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[Contest] BowCryer, the ultimate (budget) farming toon

Discussion in 'Players Guides' started by SaMaNoSuKe, Mar 22, 2022.

  1. SaMaNoSuKe

    SaMaNoSuKe User

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    Hello folks

    I’m SAMA, lvl 90 Hierophant playing on Ruby server and what to share with you my experience with farming toons.

    Are you free to play? Have you ever played any other Lineage 2 essence chronicle and want to get update about what are the updated mechanics in order to maximize Adena farming. Stay tunned, I’ll give you some tips about what I cal the BowCryer. Let’s get started.

    With this setup you’ll have a toon farming 1kk to 1.5kk per hour with minimal/mid investment, no pay to win stuff required. If you pretend to drop some L8000’s or have already some good gear, then you can skip this guide cause there are better choices (like titan/DK) or better WC setups (like AoE drains) to go.

    Why a WarCyer with bow?

    From my point of view Warcyers are one of the best farming chars on this chronicle.
    They got severely boosted on previous updates when all bows hit with the same attack speed and they have cheap and strong buffs that boost you a lot and will make your life easier. Consumables aren't a problem at all since the introduction of Achievement Boxes

    What gear does it need?
    Nothing too good:

    • Majestic Gloves / Boots. Both Heavy. You’ll love the +50 attack speed on each of them
    • Majestic Circlet Light, for the +8% bow damage
    • Majestic Sigil for the extra attack speed / crit chance.
    • BW Upper and lower parts, for the +STR bonus
    • Shyeed Bow +5 with an A grade Quiver.
      • Use +attack speed +crit chance Aden Soul Crystals. They are dirty cheap to insert and remove on weapons so even a lvl1 Aden soul will boost your char
      • Use a Hardin Rune physical. Same as before, it’s super cheap to insert / extract so even a lvl1 will boost you a little.
    As for pay to win stuff it doesn’t require anything at all. Obviously, the better talismans, agathions, (blessed) belt, onyx / coral / zircon you manage to farm, the best income you’ll receive.
    I follow the following rule of dumb: never deposit on farm boxes stuff worth more than 20% of the value of my main’s gear.

    What skills does it need?

    Same as with gear, nothing a free to play player cannot afford.
    You’ll need all your 2nd class buffs, as for 3rd class skills there’s no 2* 3* books involved. You’ll need the obvious picks:
    • Chant of Victory for the obvious boost of stats.
    • Great Fury for the attack speed / critical damage boost

    What about Stats Points distribution?

    You want as much STR as possible. The more, the better. Any other stat matter to you.

    Anything to know about Collection?

    Yes, there are 3 very cheap collections that will grant you 50 attack speed. You can buy all those items on Aden NPCs. You won’t find a cheaper way to get +50 attack speed.


    What about elements? Is it worth it?

    Maybe not at the first days of you farming, but once you start to have some extra adena I recommend you to go at least up to 3 starts lvl 10 attribute. Your plan is to stay on a single farming spot so you’ll have to focus on one single element and it boosts a lot your damage.

    My personal pick is Attack > Crit Damage > Crit Rate.


    Where can you farm?

    TOI 1-2 is the way to go. Farming there you’ll stack scrolls to port directly to your floor and this will save you a lot of time when you get pked or if you need to restock consumables.
    Ideally you want to be on a floor you one shot mobs with criticals, and that will be TOI1-2 unless you have some good gear and can aim for higher floors.
    If Server Politics gets dirty and the PK escalates, you can always go Dragon Valley (west). The adena is a little worse but normal port places you on different random places and the area is wide enough for you to have some extra time before being pked again.

    I’ll share you two of my WC’s:

    A mid geared lvl 88 WC. His gear is worth 4 L8000 or so and It farms 30-35kk ish adena per day.



    A low geared lvl 87 WC. His gear is worth less than a L8000 and farms 15kk per day.


    What else do I need to know to set up right an adena farmer?

    First, you won’t need to worry about Sayha Grace anymore. You have multiple ways to obtain it:

    • Doing Trascendence Instance.
    With your WC you’ll have and easy time draining all the way on the 80-89 trascendence. You’ll make it even without HP potions and this will grant you 100 Sayha Cookies daily.

    • Doing 1h of Training Session and killing the raid boss.
    This raid boss drops a new scroll called Sayha’s Grace Scroll that will provide you 1h of blessing of sayha, as well as Aden weapon soul crystals and Hardin Crystals, which will boost your dps event at first levels.

    • Farming mobs you’ll obtain Grace Potions.
    Since you are going to kill mobs with 1 crit, you'll kill a lot of mobs. That will grant you 150+ grace potions per day.
    • Killing 200 mobs on Primeval Isle will grant you 50 extra Grace Potions.
    This is not new from that update. But remember that there's a daily mission that gives you 50 grace potions by killing mobs on Primeval Isle (and now those mobs gives adena aswell!)
    • And last but not least, if you still lack Sayha, you can now buy endless ammounts of Sayha Cookies on L2 Adena store for 45.000 adena each.

    Second, what happened with the Dyes?

    Well, here I have some bad news. The good old +4STR -4 CON dyes disappeared from the NPC with this update. This means that you’ll have to buy them from an old player (and they’re normally much more expensive than before) or try to make 3x new STR dye lvl3

    Last but not least, the speed talisman. You are given free speed talismans by completing the following missions:

    Do them weekly at least until you have a decent speed talisman. Attack speed have a huge impact on your build. Get all your chars on party, put them close enough and farm together. You'll have the quest done afk farming in 3-4 hours.

    BUT, I don't want to conclude my guide without comparing this build to a very similar one: the prophet with bow.

    The prophet is only better than you at Swap Attack buff, they have one more skill level and so they’ll reach higher p.attack than you with the same gear.

    However WC's are better than prophets on:
    • Survability thanks to Vampire Chant.
    • Better overall stats because Chaint of Victory is simply the best buff ingame (you change +% hp that you don't need to +% crit damage that will help you one shot mobs. Deal!).
    • And Great Fury is better than Critical Chance basically because you won’t be hit and the pp will never proc that skill. Maybe on a melee build but certainly not on a ranged build

    Hope you enjoyed it. If you got some doubts, hit me up ingame, might be able to help you out.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2022
    dinhdz91 likes this.
  2. dinhdz91

    dinhdz91 User

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    Nice guide,
    Can you show your gears please?
    Btw, using bow means only use Normal attack? No physical skill needed?
  3. SaMaNoSuKe

    SaMaNoSuKe User

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    There are two examples of gears, what kind of detail do you want?

    And yes, using bow means using normal attacks only. You'll need to buy an A grade Quiver.
    dinhdz91 likes this.
  4. dinhdz91

    dinhdz91 User

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    The low budget one would be great. Thanks
    Edit: saw your uploaded photos. That’s crazy with 16k p.atk.
  5. Vampli

    Vampli User

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    Helo,nice guide.Just a noob question,i shoud use bow from beggining or after certain level?Thx for your unswear
  6. SaMaNoSuKe

    SaMaNoSuKe User

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    You can use bow since start, yes. You wont have MP problems with this setup, the MP regen skill will be enough until you hit 76 and start to gain MP as you hit thanks to your weapon passive. After that point you wont use that MP regen skill ever again, infact if you dont want to go lvl 2 (it's 1kk adena) you dont have to.

    Just keep in mind that you'll receive your best buffs as you gain levels, specially with COV and Great Fury (76+)
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2022
  7. Vampli

    Vampli User

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    Thx,i will try this setup.My main is Duelist because i like to play it,but its not for adena farming
  8. Kalatarus

    Kalatarus User

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    For 76-80 you can run a 2H sword and not buff haste; you will spam Fatal Strike with no light attacks. Very efficient adena wise. When you start to add strength, this way diminishes because light attacks start to hit hard too.