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New server?

Discussion in 'Players asking players' started by akaaWins, Nov 14, 2020.

  1. akaaWins

    akaaWins User

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    Can you innova guys open a new classic or something? NCWest classic ***** balls due to hardcore p2w and you guys closed Skelth. Maybe its time for Skelth 2.0 with fresh start?

    Essence servers are dead, so it would be good thing for you to milk new players again.
  2. xHaseo

    xHaseo User

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    Not happening but gg for trying.
  3. akaaWins

    akaaWins User

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    its time for them to open new server according to the schedule. Should be either classic or live server this time
  4. .Iyr.

    .Iyr. User

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    LOL yeah NCWEST massively killed classic servers.
    Horyon likes this.
  5. Lucien

    Lucien User

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    At this pace red server will be closed in a matter of 1-2 months.

    According to what they've done on ru it should be like this
    silph update=red server merged with blue=2nd server (the original red one) opening
    this way innova will spend the same amount of money to milk us even more.

    The problem for innova is
    i've already rerolled on blue :Roflmao:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2020
  6. xMrRage

    xMrRage User

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    Company's never grasp the simple fact of P2W = dead servers within a matter of months, then those who spent all that money refuse to play another server cos they've lost all that investment, so they lose those players too.

    F2P players don't stay cos they cannot compete, so they lose those players.
  7. Agiaki

    Agiaki User

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    Skelth was great in the beginning. They made one grave mistake though. They did not invest enough time in their homepage. Lots of player thought this was another private server and did not join. I only stumbled about it by accident. They had a great Abo system and no play to win. They were not like NC West, well maybe they were more Russian like.
    The years went by and the quick money was too tempting, the player base on Skelth too low to net in decent profit. One day a GM suddenly asked in Forum....what would you guys think of L2 Essence? Imho to that timepoint it was already clear L2 Essence will come. As i said...fast money was too tempting.

    What happens when you get too greedy, we saw on American classic servers. They introduced Pay 2 Win with those pendants on day X. On day X+1 only half of the playerbase was still playing. One month later maybe like 10-20% of all players were left. Was playing there as well. Spent quite some money on those XP tokens. Some other clan mates did too. Despite the fact that we spent quite some money there 80% of our clan quit on that exact day when pay to win was announced.

    Some of them told me, they learned their L2 lesson and wont play L2 again. Thats the only thing NC West achieved.
    Their servers were full to the brim and they ****** it all up, expecting when people spent that much money there wont leave.

    Maybe NC should do the same thing as Blizzard did and make a L2 revival . Chronicle by chronicle. (I would hate the c1-c3 interface though + the missing auto shots ^^).
  8. Horyon

    Horyon User

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    Well thats what we need... but EU part of Innova need to know most of the player base o them are non EU.
    The truth about what killed Skelth was the high price to play. Maybe ok 1 acc but in classic u need 3 4 boxes... so for a place where this 10 EU are x6, x number of accs thats become too high. From where i play, have many, many ppl who play also, but spend 150 from uor coin are like 1/4 of salary.

    So yeah a Classic with no p2w.
    Based in many ppl playing with low fee. its the same of low players with high montly. Just need to be smart. No one like dead servers, with low montly on skelth, maybe it be alive even now.
    Chronicle by chronicle its nice. But the problem is, the DEVs from actual L2 are not the guys who make the greats C1 until Interlude. So with classic they already prove they dont know how to handle with nostalgic ppl, and with short time after a nice start they will fu%# again with sh&$ content.

    Essence are cool, have auto buffs for u dont need many boxes, auto hunt. The rest is garbage but have his good stuff also.

    Maybe a balance between Classic and Essence are what we need, without this p2w style.

    I dont understand how privates get online without p2w, and the official only think about money. HOW? They have to pay much more ppl ofc but cmom, good rpgs dont exist anymore... why dont even try make something good again without this content based on dollars.
  9. CiotkaKlotka

    CiotkaKlotka User

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    I dream about i! I missed my chance to play old Skelth, and now i dont have alternative. NCWest it's a terrible ordinane **** full of bots.
    I just want play classic, i want pay every month ~10 Euro - nothing more nothing less :/
  10. AmIPRO

    AmIPRO User

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    Classic is deadend case my friend. Essense or GOD are you options.
    Jan 27, 2021
    and not the different regions killed the classic, the developers of NCSOFT does it.
    Also we have gulty about that. Because back in the days Classic 1.0 tilll classic 1.5 was litteraly old school l2.

    Cant afford shots, we was exping full pt in Abandon Camp with no shots for about 4-5 hours per day in order to get 10-15 % at 25 lvl. Removed because players complaining.
    Dropping items on deth. This segment also were killed because of the players complaining.
    Hardcore exping. This segment also were killed because of the players complaining. I exped 80 2 years. Last half year of skelth ppl exped 80 in 1 week.
    The party Farming. This segment is also killed. ( Instead of gather gear for 10-15 billions ) to go farm full pt in LoA . I can just Solo atribute zones and makes more exp than i do in 15 bilions gear full pt in Loa.

    So Classic 1.0 was great game. Then we start complaining that its too hard and now you have THIS you play atm.

    Also the way we was playing Classic with no SHOP was impossible for us to kill Tezza, Antharas etc.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2021