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April's Fools and the best memes

Discussion in '2021' started by Senny, Apr 1, 2021.

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  1. Senny

    Senny Community Manager Innova Group

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    Today is an extremely dangerous day when jokes and pranks await at every step! You can't trust anyone - fake news, deception and sly glances from friends surround you. April Fool's Day is on the calendar! So let's have a meme contest:

    ♦ Memes are accepted on April 1st, 2021, from 16:00 to 23:59 CEST;
    ♦ Create a Lineage 2 connected meme to participate;
    ♦ It must be placed under a special post on Facebook
    ((Lineage 2 - https://www.facebook.com/lineage2eu/photos/a.291495464234317/4171664919550666
    Lineage 2 Essence - https://www.facebook.com/Lineage2Esse/photos/a.112756063437117/490657278980325 ));
    ♦ You must be the author of the meme. It must be created specifically for this competition and has not been previously published anywhere;
    ♦ Your work must not break the rules of the game, the forum and the current legislature of Luxembourg. Official contest rules can be found here: https://eu-new.4game.com/legal/4game/4/
    10 winners will be determined by the Lineage 2 team, the results will be published on April 2nd;
    Winners will receive codes for 4.000 Einhasad Coins for Lineage 2 players and 4.000 L-Coins for Lineage 2 Essence players. 1 winner - 1 code.
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