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Compiled list for Sylph update

Discussion in 'Players asking players' started by AncientEvil, Nov 16, 2020.

  1. Skigge

    Skigge User

    Likes Received:
    Usually we get the ru update
    the bot telegram app

    Anyway we will have to wait only till the next tuesday (2.16.2021) to know it for sure.

    To me it's really weird they completely blew up the brand new shield of vengeance introducing the shield of defense
    Look at those stats WOW

    P.s. The game looks really astonishing with the new patch but if they won't fix the pk
    spree issue it will be all in vain. People will come spend 10 euros and quit.
    It amazes me, more and more every day passing by, how to appease 10 whales who
    may spend 10k euros per year each , they forced to quit thousand of hundreds of players
    who spend 100 euros per year each. Eventually they don't teach math in korea.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
  2. AncientEvil

    AncientEvil User

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    So apparently we are getting the KR updates from June until November 2020.
    Feb 11, 2021
    Found this from August Update, regarding PKers losing items upon death
    1. The item loss penalty applies to equipment such as weapons / armor / accessories that a character can equip, but some temporary / event / special items are excluded from the penalty.
    2. In the event of a penalty for the loss of an item, it is placed in a special additional inventory, from which it can be redeemed for a certain fee:
    - When a penalty is triggered for the loss of an item, a notification about the restoration of the item will appear in the lower right corner of the screen, or through the alt + X menu, you can select the item "Restore the item".
    - In total, such an inventory can store up to 10 items, but in case of excess, items exceeding the limit will be deleted in accordance with the oldest date when items were added to this inventory.
    - You can restore an item for adena or Coins L, the cost of restoration increases when new items get into the special inventory.
    - In case of restoration of an item for adena, 10% of the restoration amount goes to the winner in PVP.
  3. Skigge

    Skigge User

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    To me the only way to deal with the pk spree issue it's to expose them to the risk of losing multiple items like it was since the beginning of L2.
    Any other thing than that simply won't work.
    I logged in 4 accounts yesterday evening on red server and this morning I found all of them, not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 all pked by the same lvl 88 toon.
    My characters were all lvl 40 something so.
    I guess someone lost a ton of real money and I imagine now he is really upset.
    Well no multiple ppl lost a ton of real money.
    Lets say the truth. 99,99 % of the players log in to be entertained and are willing to pay a ton of real money.
    The rest (0,01%) log in only to ruin the others' in game experience. That's it.

    If we want to sum it up right now lineage 2 essence it's a "cursed by design" videogame.
    CiotkaKlotka likes this.
  4. AncientEvil

    AncientEvil User

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    Can someone explain this:
    - The amount of craft points needed for charging when using Random Craft to make A-grade and B-grade items has been decreased;

    Now I know the cost was decreased from 500k to 300k, but WTF is this?
  5. Skigge

    Skigge User

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    To me bad translation from korean to ru and from ru to eng.
    Look at the last patch about the dwarves
    they translated in ru "treasure hunter" while it was meant to be "fortune seeker".

    It's like you have to fill up your tax papers but you hand them to an hot dog vendor
    who doesn't even know your language.