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Aria-to-Core transfer: questions and comments

Discussion in '2011 ~ 2017' started by Cheers, Jun 21, 2012.

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  1. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    true all the above, someone might come back. but it is also unfair for people in aria to lose their names to someone that don't play anymore, or to a lvl 10 toon that many ppl make to "reserve" names, just because aria was created 20 days after core.
    inactive players , when they login (if they ever do), could get a pop up message to change their name.
    in all server merges from ncsoft in the past (won't mention server names though), when there was ppl with same name, the person that would login first was to keep the name, and the 2nd was getting a pop up message where he was informed for server merge and had space to fill in his desired name and rename was happening instantly.
    but this is not fair also cause someone might be at work or busy and cannot login the announced time.
    what i proposed (to check not only who's name was created earlier, but also latest login / play duration. because it will be unfair for an active player in aria to lose his name to someone on core that made char first, but don't play anymore), might not be fair to inactive people that might come back, but it is fair to the people of aria who are active. do we really wanna risk losing more active players for the sake of old that might come back?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2012
  2. wolf32

    wolf32 User

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    true. i have work at summer + vacacions i wont be able to log in for 2 + moths and later then i come back i wouldnt be happy finding out that my nickname was taken to some player from aria.
    anyway i though i will share you this with you : log in with your existing charcater to the game and choose aria server instead of core - and then try to create a character with the same nickname which you have in core. if there is noone with your existing nickname just create it and leave it for good and you wouldnt have to worry bout your nickname in core anymore..
  3. randomm

    randomm User

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    it wouldn't be nice at all to log after transfer and see that some player from aria got my nick just because i log at 9 pm and he logged in the next 5 mins after transfer ended. afterall was their decision to start on aria.... if they would create a char in core they might or might not to find the name free.... why because of transfer any of core players should loose their names? just because some1 logs faster then another? pplz from aria should be happy that they will continue to enjoy the game in a bigger communnity w/o having to farm over again all lvl and gear. and that for free.... remember is not server merge... is server transfer.
  4. TheXenon

    TheXenon User

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    i would say to change everyones name and give them rights to change name once ( with item or dunno how it would be possible) the faster dude gets the name...
  5. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    guys guys, stop panicking eachother with speculation over name changes and just wait for the official announcement to be made about it. staff are taking everything into consideration with this and they will make a decision that is the fairest for all concerned.

  6. randomm

    randomm User

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    depends what they consider is fair and for who.... don't u think?
  7. zzZzz

    zzZzz User

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    we cant chat about names, dont chat about anything... so, why this thread is open?
  8. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    what i said is there is no point to make speculation and to scare monger eachother when you can all be patient and wait for an announcment to be made. no one said you couldn't talk about names only to not make false speculation at this time as its is pointless to troll eachother when at the moment we wait for the information to be given on how the team will be handling this issue.

    if you have an idea, fine suggest it, but please dont turn it into a full scale debate amongst eachother otherwise the thread just gets flooded and this is not an appropriate section for full blown discussions. make a thread in the general discussion section if you feel the need to discuss a certain topic in full detail.

    @randomm yes and that is why they are considering all options before they give their final decision.

  9. Tharj

    Tharj User

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    we are not panicing. we are following strict regulations and rules regarding news announcements which lack details, and which are common to all forum users all over the internet. :)

    i like the idea that inactives on core get a pop-up message. after all, an email was indeed sent to them (well ahead, i might add) regarding the transfer and warning them to follow news regarding the issue. they have the option to voice their opinion (or file a protest) here. i, as a fellow player, consider this fair. as for the case where both players are active, aria player getting a name change and core unaffected seems logical. i would support such a decision.
    but then again, do we know exactly how many people are actually affected by this? i know someone is trying to buy his name on core for adena, and there's me with a seemingly inactive counterpart (who was indeed created earlier, i can confirm), that's two so far. did all the others actually try and create a char with their name (there is a name check option at character creation, no need to actually create the char)?

    and one more thing. it is my opinion, that the majority of those who play on aria now "migrated" there from the then unplayable core. with this action, these players helped to reduce the stress on that server, contributing to the comfort of the players who remained there. it was quite a sacrifice i'd say. leaving behind 3 weeks of grind, the race to the top, and begin again. let's not forget that.
  10. randomm

    randomm User

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    but yet, the rest of us are still here.. with lags, bugs and all the rest so.... is not our fault that some pplz can't handle stress conditions.
  11. Tharj

    Tharj User

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    don't be so negative and hostile. it's not about handling stress. it's about our heroic and noble sacrifice. :) you should appreciate what we did / tried to accomplish, even if it had no meaningful result for you. it's the thought that counts!
  12. GYMpower

    GYMpower User

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    this server was core and after merge will be core again " so we core players will stay on our server " to lose nick?
    aria players are those who wished and cryed on 10 topic for server merge and they wished it so they should lose nicks!
    if core players lose nick on their server after merge i bet 1000 core players would stop play this server!
    aria players should be even happy to play in normal server but not empty aria server
    dont forget its summer time many ppl go vacation/real life stuff so innova will count them as inactive and they lose nick?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2012
  13. Krontas

    Krontas User

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    bet accepted

    ups core dont have 1000 player.. won.. wow that was fast :d
  14. TeMePyT

    TeMePyT User

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    actually we do have more than 1000 active players...

    edited for the post below...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2012
  15. Krontas

    Krontas User

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    yeah we also have more than 1k on aria ;)
  16. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    +1 for that

    just wait and see pple,stop whinning and panicing.
    im more than sure that there will be good solution for that problem.
    ofc not 100% pple will be happy about it,but thats how you are pple,never happy,always something to complaing about,
    this transfer wont change much ,exept more online pple on core,thats all.
  17. wysiwyg

    wysiwyg User

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    first of all, as someone previously mentioned it, aria players aren't second class players. reasons/benefits/drawback about why and who decided what server to use were mentioned in this thread but ultimately shouldn't be relevant.
    indeed there were people from aria who wanted transfer/merge. that doesn't mean that everyone wanted it and because of this we (yes i'm from aria) have to live with the consequences. in the end the decision was made not by those who cried out for merge but by innova. so please let's not brand people as hosts or guests.

    and now let's get to the constructive part:
    heroes: i couldn't care less. however let's be impartial. my guess is that those who own hero status now on core will be able to get it back.
    if they keep it: it would be slightly in the disadvantage of the aria heroes who will lose the time left of their hero status.
    if reset: it will be to the disadvantage of all the heroes on both servers who will lose the hero status until winning it back. (personal note: this seems a bit more fair, let's see who's worth what)

    almost same this as with heroes. it would be worth considering a flow of some new users, slight changes to clan members.

    i really hope innova intends to transfer the clans as well. people worked hard raising clan level/learning clan skills. also clans are micro-communities of people who know each other. it would be unadvised to break them apart.

    clan halls
    this is a delicate and hard to solve issue. you don't want to leave any clan without clan hall, be it from core or aria.

    let core clans keep their clan hall: all clans from aria will lose their clan hall (not fair to those who had clan hall previously = all clans from aria = half the total clans who had clan hall) (for you trolls switching aria with core here works just as well)
    reset all clan halls: some clans from both sides will lose clan hall, some new clans will get clan halls. a bit weirder choice yet this one seems fairer.

    whichever the decision will be i think a full refund in adena for those who lose their clan hall is welcome.

    yet another hard one. i must say i'm one of the lucky ones who made a character on core as well for my main. but still wasn't that lucky with my healer.
    the truth is that only one can keep the name. being impartial i would go with whoever created the name first chronologically.
    here core users will have the slight advantage of 2 weeks head start they had, but that could be accepted as being reasonable.

    there were those who raised scenarios where now inactive users created first the name (be it core or aria).
    and then how do you tell an inactive user apart form an active one. he/she might just take a break.
    well... there are many possible ways of deciding. say, you haven't played in the last 45 days = you're considered inactive.

    here i'm more concerned about the confusion all this will create.

    scenario 1:
    1. user a and b from aria know each other but they don't keep very close tabs on each other.
    2. transfer is made.
    3. how can a player be sure that b is still b from aria or not? just asking him might not be reliable.

    scenario 2:
    1. user a and b from core know each other but they don't keep very close tabs on each other.
    2. transfer is made.
    3. how can a player be sure that b is still b from core or not? just asking him might not be reliable.

    this might apply to anyone who is not party of your friend list of clan. say, you enter the game after the transfer and see the nick you know (he might even be your friend, neighbor). there is no way you can find out if he is who you think he is unless you contact him in real life. are you going to do that with every person you know after server transfer? a good measure would be to just be cautious and paranoid about all the ppl you know after the transfer :)

    a possible solution would be to have the names changed before the merge. say 1-2 weeks before the transfer so people on same sever get accustomed with each others' name while having the guarantee that the other player is the one from his/her server (since they are still on the same server).

    right now i can't think of another solution. but if nothing of the sort is made this might generate confusion as mentioned above.
    imagine that this will happen with a few hundred active accounts and more inactive ones (not sure about numbers here, but still a good amount). i was going to say it can turn into chaos but lets keep the drama within reasonable limits.

    i can't wait to see how this goes. good luck and don't forget you're here (and/or in the game) to play and have fun.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2012
  18. Tharj

    Tharj User

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    wys, your reasoning is solid, buit lacks logic. this will be a transfer, therefore your points regarding heroes, castles, clan halls are entirely irrelevant: aria players will most definitely lose these, and some compensation will be offered for the affected parties. it was said in the first post, a compensation policy is in the making. as for clans, i am not sure it is possible to transfer entire clans with reputation and skills and members (name change or not). however, it is reasonable to assume the worst. in this case, the same rule applies: compensation (possibly some extra sp scrolls or whatnot for the clanleader). in my opinion, the problem with names is the only major one. especially with possible inactives on core (and i just remembered oly rules: if opponent doesn't show up, you're the winner).
  19. randomm

    randomm User

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    lol.. is like moving in a new town, and taking some1 house just because he is in vacantion for 2 weeks :). afterall he wasn't there so is ok to take it. regarding time from creation of character... let's assume one player started to play on core 1 month ago. he found a free name he made the char. he choosed the crowded server, fight for grind spot and so on... but he created a char just 1 month ago. another player created his char on aria 3 month ago, because he wanted an empty server, no pvp for grind spots, easy lvl and adena and so on. why the player from core should loose his nickname just because other ppl choosed to take the game in a easy way on aria? just because he joined a crowded server 2 month after the other?
  20. Tharj

    Tharj User

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    you're missing a few posts from previous page. someone suggested that the last online time and overall lvl should be taken into consideration. we're dealing here with ppl who possibly created their chars before aria was launched, but disappeared since.

    but then again, if aria players lose everything, what do you suggest the compensation should be?
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