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(15/06 - 28/06) Festival of Treasures

Discussion in 'Shop Updates' started by Ragnarok Online Prime, Jun 15, 2023.

  1. Ragnarok Online Prime

    Ragnarok Online Prime Innova Group

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    Dear Inhabitants!

    From the 15th of June to the 28th of June, the Festival of Treasures begins in Rune-Midgard!
    Find all the treasures that the cunning squirrel Ratatosk has hidden in the branches of the magical tree Yggdrasil!
    Your mission is to make your way through the Yggdrasil tree, systematically collecting all the enchanted sets.

    Note that these sets are invisible to ordinary people because they are enchanted.
    Only the owners of certain magical sets will be able to see the glow of all the sets hidden in the leaves by Ratatosk.

    The festival follows a tree-like structure. Each set becomes available in the shop when the user owns certain packs. The list of packs required for each set is shown in the table below.

    Important: To access a set, you must have all of the specified packs, which are listed in the corresponding cell of the table.



    Set Name

    Packs required to unlock access

    Treasure Set-
    Discovery SetTreasure Set
    New Horizon SetDiscovery Set
    Complete SetNew Horizon Set
    Springbloom Treasure-
    Mermaid Treasure-
    Seventh Heaven's Treasure-
    Gothic Knight's Treasure-
    Fate SetSpringbloom Treasure, Mermaid Treasure
    Nature SetSpringbloom Treasure, Seventh Heaven's Treasure
    Knight SetSpringbloom Treasure, Gothic Knight's Treasure
    Beauty SetMermaid Treasure, Seventh Heaven's Treasure
    Feat SetMermaid Treasure, Gothic Knight's Treasure
    Honor SetSeventh Heaven's Treasure, Gothic Knight's Treasure
    Big Wonder Set
    Fate Set, Nature Set, Beauty Set
    Big Romance Set
    Fate Set, Knight Set, Feat Set
    Big Ascension Set
    Nature Set, Knight Set, Honor Set
    Big Miracle SetFeat Set, Beauty Set, Honor Set
    Complete SetBig Wonder Set, Big Romance Set, Big Ascension Set, Big Miracle Set
    Seventh Heaven's Treasure
    The Seventh Heaven is the purest and highest of all Heavens.
    There, surrounded by Valkyries, Archangels and Angelings, Odin sits on the sky-high throne. This gift was sent by him!

    List of items

    Springbloom Treasure

    A springbloom is a rare flower that only blooms for a one spring day.

    List of items

    Mermaid Treasure

    See the strange symbols on this box? This is the coat of arms of mermaid Trithea, daughter of Triton, the King of the Ocean.
    A truly royal gift!

    List of items
    Gothic Knight's Treasure

    Your enemies consider you a champion of might.
    But friends admire your kindness and passion for the night.

    List of items
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023