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Imperial Tomb

Discussion in 'Activity' started by HellRoaD, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. HellRoaD

    HellRoaD User

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    Here some tips how to make Imperial Tomb with out failing even if u are lvl 105 or have exalted gears.
    First u need Eviscerator in the party. Why? Because they have the passive skill HEAVY PUNCH (There is a change to deal damage equal to 30% of the target s Hp after a standard attack.).Even at lvl 105 the evis can be used fine at Imperial Tomb.
    Second u need Tyrr in your party (any kind race tyrr work fine even if they lvl 105). Why? Because they have active skill LAST ATTACK (Attacks target with 100477 power added to P.Atk Cuts reqular monsters Hp down to 1. Usable when target s Hpis 20% or below.)
    If u have no healer or iss in pt use tyrr main dd and evis assist in tyrr(tyrr have second wind and feral ogre cry that heal him).If u have iss or healer u can use evis as main dd.
    If they cooperate (Evis heavy punch cut the mobs hp 30% and tyrr last attack at 20% hp) u can kill 3 mobs per min.50 min u can finish your quest 150 mobs.
    This work even with Exalted gears.
  2. Beldent13

    Beldent13 User

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    Nicee , ty very much!!