it EXCELS in big group, clans or alliances PVP battles. Whenever someone gets too close (700 range is actually quite far), pull them and they will, most of the time, instantly die from your allies' focus fire.
    After you kill an enemy in PVP, you are able to use Soul Steal skill on their corpse. It does give you a small buff, however it only lasts 10 seconds. My personal thoughts are that the skill is bugged and the received buff should last way longer than it currently does, especially when in the skill description it says it can stack up to 4 times. Lasting 10 seconds while having 10 minute cooldown does not add up. Currently it is a useless skill and does not deserve a slot on the shortcut bar.
    Death knight class suffers heavily from not having enough DP. Once you have this skill, the class becomes A LOT better at both PVP and PVE. The spellbook is quite hard to obtain tho.
    For PVP - this means you can use your hellfire + Burning field / Lightning storm / Frozen field whenever you see fit instead of having to save it. Especially important in big PVP fights (epic bosses, castle sieges).
    For PVE - this enables us to actively AOE farm with our double AOE skill combo. Instead of being able to AOE once every 5-10 minutes, we can do it every minute. Increases exp gains by a tremendous amount.

    Requires a spellbook, that can be obtained in one of the following ways:
    1. LV. 80 group raid bosses, 0.5% - 1% chance
    2. Buying from people
    2.6 Passive skills

    In this part I will briefly go through DK class specific passives.

    When your character takes lethal damage, instead of dying your HP/CP/MP gets set to 1 and you become immune to any kind of damage for 3 seconds (you can still be crowd controlled by skills like Bone cage, sleep etc.). After the immunity ends and IF you have more than 300 DP, your HP is restored to full, however if you are CC'ed, your HP does not restore. If you don't have 300 DP, nothing happens after the 3 second immunity ends.
    - Keep in mind, once this passive is triggered you are immortal for a few seconds BUT your mana is set to 1 and you can't use any skills for a few seconds until you get some mana back.
    - If you see you are losing the PVP fight and you know your passive is about to get triggered, what