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Friday the 13th contest

Discussion in '2021' started by Senny, Aug 12, 2021.

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  1. Senny

    Senny Community Manager Innova Group

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    Friday the 13th: Bu!

    The world goes far beyond what you can imagine, there is the dark side never seen in the minds of our storytellers who never manifested their aptitude. It is not hard to find scary urban legends that spread at the speed of light in Elmoreden. We suspect that you’re traveling alone through the dangerous forest and are about to continue a chilling story that falls on Friday the 13th.


    Applications are accepted from August 13th till August 20th inclusive;
    ◊ Continue the the storyline ( max size of work must be 5,000 symbols);

    ◊ Story must take place in Lineage 2 and connected to the Friday 13th:

    It would seem that the yet another dawn did not portend anything new. The daily work routine of the gatekeeper of Aden had already become so commonplace that the morning preparations could be completed without hesitation. The sword has been polished since the evening, the armor is in its usual place - to the right of the front door, and beneath them are the cleaned plate boots. The current ruler of Aden was a real neat freak and demanded an ideal appearance from his subordinates. A stream of cool August air rushed through the window. The sky is overcast. Everything is ready - it's time to go to the post. The guard left the room, went down a narrow staircase and went out to Aden Square ... The emotionless face was struck by a grimace of surprise mixed with horror …

    ◊ The work must be created especially for this contest and wasn't previously published elsewhere;
    ◊ One participant can apply only one work;
    ◊ Add your nickname and indicate the game (Lineage 2 Europe or Lineage 2 Essence) in the corner of your work;
    ◊ You agree with the fact that Administration has the right to use works, you presented, in marketing, advertising and other purposes;
    ◊ Your work must not break the rules of game, forum and current legislature of Luxembourg. Official contest rules can be found here: https://eu.4game.com/legal/4game/4;
    Winners will be determined by the Lineage team, the results will be published on August 23rd;


    ◊ The contest is held for both versions: Lineage 2 and Lineage 2 Essence;
    10 winners will be selected in total (5 to Lineage 2 and 5 to Essence) ;
    If you liked a work, then be sure to support the author with a like;
    Lineage 2 Team will decide the winners. The results will be published on August 23rd.
    Winners will receive codes for 4.000 Einhasad Coins for Lineage 2 and 4.000 L-Coins for Lineage 2 Essence. 1 winner = 1 code.


    It's with great joy that we announce the [​IMG]Winners of Friday the 13th Contest![​IMG]

    The Lineage 2 Team is very happy with the result and even happier that you participated.
    Congratulations to napals, DvorakL2, kkks4life, Gerasimos R, chelo, L2_Shakira, lSOCl RedXIII. You all will receive your prize in direct messages here on the forum pretty soon!

    This thread is only for work submission. You can discuss the contest > HERE <

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2021
    DvorakL2 likes this.
  2. dhakwan

    dhakwan User

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    He was staring right into the Hungry Eye of a big Biue Wolf. The whole Kingdom of Aden has had their share of enemies, but they've never encountered something this eery... Was it the full moon, was it an Alchemists crazy experiment??? Quickly, all available CP's gathered around our Hero, and although their Battle Cry sounded more like a Word of Fear, they started an Epic fight. For many eXPerienced fighters, this was considered as a Daily grind, but the battles' progress was very tedious. When the Blue Wolf tried to crush another Victim's Spine between his Bloody Fangs, he sensed a strange but Warm Hearted presence...
  3. napals

    napals User

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    With a trembling hand he reached for the hilt of his sword, a ritualistic move -the guard though- that would somehow dispell the mirage he now felt he found himself witnessing. A million thoughts ran through his mind, his heartbeat mirroring the mental chaos: "Can this be true, or are my eyes deceving me, i've heard stories growing up but this cannot be." he ponders, for a second, for when the rotting smell of death reached him, it all became clear. He was not having a fever dream, he was indeed a witness to the dreaded curse of the Mad Emperor Baium, who in his quest for immortality was forever imprisoned in the Tower of Insolence for his hubris and has been trying to escape ever since.
    His sword hilt in a white knuckle grip, the gatekeeper steps forward reluctantly for this was a great and horrible sight, a gruesome landscape of blood and limbs on Aden's white marble square that was now clawing and tugging at his once pristine plate boots. "Friday the 13th"...he thought... "a day of bad omens, my mother used to say, a day when the cold echoes of darkness coalesce and the imprisoned Emperor's intent materialises and exacts his revenge on the people of Elmoreden"
    He snaps out of his reminiscent state, cold sweat beading on his brow, and with newfound resolve thinks to himself: "I must let the commander know of this at once, for if the old legends are to be believed, this thrice-cursed day is only going to get worse; the Mad Emperor's malevolence must be estinguished by midnight, the stories tell us, else the Kingom of Aden, nay, the whole continent will be drowned in the bloody tears of survivors and the bodies of his innocent victims" .
    Placing one step in front of the other, ever faster, once shining steel boots now blood-caked echo his every move through the desolate Aden town market, he's now running to the castle: "We need Adventures!" he shouts, fear crackling in his voice, "Friday the 13th is upon us, and we need any hero to come forth and fight"- he booms again, more confident this time, "Fight for yourselves, your clans and your allies, good people!";
    The clouds gathered behind him, as if nature itself was aswering his call, and have started releasing their condensed vapours on the massacre he was now leaving behind, the cool raindrops staining the shining steel of his armor in nuances of purple and blue, cleansing the blood off of the steps of the market square and the terror off of his face, cooling his feverish forehead. The town of Aden now long behind him, as he approaches the massive wooden gates of the castle he pauses for a second, looking back, and thinks: "We'll need parties, we'll need to set up a command channel, but foremost we need to cast aside our differences and fight toghether as one, for Aden and Elmoreden, for henceforth Friday the 13th will forever be in our memories as a day of triumph and a day of celebrating our victory against the evil forces that seeked to undo us."
    Adjusting his plate armor, his mind steeled and body now strong and filled with resolve, he slams the hilt of his sword against the dark, hard wood of the castle's gates and with a stern voice shouts : "Open the gates, i need to see the Lord!"

    Nickname: napall
    Lineage 2 Europe (core+tiat).
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2021
  4. Peril

    Peril User

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    An elf took advantage of an elf fairy.
    A hunter committed suicide.
    A fairy killed another fairy.
    A princess cheated on her fiancé.
    An archer betrayed his own comrade.
  5. DvorakL2

    DvorakL2 User

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    Long ago, a group of renegade sailors were in search of a treasure hidden in the depths of a mysterious island. This group of sailors was led by a captain named Zaken, fearless and of impure blood.
    After days searching for the treasure, on Friday the 13th, they finally found it, but Zaken was betrayed by his crew and murdered at the foot of the found treasure, but what they didn't know was the existence of a cursed stone that was kept together. to the treasure. When Zaken was murdered and that hate and impure blood that inhabited his body was attacked, the evil stone and Zaken merged, thus creating a ghost captain thirsty for blood, revenge and hatred.
    Zaken's ghost is trapped on Devil's Island, where the treasure was found and every Friday the 13th he appears, thirsty and full force, looking for intruders after his treasure. :Devilish:

    Nickname: Avast
    L2 Essence EU - Purple Server
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2021
  6. kkks4life

    kkks4life User

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    The Gatekeeper of Aden saw the dark elfish woman running. The woman was running fast up the stairs and he could hear her heavy panting and the closer she was to him the better he could hear her heartbeat. And so she ran up to him and said to the gatekeeper of Aden the fiery dragons of Valakas were approaching. To which gatekeeper of Aden replied we must inform the king of Aden and he immediately ran to the castle of the king of Aden.

    At this time the king was in the main hall of the Aden Castle, and thought where to hang a new picture gifted to him by dwarves in honor of his birthday on August 13, 2021.
    The painting depicted the legendary Colosseum.
    Only he found a suitable place for the painting as the gatekeeper bursts into the hall adena and says: My king on us are going fiery dragons of valakas. And the king answers: Is Valakas himself with them too? Aden guard: I can't say for sure.
    The king finishes what he started and hangs up the picture, and then says, well, let's go see what's going on there. He went out to a tower from which he could see the southeast. When he looked, he saw a large number of fire dragons. Without much thought, he told all of Aden to get ready. And the gatekeeper blew a horn that signaled to get ready.

    When the fire dragons came very close the knight of Aden rode a tame dragon that could help him negotiate. When he came face to face with the dragons, his heart pounded with fear and his body burned with their heat. Surprisingly, the dragons were not aggressive and showed him that there was no danger from them, only heat.

    From the tower the knight was lost from sight of the smoke, the king and all the inhabitants of Aden had only to guess at the cards of the tarot, what had become of the knight of Aden. Suddenly the guard of aden blew his horn and dragons appeared at the gate. Knights, Mages, Archers prepared for a bloody battle. Suddenly they saw a knight who rode to scout. He waved his hand, that indicating everything is peace.

    He was approaching the castle gates with one fire dragon, while the rest of the dragons were slightly behind them.
    They passed through the gate and walked down the path leading to the castle door, where the King of Aden stood. The knight was holding a beautiful little box. It was a gift from Valakas, his one of oldest jewelry in honor of the king's birthday.

    The king said Friday the 13th you can be very afraid of something, but if you live in the world of Aden, it shouldn't scare you. As even Valakas himself is kind to everyone on this day.

    Lineage 2 EU - Main Server.
  7. Gerasimos R

    Gerasimos R User

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    The Guard’s eye spots some unusual movement at the distance. He can’t see clearly, his human vision is so weak.

    Dawn becomes dusk in a moment; drops of rain make their appearance. A peculiar mist emerges from Aden’s green fields, briskly turn them into a shadowy land.

    The Guard takes a step forward, focus his vision on the unknown threat. Yes, it looks like a threat.

    An army of Elves on horses comes out of the shadows. Their horses stop, form a line. Equipped with flaming red dragon bows and decisiveness, it suggests that the

    Elves are ready for a fight.

    The Guard’s horn explodes in the air, the siege rhythm blasts the kingdom.

    The Human army exits the castle gates, in perfect unison set their defensive barrier. In his shiny golden armor, the Ruler of Aden comes forward, face more curious than worried.

    The army of Elves marches forward. Slowly.

    The Ruler of Aden raises his sword, his signal to attack is there…. NOT!

    The Elves stop. Strange. An elvish horn sounds, that’s not their usual battle melody.

    The Elves in the front line part like the red sea in the presence of their Queen on a white horse; clad in black and sorrow, she moves forward all alone. None of her guards follow her, there's just a Wizard holding the reins.

    The Queen's and the Wizard's figures move away from the safety of their army, they step into the danger zone of the enemy's range. It looks that none of the two really cares.

    Ruler of Aden lowers his arm, swords, and shields of his army retire readiness. He paces forward, all by himself.
    The three close the distance, come face to face, they trade looks of mutual respect.

    Queen dismounts. She darts a sad smile at the Wizard, whips her eyes to the Ruler of Aden.
    She kneels, her royal-pure fingers connect with the mud, fingernails turn black from the dirt.

    The Wizard retrieves a clothed-covered weapon from the horse, unwraps it, slowly revealing a royal elvish blade. He offers it to the Ruler of Aden who accepts the gift. Wizard bends the knee alongside his queen.

    Human horns coming from all turrets.

    The Ruler of Aden momentarily ignores them. He helps the Elven Queen rise, offers her his cloak. He slowly escorts her to the castle…
    While both the human army and the Elves race to the other side of the field… Enraged.
    More horns.

    Blades rise, shield too, arrows loading into the bows…
    What is the threat?
    Orcish tyrrs attack Aden from all sides…

    From the first clash of steel, after each swing of a blade, mud tastes blood, until none remains….
    The Ruler of Aden and the Queen enter the inner castle gates, doors shut behind them, leaving outside death and despair.

    Aden is about to fall. It's Friday the 13th. Or not?

    Tuviar, L2Europe (Core+Tiat)
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2021
  8. chelo

    chelo User

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    Didn't I know that dying would take so long, I had that time of reflection ... how had I got to that dark place? Those last moments of this damn Friday the 13th I began to remember while my blood flowed in those last seconds I remembered even stunned stunned by the smell with visceral blood, I could remember the day before in that last breath everything was so clear ... That Thursday the 12th before going to work I received that unexpected message that announced the beginning of an I was not sure because they would announce an event like that, it sounded suspicious, although I did not have enough time to read what it works, I followed my daily routine I went to work while works could not resist seeing that message although I only glanced at it every so often, I could only see that it was a unique event that would not last long and that it would be the most spectacular that no one had ever seen there. All the service had to be in the woods "enchanted valley" at 00.00 on Friday they said that whoever was not connected at that time in that area could no longer log in and would lose thousands of rewards if they won the test.
    Of course because I did not realize my enthusiasm for the game was so much that I did not realize the trap, I arrived from my work, dined, connected and waited there in "enchanted valley" I had never seen so many people connected all there my friends my enemies when Suddenly the clock changed to 00.00 and I heard that BOOOM !! As I fell on my back with my eyes closed I thought my computer suddenly exploded. Damn, I exclaimed, but while I recovered and tried to stand up, I felt my hands full of dirt that had passed. I raised my eyes, I was not inside the room. I was in a place that seemed familiar to me by sight and surrounded by many people ... I heard something scream like a speaker from heaven…. La Vos said Welcome to the world of lineage 2 today will be the first and last event the "Curse of Zariche" the event is simple they must survive at all costs of being killed by the cursed 4 and it was there that I understood that for some strange reason I was inside of the game, quickly 4 large soldiers with zarich weapons appeared I was shocked not to ration and when I looked around I saw that it had happened to all of them, we were all here in the game. And this damn event had started with great violence, although many tried to defend the difference in power Hera enormous each time these Cursed Soldiers attacked they could kill more than 20 people in a single attack and each death felt real, the blood already It did not allow us to see the land all the water in the area was contaminated with visors blood limbs, even so the survival instinct forced us to run, only there was nowhere to go no matter how fast we wanted to go they had extreme speed we could not hide the despair of the few that were left did not help much and at that moment where I was able to meet with some of my clan it was there that it was my turn to die, my death was agonizing the squire knight of my clan stood in front of me with his shield when he saw the damned approach you so fiercely ... I could not believe that there was cut in the middle with only
    an attack that same attack came to me and cut my belly and I fell there and I could only be reflecting. Those last moments where I closed my eyes and .. ... I heard that Bippp Bippp and I opened my eyes puff I proclaimed that luck that it was all a dream I got up and was going to work when the cell phone rang Notification: Great event on Friday the 13th at 00.00
    Nick name:Angeluz
    Lineage 2 Europe (core + tiat).
  9. L2Titan

    L2Titan User

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    Long ago, at the beginning of the kingdom of Elmoreden, the great castle of Goddarg was built with the efforts and sacrifices of many slaves. Construction took decades and when the sacrificial work was finally completed on August 13, 1136 by the Elmoreden calendar, King Frederick, already considered perverse for his eccentric attitudes, ordered all slaves involved in the construction to be confined and buried in the basement of the Castle . Much horror and sadness hung in the air and after much pain and fear on the part of the slaves, the guards completed the king's request.
    That date with time was forgotten in time and in many different versions of what happened, but something since then has never changed, every year in August during the 13 Fridays, the spirits of these slaves emerge from the depths of the castle in search of people of royal blood and captures them, taking them to the underworld. Legend has it that this will happen until the number captured with royal blood is equal to the number of slaves sacrificed in the construction of the castle, but it is unknown how many people with royal blood have already been captured, as everyone knows that kings have many b4st4rd children outside from marriage, these poor b4st4rds are born with their destiny mapped out. It is also not known how many slaves died during the construction of the castle, but the number was certainly very large.

    Nick: Shakira
    Lineage 2 Essence EU Purple
  10. lSOCl RedXIII

    lSOCl RedXIII User

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    “It would seem that the yet another dawn did not portend anything new. The daily work routine of the gatekeeper of Aden had already become so commonplace that the morning preparations could be completed without hesitation. The sword has been polished since the evening, the armor is in its usual place - to the right of the front door, and beneath them are the cleaned plate boots. The current ruler of Aden was a real neat freak and demanded an ideal appearance from his subordinates. A stream of cool August air rushed through the window. The sky is overcast. Everything is ready - it's time to go to the post. The guard left the room, went down a narrow staircase and went out to Aden Square ...” The emotionless face was struck by the grimace of surprise mixed with horror of the spirit of Shilen who possessed only the bodies worthy of satisfying his desires of death and chaos.

    The doorman of Aden is one of the three most wanted assassins by the order of knights of Baltus Van Dake the owner of the castle of Oren, when he assaults and murders a purple aura appears around him forming a horrifying grimace. Baltus Van Dake ordered to his elves to investigate and to elaborate a report on that dark aura and reading the books of the village of the dark elves they found a testimony of a Spectral Master that witnessed an aura with form of purple horrific grimace when one of the three most wanted assassins massacred all his clan while they slept, He also wrote that in one of his invocations, yours truly told him that the enemy who slaughtered his entire clan was possessed by the spirit of Shilen, therefore, they concluded and reported that the doorman of Aden is one of those possessed by the spirit of Shilen.

    They ordered them to inquire more about that spirit and obtained the history of Shilen in the ancient texts located in the temple of Shilen in the village of the dark elves. They informed Baltus Van Dake that Shilen was an evil dark elf that armed an army of dark elves to conquer the world, there were 11 of her most trusted disciples, however, she accepted a new follower to her beliefs, a Spectral Dancer that promised to assist Shilen's army with her dark dances.

    The 13th member of the team accepted a few gold pieces in exchange for betraying Shilen and revealing important information. One Friday the 13th, while Shilen was in her temple performing rituals, she was permanently petrified by the Spectral Dancer. The same day because of the information provided by the traitor the other races discovered some secret camps of Shilen's army and massacred them.

    The remaining Shillien Templars began to invoke the spirit of Shilen to continue the plan to conquer the world, they generated pain in their bodies and used that pain to invoke the spirit using a spell, the dark energy they used to invoke it was so strong that the spirit managed to break free from its petrified physical bonds and possess the invokers and the surrounding people, while they were possessed they acquired amazing battle qualities and the enemies were annihilated. There were very few left to continue with the plan to conquer the world, although they won many battles they could not fulfill the objective and were exterminated.

    The other races destroyed the texts that contained the necessary incantations to invoke the spirit of Shilen, however the spirit began to manifest itself without being invoked, it had developed the ability to possess the bodies full of pain without the need to conjure its invocation.

    Evidence of the manifestations of the spirit, are the stigmata of Shilen presented by some enemies cursed by the Shillien Saints, also other witnesses of the murders committed by Aden's doorman and two other of the most wanted assassins, have stated that the characteristic feature of those assassins possessed by the spirit of Shilen is the appearance of a purple aura around them forming a horrifying grimace every time they kill someone.

    The spirit of Shilen continues to manifest itself and possess the bodies worthy of satisfying its most ambitious desires for death and mayhem.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    Nick: RedXIII
    Lineage 2 Essence EU Ruby.

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