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(22/03 — 29/03) Limited Offer: Win-Win Machine

Discussion in 'Shop Updates' started by RO_Imp, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. RO_Imp

    RO_Imp Innova Group

    Likes Received:
    Take your chances with the Win-Win Machine to receive useful consumables and fan-favorite items. Every spin is a win, thus every possible drop is worth the price of a spin or can be even more valuable.

    You can make up to 50 spins at one time.
    Want more? Just spin another 50 times after receiving your prizes.

    Items you got will be shown at the special window.
    After confirmation, they will be delivered right to your RodEx.

    You can check items previews and descriptions by clicking at "?" below each item.

    Temporal Refine Cube +11
    A legendary refine cube created by Kronius the Multiplied, a time traveler who exists in six versions of himself.
    Allows you to guaranteedly increase the refine level of Sixtus Armors or Chronocloaks to +11
    Weight: 1

    Wing of Beelzebub
    Account Bound.
    Teleports to a random spot on the current map.
    The item doesn't disappear when used.
    Its properties and limitations are the same as those of a Fly Wing.
    Weight: 0

    Verus Core
    A component from a robot. It has the power to increase concentration.
    Class: Accessory
    Weight: 50
    Requires Level: 80
    Usable By: All Jobs
    Perfect Hit + 20%
    Aspd + 10%
    Increases physical damage on Neutral, Water, Earth, Fire, Wind, Poison, Holy, Shadow, Ghost and Undead property targets by 5%.

    Aura of Antigravity
    A whirlwind of dust raised upward! Heavy stones floating around you!
    Who dares to challenge the archmage of the earth element?
    Class: Costume
    Location: Lower
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    Moon Knight's Shield Box
    Once upon a time, three mighty warriors lived in the world. Their names were Bloody Knight, Sun Knight, and Moon Knight. Noble from birth, over time they tended to evil.
    One day, a repentant Moon Knight imprisoned his soul and the souls of his friends in their shields. He hoped that other heroes would find these shields and atone for the sins of the knights with their exploits.

    Moon Knight's Shield [1]
    Account Bound.
    Once Moon Knight was a protector of the weak, but over time he turned into an ordinary mercenary.
    Perhaps this shield will help you and atone for the sins of the ill-fated knight?

    ASPD +10%.
    ATK, MATK +3%.
    Reduces damage taken from all properties by 7%.

    Has a chance of activate effect for 5 seconds when recieving damage: restore 25 HP every second.
    Has a chance of activate effect for 5 seconds when dealing physical or magical damage: restore 150 HP every second.

    [If refine lv +7 or higher]
    ATK, MATK +10

    [If refine lv +9 or higher]
    ASPD +1.

    [If refine lv +12 or higher]
    Skill delay -3%.

    Class: Shield
    Defense: 0
    Weight: 80
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Weight: 1

    Silit Pong Box
    Sillit Pong
    Account Bound.
    The legendary agent which is said to melt the surface of an object so anything can be separated. Allows you to guaranteedly remove the card from the equipment.
    Weight: 0

    Sixtus Armor Box
    The armor contained in this chest once belonged to the Six Sixtuses.
    They were brother warriors, and each of them was distinguished by his luck, dexterity, strength, intelligence, vitality or agility.
    Weight: 1
    Armors can be enchanted with Time gem: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/687772/
    Can be exchanged via Dovmihr: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/686467
    Open the box and receive one of the following items:

    Armor of Sixtus the Lucky
    Account bound.
    Ornate armor of one of the Six Sixtuses.
    It was said that Sixtus the Lucky found a gold coin every day.
    ATK +50.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Critical damage +2%.
    [If refine lv +7 and higher]
    Ignores 30% of physical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    [If refine lv +9 and higher]
    Weapon physical damage to Animal and Demon races +10%.
    [If refine lv +11 and higher]
    Physical damage to Wind and Earth property monsters +10%.
    [Sixtus Temporal Set]
    Armor of Sixtus the Lucky
    Temporal Luk Boots
    Critical damage +10%.
    If refine sum of set items is +21 and higher]
    Ignores 20% of physical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    Class: Armor
    Defense: 120
    Weight: 200
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Armor of Sixtus the Agile
    Account bound.
    Ornate armor of one of the Six Sixtuses.
    It was said that Sixtus the Agile could catch a flying arrow with his hand.
    ATK +50.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    ASPD +2%.
    [If refine lv +7 and higher]
    Ignores 30% of physical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    [If refine lv +9 and higher]
    Weapon physical damage to Animal and Demon races +10%.
    [If refine lv +11 and higher],
    Physical damage to Wind and Earth property monsters +10%.
    [Sixtus Temporal Set]
    Armor of Sixtus the Agile
    Temporal Agi Boots
    ASPD +1.
    [If refine sum of set items is +21 and higher]
    Ignores 20% of physical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    Class: Armor
    Defense: 120
    Weight: 200
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Armor of Sixtus the Mighty
    Account bound.
    Ornate armor of one of the Six Sixtuses.
    It was said that Sixtus the Mighty could lift a bull over his head.
    ATK +50.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    ATK +2%.
    [If refine lv +7 and higher]
    Ignores 30% of physical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    [If refine lv +9 and higher]
    Weapon physical damage to Animal and Demon races +10%.
    [If refine lv +11 and higher]
    Physical damage to Wind and Earth property monsters +10%.
    [Sixtus Temporal Set]
    Armor of Sixtus the Mighty
    Temporal Str Boots
    ATK +10%.
    [If refine sum of set items is +21 and higher]
    Ignores 20% of physical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    Class: Armor
    Defense: 120
    Weight: 200
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Armor of Sixtus the Wise
    Account bound.
    Ornate armor of one of the Six Sixtuses.
    It was said that Sixtus the Wise predicted the future so accurately that some considered him a prophet.
    MATK +50.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    MATK +2%.
    [If refine lv +7 and higher]
    Ignores 30% of magical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    [If refine lv +9 and higher]
    Weapon magical damage to Animal and Demon races +10%.
    [If refine lv +11 and higher]
    Magical damage to Wind and Earth property monsters +10%.
    [Sixtus Temporal Set]
    Armor of Sixtus the Wise
    Temporal Int Boots
    MATK +10%.
    [If refine sum of set items is +21 and higher]
    Ignores 20% of magical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    Class: Armor
    Defense: 120
    Weight: 200
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Armor of Sixtus the Tough
    Account bound.
    Ornate armor of one of the Six Sixtuses.
    Once Sixtus the Tough was hit on the head with a club, and he looked around and asked: 'Who is there?'
    ATK +50.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Max HP +2%.
    [If refine lv +7 and higher]
    Ignores 30% of physical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    [If refine lv +9 and higher]
    Weapon physical damage to Animal and Demon races +10%.
    [If refine lv +11 and higher]
    Physical damage to Wind and Earth property monsters +10%.
    [Sixtus Temporal Set]
    Armor of Sixtus the Tough
    Temporal Vit Boots
    Max HP +10%.
    [If refine sum of set items is +21 and higher]
    Ignores 20% of physical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    Class: Armor
    Defense: 120
    Weight: 200
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Armor of Sixtus the Dexterous
    Account bound.
    Ornate armor of one of the Six Sixtuses.
    It was said that Sixtus the Dexterous could run all over Rune-Midgard in six hours, and that counted the lunch break!
    ATK +50.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Long-range physical damage +2%.
    [If refine lv +7 and higher]
    Ignores 30% of physical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    [If refine lv +9 and higher]
    Weapon physical damage to Animal and Demon races +10%.
    [If refine lv +11 and higher]
    Physical damage to Wind and Earth property monsters +10%.
    [Sixtus Temporal Set]
    Armor of Sixtus the Dexterous
    Temporal Dex Boots
    Long-range physical damage +5%.
    [If refine sum of set items is +21 and higher]
    Ignores 20% of physical defense rate of Animal and Demon races.
    Class: Armor
    Defense: 120
    Weight: 200
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    Ancient Boots Scroll
    Account Bound.
    A yellowed parchment scroll.
    It contains detailed instructions for improving Ancient Hero Boots.
    Allows you to guaranteedly increase the refine level of Ancient Hero Boots to +9
    Weight: 1

    Ancient Weapons Scroll
    Account Bound.
    A yellowed parchment scroll.
    It contains detailed instructions for improving Ancient Hero Weapons.
    Allows you to guaranteedly increase the refine level of Ancient weapons to +9
    Weight: 1

    Shadow Sword Book
    Account Bound.
    An ancient tome written by shadowcaster Bin-Zamar.
    Allows you to enchant class-related shadow equipment with a physical damage buffs.

    Used for the enchantment of Class shadow equipment: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/687772/

    Weight: 1

    Shadow Staff Book
    Account Bound.
    An ancient tome written by shadowcaster Bin-Zamar.
    Allows you to enchant class-related shadow equipment with a magical damage buffs.

    Used for the enchantment of Class shadow equipment: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/687772/

    Weight: 1

    Golden Angel
    Account Bound.
    'Are you desperate to get out of danger? Just pray and believe in the golden angel.'
    With this item you can enchant the Sun Knight's Shield.

    Used for the enchantment of the Sun Knight's Shield: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/690961/

    Refinement level and insterted card will be lost in the enchantment process.
    Weight: 0

    Silver Angel
    Account Bound.
    'Your angel is shining, he's ready for fight! So be calm in battle, oh fearless Moon Knight!'
    With this item you can enchant the Moon Knight's Shield.

    Used for the enchantment of the Moon Knight's Shield: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/690961/

    With a certain chance can transform Moon Knight's Shield into:

    Bloody Knight's Shield [1]
    Account Bound.
    Once Bloody Knight shed only the blood of tyrants and tormentors, but over time he became an ordinary murderer.
    Perhaps this shield will help you and atone for the sins of the ill-fated knight?

    ASPD +10%.
    ATK, MATK +3%.
    Reduces damage taken from all properties by 7%.

    Has a chance of activate effect for 5 seconds when recieving damage: restore 25 HP every second.
    Has a chance of activate effect for 5 seconds when dealing physical or magical damage: restore 150 HP every second.

    [If refine lv +7 or higher]
    ATK, MATK +10

    [If refine lv +9 or higher]
    ASPD +1.

    [If refine lv +12 or higher]
    Skill delay -3%.

    Class: Shield
    Defense: 0
    Weight: 80
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    With a small chance can transform Moon Knight's Shield into:
    Sun Knight's Shield [1]
    Account Bound.
    Once Sun Knight was selfless, but over time the thirst for gold turned him into a ruthless robber.
    Perhaps this shield will help you and atone for the sins of the ill-fated knight?

    ASPD +10%.
    ATK, MATK +5%.
    Reduces damage taken from all properties by 10%.

    Has a chance of activate effect for 5 seconds when recieving damage: restore 50 HP every second.
    Has a chance of activate effect for 5 seconds when dealing physical or magical damage: restore 300 HP every second.

    [If refine lv +7 or higher]
    ATK, MATK +20.

    [If refine lv +9 or higher]
    ASPD +2.

    [If refine lv +12 or higher]
    Skill delay -5%.

    Class: Shield
    Defense: 0
    Weight: 80
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    Refinement level and insterted card will be lost in the enchantment process.
    Weight: 0

    Shadow Refine Hammer +9
    Account Bound.
    A legendary hammer crafted by Wayland the Smith.
    Allows you to guaranteedly increase the refine level of shadow equipment to +9.

    Silk Heart
    You said that your heart was about to jump out of your chest...
    So it was not a joke?

    SP cost of skills +15%
    The users casting cannot be interrupted outside of WoE
    [Set of Hearts]
    Bandeau of Lovers
    Silk Heart

    Fixed cast time -10%

    Impossible to refine.
    Class: Headgear
    Location: Lower
    Defense: 70
    Weight: 20
    Requires Level: 1
    Jobs: All

    Ancient Hero Sign

    An ancient symbol of a forgotten order.
    When you touch it, you hear the sounds of a battle horn and the echoes of a distant battle.

    Inhelda (Prontera 145 100) will offer you one of following items for this sign:
    Oriental Sword
    Dragonic Slayer
    Aquatic Spear
    Light Blade
    Narcissus Bow
    Trumpet Shell
    Barbed Wire Whip
    Katar of Shiver
    Blade Katar
    Magic Sword
    Royal Bow
    Scarlet Dragon
    Leather Bow
    Iron Staff
    Blue Crystal Staff
    Shadow Staff
    Chilling Cane
    Meteor Striker
    Red Lotus Sword
    Slate Sword
    Exoricist's Bible
    Saint Mace
    Iron Nail
    Ray Knuckle
    Huuma Shuriken Clear
    Fog Dew Sword
    Sharp Wind Sword
    Demon Slayer Shot Gun
    Crimson Rose<
    Master Soul Rifle
    Golden Rod Launcher
    Avengers Gattling Gun
    Meowmeow Foxtail

    Weight: 0

    Shadow Master Gloves Box
    A chest containing shadow gloves that grants bonuses to class skills.
    On the lid of the casket there is an engraving in the form of a gauntlet clutching a broken sword.
    Gloves can be exchanged via Dovmihr: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/686467/
    Open the box and receive one of the following items:
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    According to legend, dragon blood flowed in the veins of Arund Wyrmeater.
    The gloves on his forearms glowed as if they were white-hot.
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Физ. и Маг. атака +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [If refine Lv +9 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +4%.

    [Set bonus]
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Gloves
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Pendant
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Ring
    HP and SP +(Sum of refine set Lv/2)%
    [Rune Knight set]
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Runeknight Shield
    [Dragon Breath] damage +(Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Rune Knight jobs
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    It is said that the spirit of a tiger is sealed in these gloves.
    Their owner will be able to tear enemies apart with his bare hands.
    Damage to all size monsters +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    ATK and MATK +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Damage to all size monsters +3%.
    [If refine Lv 9 or higher]
    Damage to all size monsters +4%.

    [Set bonus]
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Gloves
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Pendant
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Ring
    HP and SP +(Sum of refine set Lv/2)%
    [Sura set]
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Sura Shield
    Ignores 40% of physical defense rate of all races except Human and Doram
    [Tiger Cannon] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv/2)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Sura jobs
    Katra's Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    Guillotine Cross Katra was considered one of the best assassins in Rune-Midgard.
    They say that in her gloves she kept a whole arsenal of daggers, shurikens and darts.
    Has a chance to activate effect on physical attack: crit. damage +10%, damage to all size enemies +10%
    [For each refine Lv]
    ATK and MATK +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Сritical damage +5%, Damage to all size enemies +5%.
    [If refine Lv 9 or higher]
    The duration of the effect is increased by 5 seconds.

    [Set bonus]
    Katra's Shadow Gloves
    Katra's Shadow Pendant
    Katra's Shadow Ring
    Increases ATK by the sum of refine levels
    [Guillotine Cross set]
    Katra's Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Guillotine Cross Shield
    Ignores 40% of physical defense rate of all races except Human and Doram
    Ignores additional % of physical defense +(sum refine Lv of set)

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Guillotine Cross jobs
    Exorcist Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    These gloves are forged of gold and adorned with sacred symbols.
    You hear a soft choral singing coming from them.
    Holy property magical damage +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    ATK and MATK +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Holy property magical damage +3%.
    [If refine Lv 9 or higher]
    Holy property magical damage +4%.

    [Set bonus]
    Exorcist Shadow Gloves
    Exorcist Shadow Pendant
    Exorcist Shadow Ring
    [Magnus Exorcismus] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%
    [Arch Bishop set]
    Exorcist Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Archbishop Shield
    Ignores 40% of magic defense rate of all races except Human and Doram
    Ignores additional % of magic defense +(sum refine Lv of set).

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Arch Bishop jobs
    Rondius' Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    Rondius was considered one of the oldest Rangers in Rune-Midgard.
    The old man's hands didn't tremble thanks to the mechanism built into the gloves.
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    ATK and MATK +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [If refine Lv 9 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +4%.

    [Set bonus]
    Rondius' Shadow Gloves
    Rondius' Shadow Pendant
    Rondius' Shadow Ring
    [Aimed Bolt] damage +(Sum of refine set Lv)%
    [Ranger set]
    Rondius' Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Ranger Shield
    Ignores 40% of physical defense rate of all races except Human and Doram
    Ignores additional % of physical defense +(sum refine Lv of set)

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Ranger jobs
    Gunther's Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    Gunther Ironheart was famous for his strength.
    It is said that he made these gloves by simply wrapping steel plates around his wrists.
    Holy property magical damage +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    ATK and MATK +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Holy property magical damage +3%.
    [If refine Lv 9 or higher]
    Holy property magical damage +4%.

    [Set bonus]
    Gunther's Shadow Gloves
    Gunther's Shadow Pendant
    Gunther's Shadow Ring
    [Genesis Ray] damage +(Sum of refine set Lv)%
    [Royal Guard set]
    Gunther's Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Royalguard Shield
    Ignores 40% of magic defense rate of all races except Human and Doram
    Ignores additional % of magic defense +(sum refine Lv of set)

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Royal Guard jobs
    Talos' Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    It is unknown if Talos was a human or an automaton.
    According to legend, it was originally an enchanted glove that forged a metal body for itself.
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    ATK and MATK +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [If refine Lv 9 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +4%.

    [Set bonus]
    Talos' Shadow Gloves
    Talos' Shadow Pendant
    Talos' Shadow Ring
    [Arm Cannon] damage +(Sum of refine set Lv/2)%
    [Mechanic set]
    Talos' Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Mechanic Shield
    Variable casting time -(Sum of refine set Lv/2)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Mechanic jobs
    Sylphir's Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    Sylphir was one of the most powerful Sorcerers in Rune-Midgard.
    It was said that he forged his gloves from Aether, the primordial matter of our world.
    Wind property magical damage +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    ATK and MATK +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Wind property magical damage +3%.
    [If refine Lv 9 or higher]
    Wind property magical damage +4%.

    [Set bonus]
    Sylphir's Shadow Gloves
    Sylphir's Shadow Pendant
    Sylphir's Shadow Ring
    [Varetyr Spear] damage +(Sum of refine set Lv)%
    [Sorcerer set]
    Sylphir's Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Sorcerer Shield
    Ignores 40% of magic defense rate of all races except Human and Doram
    Ignores additional % of magic defense +(sum refine Lv of set)

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Sorcerer jobs
    Dordaleon's Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    Shadow Chaser Dordaleon was invincible on the battlefield.
    His gloves emitted shockwaves that tossed enemies around.
    Has a chance to activate [Psychic Wave] Lv 3 when inflicting physical damage
    [For each refine Lv]
    ATK and MATK +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Increases the chance of activating [Psychic Wave] when inflicting physical damage
    [If refine Lv 9 or higher]
    Increases the chance of activating [Psychic Wave] when inflicting physical damage

    [Set bonus]
    Dordaleon's Shadow Gloves
    Dordaleon's Shadow Pendant
    Dordaleon's Shadow Ring
    [Psychic Wave] damage +(Sum of refine set Lv)%
    [Shadow Chaser set]
    Dordaleon's Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Shadowchaser Shield
    Ignores 40% of magic defense rate of all races except Human and Doram
    Ignores additional % of magic defense +(sum refine Lv of set)

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Shadow Chaser jobs
    Osma's Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    Osma Stoneface was a great Warlock.
    Magic gloves allowed her to easily command the elements of the earth.
    Earth property magical damage +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    ATK and MATK +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Earth property magical damage +3%.
    [If refine Lv 9 or higher]
    Earth property magical damage +4%.

    [Set bonus]
    Osma's Shadow Gloves
    Osma's Shadow Pendant
    Osma's Shadow Ring
    [Earth Strain] damage +(Sum of refine set Lv)%
    [Warlock set]
    Osma's Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Warlock Shield
    Ignores 40% of magic defense rate of all races except Human and Doram
    Ignores additional % of magic defense +(sum refine Lv of set)

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Warlock jobs
    Garmia's Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    Garmia was famous as one of the most talented Wanderers in Rune-Midgard.
    It was said that the notes engraved on her gloves flew at enemies like arrows.
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    ATK and MATK +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [If refine Lv 9 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +4%.

    [Set bonus]
    Garmia's Shadow Gloves
    Garmia's Shadow Pendant
    Garmia's Shadow Ring
    [Arrow vulcan] damage +(Sum of refine set Lv)%
    [Wanderer set]
    Garmia's Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Wanderer Shield
    Ignores 40% of physical defense rate of all races except Human and Doram
    Ignores additional % of physical defense +(sum refine Lv of set)

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Maestro jobs, Wanderer jobs
    Boscard's Shadow Gloves
    Account Bound.
    Geneticist Boscard became famous for his alchemical experiments.
    His living gloves were capable of spitting poison.
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    ATK and MATK +1.
    [If refine Lv 7 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [If refine Lv 9 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +4%.

    [Set bonus]
    Boscard's Shadow Gloves
    Boscard's Shadow Pendant
    Boscard's Shadow Ring
    [Cart Cannon] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv/2)%
    [Geneticist set]
    Boscard's Shadow Gloves
    Shadow Genetic Shield
    Variable casting time -(Sum of refine set Lv/2)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Weapon
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Geneticist jobs

    Weight: 1

    Shadow Master Ring Box
    A chest containing shadow ring that grants bonuses to class skills.
    On the lid of the chest there is an engraving in the form of a ring with a seal.
    Rings can be exchanged via Dovmihr: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/686467/
    Open the box and receive one of the following items:
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Ring
    Account Bound.
    According to legend, dragon blood flowed in the veins of Arund Wyrmeater.
    The stone on his ring was very similar to a predatory amber eye with a vertical pupil.
    [Dragon Breath] SP consumption -2%
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Dragon Breath] SP consumption -1%

    [Set bonus]
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Gloves
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Pendant
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Ring
    HP and SP +(Sum of refine set Lv/2)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Rune Knight jobs
    Katra's Shadow Ring
    Account Bound.
    Guillotine Cross Katra was considered one of the best assassins in Rune-Midgard.
    A needle and a special poison reservoir were built into her ring.
    Damage to all size monsters +5%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    Damage to all size monsters +1%

    [Set bonus]
    Katra's Shadow Gloves
    Katra's Shadow Pendant
    Katra's Shadow Ring
    Increases ATK by the sum of refine levels

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Guillotine Cross jobs
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Ring
    Account Bound.
    It is said that the spirit of a tiger is sealed in this ring.
    Its owner will gain a fierce courage to slay many enemies.
    [Tiger Cannon] SP consumption -2%
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Tiger Cannon] SP consumption -1%

    [Set bonus]
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Gloves
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Pendant
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Ring
    HP and SP +(Sum of refine set Lv/2)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Sura jobs
    Exorcist Shadow Ring
    Account Bound.
    This ring is forged of gold and adorned with sacred symbols.
    The sign of Odin on it sparkles brightly in all possible colors.
    [Magnus Exorcismus] SP consumption -2%
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Magnus Exorcismus] SP consumption -1%

    [Set bonus]
    Exorcist Shadow Gloves
    Exorcist Shadow Pendant
    Exorcist Shadow Ring
    [Magnus Exorcismus] damage+ (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Arch Bishop jobs
    Rondius' Shadow Ring
    Account Bound.
    Rondius was considered one of the oldest Rangers in Rune-Midgard.
    His ring contained a special medicine that the old man needed.
    Damage to all size monsters +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10
    [For each 3 refine Lv]
    Damage to all size monsters +2%

    [Set bonus]
    Rondius' Shadow Gloves
    Rondius' Shadow Pendant
    Rondius' Shadow Ring
    [Aimed Bolt] damage +(Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Ranger jobs
    Gunther's Shadow Ring
    Account Bound.
    Gunther Ironheart was famous for his strength.
    He liked to unbend and bend back his ring, which looked like a horseshoe, for fun.
    Skill delay of [Genesis Ray] -0.2 sec.
    [For each 3 refine Lv]
    Skill delay of [Genesis Ray] -0.1 sec.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Gunther's Shadow Gloves
    Gunther's Shadow Pendant
    Gunther's Shadow Ring
    [Genesis Ray] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Ranger jobs
    Talos' Shadow Ring
    Account Bound.
    It is unknown if Talos was a human or an automaton.
    This thimble-like ring was once the part of his index finger.
    [Arm Cannon] SP consumption -2%
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Arm Cannon] SP consumption -1%
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Talos' Shadow Gloves
    Talos' Shadow Pendant
    Talos' Shadow Ring
    [Arm Cannon] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv/2)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Mechanic jobs
    Sylphir's Shadow Ring
    Account Bound.
    Sylphir was one of the most powerful Sorcerers in Rune-Midgard.
    He encrusted his ring with ever-flaming Salamander scales.
    [Varetyr Spear] SP consumption -4%
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Varetyr Spear] SP consumption -1%
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Sylphir's Shadow Gloves
    Sylphir's Shadow Pendant
    Sylphir's Shadow Ring
    [Varetyr Spear] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Sorcerer jobs
    Dordaleon's Shadow Ring
    Account Bound.
    Shadow Chaser Dordaleon was invincible on the battlefield.
    Well, almost invincible. When he lost a battle, he turned his ring into a retreat portal.
    Water, Neutral and ^FF4000Fire properties magical damage +2%.
    [For each 3 refine Lv]
    Water, Neutral and ^FF4000Fire properties magical damage +2%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Dordaleon's Shadow Gloves
    Dordaleon's Shadow Pendant
    Dordaleon's Shadow Ring
    [Psychic Wave] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Shadow Chaser jobs
    Osma's Shadow Ring
    Account Bound.
    Osma Stoneface was a great Warlock.
    With the help of a magic ring, she could dress herself in armor made from earth and roots.
    Skill delay of [Earth Strain] -0.2 sec.
    [For each 3 refine Lv]
    Skill delay of [Earth Strain] -0.1 sec.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Osma's Shadow Gloves
    Osma's Shadow Pendant
    Osma's Shadow Ring
    [Earth Strain] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Warlock
    Garmia's Shadow Ring
    Account Bound.
    Garmia was famous as one of the most talented Wanderers in Rune-Midgard.
    Her ring could emit sound waves that deafened enemy warriors.
    Skill delay of [Arrow vulcan] -0.2 sec.
    [For each 3 refine Lv]
    Skill delay of [Arrow Vulcan] -0.1 sec.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Garmia's Shadow Gloves
    Garmia's Shadow Pendant
    Garmia's Shadow Ring
    [Arrow Vulcan] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Master jobs, Wanderer jobs
    Boscard's Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    Geneticist Boscard became famous for his alchemical experiments.
    When the snake-like ring bit Boscard's finger, he turned into a mighty giant.
    Damage to all size monsters +5%
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    Damage to all size monsters +1%
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Boscard's Shadow Gloves
    Boscard's Shadow Pendant
    Boscard's Shadow Ring
    [Cart Cannon] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv/2)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Geneticist jobs

    Weight: 1

    Shadow Master Pendant Box
    A chest containing shadow pendant that grants bonuses to class skills.
    On the lid of the chest there is an engraving in the form of an order pendant with wings.
    Pendants can be exchanged via Dovmihr: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/686467/
    Open the box and receive one of the following items:
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    According to legend, dragon blood flowed in the veins of Arund Wyrmeater.
    A serpentine pendant on his chest spewed fire in battle.
    [Dragon Breath] damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Dragon Breath] damage +2%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Gloves
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Pendant
    Wyrmeater's Shadow Ring
    Max. HP and SP + (Sum of refine set Lv/2)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Rune Knight jobs
    Katra's Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    Guillotine Cross Katra was considered one of the best assassins in Rune-Midgard.
    She used her jagged-edged pendant as a throwing weapon.
    Critical damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    Critical damage +1%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Katra's Shadow Gloves
    Katra's Shadow Pendant
    Katra's Shadow Ring
    Increases ATK by the sum of refine levels

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Guillotine Cross jobs
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    It is said that the spirit of a tiger is sealed in this pendant.
    Its owner will be able to emit a deafening roar that can intimidate the bravest enemy.
    [Tiger Cannon] damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Tiger Cannon] damage +2%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Gloves
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Pendant
    Tiger Spirit Shadow Ring
    Max. HP and SP + (Sum of refine set Lv/2)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Sura jobs
    Exorcist Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    This pendant is forged of gold and adorned with sacred symbols.
    It illuminates everything around with a dim warm light.
    [Magnus Exorcismus] damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Magnus Exorcismus] damage +2%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Exorcist Shadow Gloves
    Exorcist Shadow Pendant
    Exorcist Shadow Ring
    [Magnus Exorcismus] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Arch Bishop jobs
    Rondius' Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    Rondius was considered one of the oldest Rangers in Rune-Midgard.
    A complex optical device was built into his pendant, which corrected the old man's farsightedness.
    [Aimed Bolt] damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Aimed Bolt] damage +2%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Rondius' Shadow Gloves
    Rondius' Shadow Pendant
    Rondius' Shadow Ring
    [Aimed Bolt] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Ranger jobs
    Gunther's Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    Gunther Ironheart was famous for his strength.
    It is said that his pendant was heavier than a tower shield.
    [Genesis Ray] damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Genesis Ray] damage +2%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Gunther's Shadow Gloves
    Gunther's Shadow Pendant
    Gunther's Shadow Ring
    [Genesis Ray] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Royal Guard jobs
    Talos' Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    It is unknown if Talos was a human or an automaton.
    According to legend, this pendant was actually his clockwork heart.
    [Arm Cannon] damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Arm Cannon] damage +2%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Talos' Shadow Gloves
    Talos' Shadow Pendant
    Talos' Shadow Ring
    [Arm Cannon] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv/2)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Mechanic jobs
    Sylphir's Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    Sylphir was one of the most powerful Sorcerers in Rune-Midgard.
    It was said that he assembled his pendant from all ten elements of magic.
    [Varetyr Spear] damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Varetyr Spear] damage +2%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Sylphir's Shadow Gloves
    Sylphir's Shadow Pendant
    Sylphir's Shadow Ring
    [Varetyr Spear] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Sorcerer jobs
    Dordaleon's Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    Shadow Chaser Dordaleon was invincible on the battlefield.
    With the help of a star-shaped pendant, he brought down meteorites on the heads of his enemies.
    [Meteor Storm] damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Meteor Storm] damage +3%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Dordaleon's Shadow Gloves
    Dordaleon's Shadow Pendant
    Dordaleon's Shadow Ring
    [Psychic Wave] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Shadow Chaser jobs
    Osma's Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    Osma Stoneface was a great Warlock.
    This enchanted pendant allowed her to summon mountain spirits.
    [Earth Strain] damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Earth Strain] damage +2%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Osma's Shadow Gloves
    Osma's Shadow Pendant
    Osma's Shadow Ring
    [Earth Strain] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Warlock jobs
    Garmia's Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    Garmia was famous as one of the most talented Wanderers in Rune-Midgard.
    Her music box pendant emitted melodies that darkened the minds of enemies.
    [Arrow Vulcan] damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Arrow Vulcan] damage +2%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Garmia's Shadow Gloves
    Garmia's Shadow Pendant
    Garmia's Shadow Ring
    [Arrow Vulcan] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Maestro jobs, Wanderer jobs
    Boscard's Shadow Pendant
    Account Bound.
    Geneticist Boscard became famous for his alchemical experiments.
    This many-eyed living pendant helped him in aiming and shooting.
    [Cart Cannon] damage +5%.
    [For each 2 refine Lv]
    [Cart Cannon] damage +2%.
    [For each refine Lv]
    Max. HP +10.

    [Set bonus]
    Boscard's Shadow Gloves
    Boscard's Shadow Pendant
    Boscard's Shadow Ring
    [Cart Cannon] damage + (Sum of refine set Lv/2)%

    Class: Shadow Equipment
    Location: Accessory
    Defense: 0 Weight: 0
    Required Level: 99
    Jobs: Geneticist jobs

    Weight: 1

    Inventory Expander Box
    Inventory Expander
    Account Bound.
    Is your inventory too small?
    Use this item to increase its capacity!
    Weight: 0

    1 Inventory Expander adds 10 slots to inventory
    The maximum slots that can be added — 100 slots
    The maximum slots, including basic ones, inventory can hold — 200.

    Bubblegum Battle Manual
    Account Bound.

    A book about combat arts, written on delicious bubblegum paper.
    After reading the page you can chew it and blow the bubble.
    Exp/Job rate +50% for 30 minutes.
    Item drop rate +100% for 30 minutes.
    Replaces the effects of a common Bubble Gum and Battle Manual.
    Weight: 0

    World Tour Ticket
    Account Bound.
    A ticket that allows travelers to move around the world.
    Teleports the character to the selected zone on the map.
    Weight: 0

    Weight: 1

    Silit Pong Box
    Sillit Pong
    Account Bound.
    The legendary agent which is said to melt the surface of an object so anything can be separated. Allows you to guaranteedly remove the card from the equipment.
    Weight: 0

    Weight: 1

    Shadow Professional Shield Box

    Shadow Professional Gloves Box

    Shadow Armor Box

    Shadow Boots Box
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
  2. Fuxik

    Fuxik User

    Likes Received:
    I advise everyone who wants to participate in this lottery to refuse, since you will never win anything worthwhile on this server. On a personal example, I will tell you that I and a couple of my friends who played this lottery and spent 1000 euros each could not see super rare things to which the valiant administration replied "it's just luck." Think for yourself whether such luck is worth your money. upload_2023-3-22_21-7-57.png