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(19.06-26.06) Limited Offer: Dovmihr's Legendary WIN-WIN Machine

Discussion in 'Shop Updates' started by Ragnarok Online Prime, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. Ragnarok Online Prime

    Ragnarok Online Prime Innova Group

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    In a short time, the WIN-WIN Machine became a glorious event that united all the citizens of the city - everyone dreaming of the chance to own unique weapons and armour.
    Years later, Dovmihr presents the city with his new creation - Dovmihr's Legendary WIN-WIN Machine. Now there are even more prizes and opportunities for legendary winnings! Good luck!

    Take your chances with the Win-Win Machine to receive useful consumables and fan-favorite items. Every spin is a win, thus every possible drop is worth the price of a spin or can be even more valuable.

    Additional rules for Dovmihr's Legendary WIN-WIN Machine:
    - For every item won with a coin image, you will receive 6 lucky coins.
    - Exchange your accumulated coins with Dovmihr in Prontera (/navi prontera 145/96).
    - For 1600 Coins, you will receive 1 random Legendary Item from Dovmihr's Reward List.
    - You can exchange coins for items from the Reward List an unlimited number of times.
    - Each item on the reward list has a same drop rate

    You can make up to 50 spins at one time.
    Want more? Just spin another 50 times after receiving your prizes.

    Items you got will be shown at the special window.
    After confirmation, they will be delivered right to your RodEx.

    You can check items previews and descriptions by clicking `?` below each item (The feature available in the game launcher)
    Temporal Refine Cube +11
    A legendary refine cube created by Kronius the Multiplied, a time traveler who exists in six versions of himself.
    Allows you to guaranteedly increase the refine level of Sixtus Armors or Chronocloaks to +11.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Antique Refine Cube +12
    [Available Items]
    Old Rune Circlet, Old Casket of Protection, Old Bone Circlet, Old Shadow Handicraft, Old Magic Stone Hat, Old Wind Whisper, Old Mitra, Old Blazing Soul, Old Camouflage Bunny Hood, Old Maestro Song's Hat, Old Dying Swan, Old Driver Band (Red), Old Driver Band (Yellow), Old Midas Whisper
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Magician's Gloves
    By wearing them, you can better control the flow of magical energy.

    Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Neutral properties magic Damage +5%.
    Ignore MDEF of all race monsters +50%
    Variable Cast Time of all skills -10%.

    Class: Accessory
    Weight: 50
    Requires Level: 80
    Usable By: All Jobs

    Number of slots: 1
    Kardui Ears
    MATK +2 for every 10 base Dex.
    If base DEX is 108 or higher, Variable Cast Time of all skills -10%, MATK +60.
    If base DEX is 120 or higher, additionally Variable Cast Time of all skills -5%, MATK +100.
    Class: Headgear
    Defense: 0
    Location: Middle
    Weight: 30
    Required Level: 70
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    Shadow Refine Hammer +9
    A legendary hammer crafted by Wayland the Smith.
    Allows you to guaranteedly increase the refine level of shadow equipment to +9.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Ancient Boots Scroll
    A yellowed parchment scroll.
    It contains detailed instructions for improving Ancient Hero Boots.
    Allows you to guaranteedly increase the refine level of Ancient Hero Boots to +9.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Ancient Weapons Scroll
    A yellowed parchment scroll.
    It contains detailed instructions for improving Ancient Hero Weapons.
    Allows you to guaranteedly increase the refine level of Ancient weapons to +9.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Open Air Headset
    And these headphones will help you turn melodies into real spells!
    When monster is killed by ATK or MATK, SP Recovery +5
    Cast Delay -3%.
    Skills consume -5% SP.
    Class: Headgear Defense: 0
    Location: Lower Weight : 10
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    Purple Armor
    It is decorated with purple lacquer plates and silk cords.
    ATK +10
    Ranged damage +5%

    If refined to +9 or higher, additionally
    ATK +20.
    Ranged damage +5%

    If refined to +10 or higher, additionally
    ATK +20.
    Ranged damage +10%
    Cannot be destroyed

    If refined to +11 or higher, additionally
    ATK +30
    Ranged damage +10%
    Class: Armor Defence: 60
    Weight: 80
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    Guarantee Weapon 8Up
    In Prontera, contact with
    [Refining Researcher] /navi prontera 184/177 to be guaranteed to increase the weapon enchant level to +8
    Weight: 0

    Number of slots: 0
    Armor +8 Refine Ticket
    In Prontera, contact with
    [Refining Researcher] /navi prontera 184/177 to be guaranteed to increase the armor enchant level to +8
    Weight: 0

    Number of slots: 0
    Silit Pong Box
    Sillit Pong
    The legendary agent which is said to melt the surface of an object so anything can be separated. Allows you to guaranteedly remove the card from the equipment.
    Weight: 0

    Number of slots: 0
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Saehrimnir Gloves
    Class: Accessory
    Weight: 10
    Requires Level: 30
    Usable By: All Jobs
    Increases the experience given from all monsters by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from all monsters by 5%.
    Set Bonus
    Saehrimnir Gloves[1]
    Gajomart Card
    Increases the experience given from Plant race monsters by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from Plant race enemies by 10%.

    Set Bonus
    Saehrimnir Gloves[1]
    Gullinbursti Card
    Increases the experience given from Fish race monsters by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from Fish race enemies by 10%.

    Set Bonus
    Saehrimnir Gloves[1]
    Mini Demon Card
    Increases the experience given from Brute race monsters by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from Brute race enemies by 10%.

    Set Bonus
    Saehrimnir Gloves[1]
    Skeleton General Card
    Increases the experience given from Insect race monsters by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from Insect race enemies by 10%.

    Set Bonus
    Saehrimnir Gloves[1]
    Iron Fist Card
    Increases the experience given from Formless race monsters by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from Formless race enemies by 10%.

    Set Bonus
    Saehrimnir Gloves[1]
    Ancient Worm Card
    Increases the experience given from Demon race monsters by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from Demon race enemies by 10%.

    Set Bonus
    Saehrimnir Gloves[1]
    Explosion Card
    Increases the experience given from Dragon race monsters by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from Dragon race enemies by 10%.

    Set Bonus
    Saehrimnir Gloves[1]
    Zombie Prisoner Card
    Increases the experience given from Undead race monsters by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from Undead race enemies by 10%.

    Set Bonus
    Saehrimnir Gloves[1]
    Christmas Cookie Card
    Increases the experience given from Angel race monsters by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from Angel race enemies by 10%.

    Set Bonus
    Saehrimnir Gloves[1]
    Am Mut Card
    Increases the experience given from Demi-Human race monsters by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by 10%.

    Number of slots: 1
    C White Kitsune Ears
    A decoration that looks like fluffy white ears.
    Wear it to look just like Kitsune, a legendary werefox!
    Class: Costume Defence: 0
    Location: Upper Weight: 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    Costume Kotatsu
    A cozy kotatsu table equipped with a warm futon and a charcoal brazier.
    It will appear immediately when you decide to sit down. Relax in comfort!
    Class: Costume Defence: 0
    Location: Lower Weight : 0
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    Costume Golden Fish Hat
    A big-lipped golden carp lying calmly on your head.
    It doesn't suffer from lack of water because it's magical!
    You didn't have to swim in the pond, the carp found you on its own.
    Class: Costume
    Position: Upper
    Weight: 0
    Requires Level: 1
    Usable By: All Jobs

    Number of slots: 0
    Blood Sucker
    Has a chance to drain 5% HP out of the damage given to the enemy.
    Disables autorecovery for HP and SP.
    Cannot be refined or destroyed.
    Class: Headgear
    Location: Lower
    Defense: 0 Weight: 30
    Required Level: 1
    Jobs: All
    Number of slots: 0
    Seraphim Robe
    DEF + 18
    MDEF + 10
    DEX + 5
    INT + 5
    Max HP + 10%
    Increases the damage of Neutral property magical attacks on targets by 5%.
    Increases damage taken from Holy property attacks by 3% per level of Faith known.
    If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
    Increases the damage of Neutral property magical attacks on targets by an additional 10%.
    Reduces damage taken from Holy and Shadow property attacks by 20%.
    If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
    Increases the damage of Neutral property magical attacks on targets by an additional 10%.
    Reduces damage taken from Holy and Shadow property attacks by an additional 20%.
    Class: Garment
    Weight: 30
    Required Level: 90
    Required Jobs: All Jobs
    Number of slots: 1
    Ancient Hero Sign
    When you touch it, you hear the sounds of a battle horn and the echoes of a distant battle.
    Inhelda (Prontera 145 100) will offer you one of following items for this sign:
    Runic Katana
    A weapon forged by the great Rune Knight of the past, Gosen Murasama.
    This katana can cut through steel.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Sonic Wave] damage +10%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Has a chance of auto casting Lv 2 [Sonic Wave] on the enemy when taking physical attack. If a higher level of this skill is known, it will be cast instead.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Weapon becomes indestructible.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Runic Katana

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    STR +20.
    ATK +15%.
    Class: Two-Handed Sword
    Attack: 180
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Rune Knight Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Dragon Slayer
    This sword was forged for Sir Eglamore, the legendary Rune Knight.
    Sir Eglamore was the best dragon hunter. Until he fell to the claws and fangs of one of his victims.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    Max HP and SP +3%.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Dragon Water Breath] and [Dragon Breath] damage +5%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Skill delay -10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +10%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Dragonic Slayer

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    VIT +20.
    Long-range physical damage +10%.
    Class: Two-Handed Sword
    Attack: 180
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Rune Knight Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Trident of Undine
    A weapon that undine Hydrola gave to her lover, Royal Guard Matteo.
    It is said that he killed more than one hundred enemies with this trident.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Long-range physical damage +4%.
    [If refine lv is 7 or higher]
    [Cannon Spear] and [Vanishing Point] damage +15%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    ASPD +10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    [Cannon Spear] and [Vanishing Point] damage +20%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Trident of Undine

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    STR +20.
    ATK +15%.
    Class: Spear
    Attack: 180
    Weight: 120
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Royal Guard Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Blade of Light
    A sword of Royal Guard Pelleas, one of the greatest warriors of antiquity.
    It is said that its blade is forged from pure light and tempered in impenetrable darkness.
    MATK +170.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    MATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Genesis Ray] and [Gloria Domini] damage +5%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Variable casting time -10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Holy property magical damage +15%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Blade of Light

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing magical damage:
    INT +20.
    MATK +15%.
    Class: Sword
    Attack: 130
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Royal Guard Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Bow of Narcissus
    A legendary weapon that belonged to Maestro Narcissus. He was able to hit the enemy with an arrow, looking at his reflection in the water.
    After the death of Narcissus, the bow went to his beloved Echo.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Long-range physical damage +4%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Severe Rainstorm] damage +10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Cooldown of [Severe Rainstorm] -2 sec.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Bow of Narcissus

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    DEX +20.
    Long-range physical damage when using bow +20%.
    Class: Bow
    Attack: 180
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: 3rd Archer / Shadow Chaser Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Tide Conch
    A musical instrument that belonged to Maestro Kalao of Malaya.
    According to rumors, when Kalao went out to the sea, blowing into the conch, many fish sailed to listen to him.
    MATK +190.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    MATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Neutral property magical damage +4%
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Reverberation] and [Metallic Sound] damage +10%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Tide Conch

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical and magical damage:
    INT +20.
    MATK +15%.
    Class: Musical Instrument
    Attack: 160
    Weight: 70
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Maestro Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Thorn Whip
    An infamous weapon of Wanderer Flagellata.
    This heartless maiden considered the groans and cries of her victims to be music.
    MATK +190.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    MATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Neutral property magical damage +4%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Reverberation] and [Metallic Sound] damage +10%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Thorn Whip

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical and magical damage:
    INT +20.
    MATK +15%.
    Class: Whip
    Attack: 160
    Weight: 70
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Wanderer Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Hand of Death
    A weapon that belonged to Frieda Krueger, the legendary Guillotine Cross.
    According to rumors, she always killed her victims while they were sleeping.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Critical damage +4%.
    [If refine lv is 7 or higher]
    ATK to Human, Animal and Players race +15%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    ASPD +10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    ATK to Human, Animal and Players race +20%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Hand of Death

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    LUK +20.
    Critical damage +10%.
    Class: Katar
    Attack: 185
    Weight: 120
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Guillotine Cross Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Steel Flower
    An infamous katar of Rodolfo, the legendary Guillotine Cross.
    Upon impact, the blades of the weapon diverge like petals. This hurts the enemy even more.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    ASPD +2%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Rolling Cutter] damage +20%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Skill delay -7%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Steel Flower

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    STR +20.
    ATK +15%.
    Class: Katar
    Attack: 185
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Guillotine Cross Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Winged Sword
    A weapon of Shadow Chaser Icarius, the great warrior of antiquity.
    This sentient sword was rumored to be able to fly using wings on the hilt.
    MATK +150.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    MATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    ASPD +2%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    All property magical damage +10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Has a chance of auto casting Lv 3 [Psychic Wave] on the enemy when dealing physical damage.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Winged Sword

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    INT +20.
    MATK +15%.
    Class: Knife
    Attack: 150
    Weight: 80
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Shadow Chaser Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    A weapon of Shadow Chaser Gordias.
    The blade of the sword is engraved with the words: 'This is your fate.'
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    ASPD +2%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Fatal Menace] damage +20%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Skill delay -7%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    STR +20.
    ATK +15%.
    Class: Knife
    Attack: 165
    Weight: 90
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Shadow Chaser Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    A weapon of Ranger Dunari, one of the greatest warriors of antiquity.
    This bow is adorned with pure gold plates.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Arrow Storm] damage +12%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    ASPD +10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Long-range physical damage +5%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    DEX +20.
    Long-range physical damage when using Bow +20%.
    Class: Bow
    Attack: 180
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Ranger / Shadow Chaser Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Scarlet Dragon's Bow
    According to legend, this bow was given to Ranger Tyvia by a dragon she saved.
    Its bowstring emits a quiet dragon roar when pulled.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Skill delay -4%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Aimed Bolt] damage +35%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Cooldown of [Aimed Bolt] -1 sec.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Scarlet Dragon's Bow

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    DEX +20.
    Long-range physical damage when using bow +20%.
    Class: Bow
    Attack: 170
    Weight: 80
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Ranger Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Rusty Dragon's Wand
    A weapon of Warlock Mechanix, a specialist in golem creation.
    It is said that he used the wand to command a huge steel dragon.
    MATK +200.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    MATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Earth Strain] damage +12%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Variable casting time -10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Cooldown of [Earth Strain] -1 sec.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Rusty Dragon's Wand

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing magical damage:
    INT +20.
    MATK +15%.
    Cannot be destroyed.
    Class: Two-Handed Staff
    Attack: 100
    Weight: 80
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Warlock Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Wand of the Purple Orb
    A weapon that belonged to Sorcerer Bez.
    Legends say that an ancient demon of enmity and hatred is sealed in the sphere at the top of the wand.
    MATK +200.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    MATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Jack Frost] damage +12%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Water property magical damage +7%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Cooldown of [Jack Frost] -1 sec.
    Magical damage inflicted on Fire elemental monsters +7%
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Wand of the Purple Orb

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing magical damage:
    INT +20.
    MATK +15%.
    Cannot be destroyed.
    Class: Two-Handed Staff
    Attack: 100
    Weight: 80
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Warlock Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Shadow Eater
    A rod of Sorcerer Malefar, the valiant hero...
    Or one of the greatest villains, depending on which sources have been used!
    MATK +155.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    MATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Earth Grave] damage +12%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Variable casting time -10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Cooldown of [Psychic Wave] -1 sec.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Shadow Eater

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing magical damage:
    INT +20.
    MATK +15%.
    Cannot be destroyed.
    Class: Staff
    Attack: 40
    Weight: 50
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Sorcerer Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Ice Guardian
    A wand of Glacius, the famous Sorcerer of the water element.
    They say that once he froze the sea so that allied troops could pass through it.
    MATK +150.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    MATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Diamond Dust] damage +8%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Magic Damage against Undead type monsters +10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Water property magical damage +10%
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Ice Guardian

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing magical damage:
    INT +20.
    MATK +15%.
    Cannot be destroyed.
    Class: Staff
    Attack: 40
    Weight: 50
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Sorcerer Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    A battle axe of Mechanic Fren Bau, nicknamed the Tin Man.
    He replaced all parts of his body with mechanical counterparts in order to be stronger in battle.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Axe Tornado] damage +10%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Axe Boomerang] damage +40%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Physical damage to all size monsters +15%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical and magical damage:
    STR +20.
    ATK +15%.
    Cannot be destroyed.
    Class: Two-Handed Axe
    Attack: 270
    Weight: 600
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Mechanic Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Big Badaboom
    A weapon of famous Mechanic Boomer.
    This hammer makes thunder-like sounds with each strike.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Vulcan Arm] damage +10%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Vulcan Arm] and [Arm Cannon] damage +10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Variable casting time -15%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Big Badaboom

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical and magical damage:
    STR +20.
    ATK +15%.
    Cannot be destroyed.
    Class: Mace
    Attack: 300
    Weight: 300
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Mechanic Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Sword of Blue Fire
    An experimental weapon owned by Geneticist Azura.
    The blue flame seems cold, but it burns much more than usual!
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Long-range physical damage +4%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Cart Cannon] SP consumption -10%
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    [Cart Cannon] damage +15%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Sword of Blue Fire

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    DEX +20.
    Long-range physical damage +10%.
    Class: Sword
    Attack: 180
    Weight: 80
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Genetic Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Slate Sword
    A bizarre, unsharp sword carved from the block of stone. A weapon of Geneticist Petria.
    Petria was frightened by the sight of blood. Therefore, she did not cut enemies, but broke their bones with her solid stone weapon.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Cart Tornado] damage +10%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Cart Tornado] damage +20%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Skill delay -10%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Slate Sword

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical and magical damage:
    STR +20.
    ATK +15%.
    Class: Sword
    Attack: 190
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Genetic Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    All-Holy Book
    Collection of prayers to Odin, written by Archbishop Hakon.
    Every letter on these pages carries the power of holiness!
    MATK +160.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    MATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Duple Light] damage +25%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    ASPD +10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    [Duple Light] damage +30%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    All-Holy Book

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing magical damage:
    INT +20.
    MATK +15%.
    Class: Book
    Attack: 165
    Weight: 50
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Arch Bishop Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Mace of the Righteous
    A heavy sacred weapon with a built-in incense burner.
    It once belonged to legendary Archbishop Svenborn.
    MATK +165.
    MATK +3%.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    Holy property magical damage +1%
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Adoramus] damage +5%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Variable casting time -10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Holy property magical damage +10%
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Mace of the Righteous

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing magical damage:
    INT +20.
    MATK +15%.
    Class: Mace
    Attack: 170
    Weight: 80
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Arch Bishop Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Iron Claw
    A combat glove once wielded by a Sura known as the Palm Crab.
    One blow of his fist was enough to smash a coconut or an enemy helmet!
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Long-range physical damage +4%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Rampage Blast] damage +10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Cooldown of [Rampage Blast] -1 sec.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Iron Claw

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    STR +20.
    ATK +15%.
    Class: Knuckle
    Attack: 180
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Sura Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Claws of the Bifrost
    The blades of this combat gauntlet are made from rainbow shards.
    It is said that Heimdall himself forged it for Sura Fredegonda.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    [Tiger Cannon] damage +4%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    [Tiger Cannon] damage +15%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Cooldown of [Tiger Cannon] -1 sec.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Claws of the Bifrost

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    STR +20.
    ATK +15%.
    Class: Knuckle
    Attack: 185
    Weight: 70
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Sura Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Four Mirrors
    Shuriken wielded by famous Oboro Yukiko.
    Its blades are always polished. Everything is reflected in them, as in a mirror.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Long-range physical damage +2%.
    [If refine lv is 7 or higher]
    [Swirling Petal] damage +30%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Cooldown of [Swirling Petal] -1 sec.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Physical weapon damage against Undead and Demon monsters +20%.
    Physical damage inflicted on Fire and Dark elemental monsters +15%
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Four Mirrors

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    STR +20.
    Long-range physical damage +10%.
    Cannot be destroyed.
    Class: Huuma
    Attack: 230
    Weight: 130
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Ninja Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Morning Dew Sword
    A katana forged by legendary Kagero Junzaburo.
    Legends say that the spirit of mist lives in this weapon.
    [[Kagero & Oboro Dual Dagger Set]]
    Sharp Wind
    Morning Dew Sword

    [For each 3 level of set items refine sum]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 5 level of set items refine sum]
    Physical damage +2%.
    [If sum of set items refine is +14 or higher]
    [Cross Slash] damage +25%.
    [If sum of set items refine is +16 or higher]
    Cooldown of [Cross Slash] -2 sec.
    [If sum of set items refine is +18 or higher]
    Enables to use [Shadow Trampling] same Lv like [Distorted Crescent].
    Enables to use [Distorted Crescent] same Lv like [Shadow Trampling].
    [If sum of set items refine is +20 or higher]
    [Cross Slash] damage +25%.
    Class: Knife
    Attack: 150
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Ninja Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Sharp Wind
    A weapon of Oboro Furin, the famous swordswoman.
    This sword moves so fast that it blurs in the air!
    [[Kagero & Oboro Dual Dagger Set]]
    Sharp Wind
    Morning Dew Sword

    [For each 3 level of set items refine sum]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 5 level of set items refine sum]
    Physical damage +2%.
    [If sum of set items refine is +14 or higher]
    [Cross Slash] damage +25%.
    [If sum of set items refine is +16 or higher]
    Cooldown of [Cross Slash] -2 sec.
    [if sum of set items refine is +18 or higher]
    Enables to use [Shadow Trampling] same Lv like [Distorted Crescent].
    Enables to use [Distorted Crescent] same Lv like [Shadow Trampling].
    [if sum of set items refine is +20 or higher]
    [Cross Slash] damage +25%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Sharp Wind

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    STR +20.
    ATK +10%.
    Class: Knife
    Attack: 150
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Ninja Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Demon's Shot
    The weapon of Rebel nicknamed the Rekenber Devil.
    This mercenary claimed that Satan Morroc was weak and once went to fight him. He did not return back.
    Increase base attack area to 3x3 cells. Doesn't affect skills.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Max SP +2%.
    [If refine lv is 7 or higher]
    Physical weapon damage to Boss monsters +10%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Has a chance of activating effects for 90 seconds when using [Platinum Altar]:
    ATK +50.
    Long-range physical damage +10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Physical weapon damage to Undead and Demon type monsters +15%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Demon's Shot

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    DEX +20.
    Long-range physical damage +10%.
    Class: Shotgun
    Attack: 275
    Weight: 140
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Rebellion Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Crimson Rose
    A weapon of famed Rebel Lavinia.
    Her marksmanship was legendary. It was said that she could hit a man's heart anywhere you like. Just name the auricle - or the ventricle.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    ASPD +3%.
    [If refine lv is 7 or higher]
    ATK +5%.
    ASPD +1.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Critical damage +20%
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Has a chance of activating effects for 60 seconds when using [Hit Barrel]:
    Long-range physical damage +15%.
    CRIT +20.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    DEX +20.
    Long-range physical damage +10%.
    Class: Pistol
    Attack: 150
    Weight: 70
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Rebellion Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Master of Souls
    A silent sniper rifle of Rebel Nomkon.
    Its gilded plates are cut with notches - one for each enemy killed.
    MATK +210.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    MATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    ASPD +3%.
    [If refine lv is 7 or higher]
    MATK +5%.
    ASPD +1.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    While long-range attacking has a chance of autocasting [Shadow Slash] 10 lv.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    Increase chance of autocasting [Shadow Slash] 10 lv. while long-range attacking
    While long-range attacking has a chance of autocasting [Soul Expansion] 3 lv.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Master of Souls

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    INT +20.
    Ghost property magical damage +10%.
    Class: Rifle
    Attack: 150
    Weight: 100
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Rebellion Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Big Game Trophy
    A weapon of Rebel Clayton, the famous monster hunter.
    Decorated with the bones and teeth of defeated monsters.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    Long-range physical damage +3%.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    ATK +15.
    [If refine lv is 7 or higher]
    [Dragon Tail] damage +15%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Skill delay [Dragon Tail] -1 sec.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    [Dragon Tail] damage +15%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Big Game Trophy

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    DEX +20.
    Long-range physical damage +10%.
    Class: Grenade Launcher
    Attack: 320
    Weight: 210
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Rebellion Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Guttling Gun
    A firearm invented and created by Guttling, the famous glutton Rebel.
    Equipped with a multiple barrels in a rotating cluster.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    Long-range physical damage +2%.
    [If refine lv is 7 or higher]
    [Round Trip] damage +15%.
    [Round Trip] SP consumption +10%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    Has a chance of activating effects for 90 seconds when using [Platinum Altar]:
    Long-range physical damage +10%.
    ATK +50.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    [Round Trip] damage +15%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Guttling Gun

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical damage:
    DEX +20.
    Long-range physical damage +10%.
    Class: Gatling Gun
    Attack: 205
    Weight: 270
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Rebellion Jobs
    Number of slots: 2
    Meowmeow Foxtail
    An ear of giant foxtail, a magical herb that grows only in the Doram lands.
    It bears the seal of Meow Meow, a Summoner known for his magical powers and love for salted fish.
    MATK +300.
    [For each 2 refine lv]
    ATK and MATK +10.
    [For each 3 refine lv]
    ATK and MATK +2%.
    [If refine lv is 7 or higher]
    [Lunatic Carrot Beat] and [SV Stem Spear] damage +15%.
    [If refine lv is 9 or higher]
    ASPD +10%.
    Variable casting time -10%.
    [If refine lv is 11 or higher]
    [Picky Peck] and [CN Meteor] damage +20%.
    [Ancient Hero Set]
    Ancient Hero Boots
    Meowmeow Foxtail

    Has a chance to activate effects for 7 seconds when dealing physical and magical damage:
    LUK +20.
    ATK and MATK +15%.
    Class: Staff
    Attack: 300
    Weight: 110
    Weapon Lv: 4
    Required Level: 100
    Jobs: Summoner
    Number of slots: 2
    Weight: 0

    Number of slots: 0
    Reset Stone
    To do this, take it to the Great Alchemist in Prontera.
    Reset character characteristics can be maximum 6 times.
    Weight: 0

    Number of slots: 0
    Inf. Giant Fly Wing Box (1 h.)
    Rental term: 1 hour
    Weight: 1
    [Infinite Giant Fly Wing]
    Account bound
    Enchanted wing of an ancient giant fly.
    Allows to teleport several people at once when used by a Party Master.
    The item doesn't disappear when used.
    Can be reused in 5 seconds
    Weight : 0

    Number of slots: 0
    Potion of Infinity
    Unfortunately, this effect doesn't last long.
    MHP, MSP +5%.
    Critical damage +5%.
    Ranged ATK +5%.
    MATK of all elements +5%.
    Casting cannot be interrupted.
    Duration: 30 minutes.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Mana Plus
    A potion that increases the power of magical attacks.
    It tastes like cough syrup.
    +50 MATK for 8 minutes.
    Weight: 5

    Number of slots: 0
    Killer's Potion
    A potion that increases the power of physical attacks.
    Possible side effects: battle frenzy, cramps in the stomach, itching in the lumbar region, death.
    +50 ATK for 8 minutes.
    Weight: 5

    Number of slots: 0
    Inventory Expander Box
    Inventory Expander
    Is your inventory too small?
    Use this item to increase its capacity!
    1 Inventory Expander adds 10 slots to inventory.
    Maximum slots that can be added - 100 slots.
    The maximum slots, including basic ones, inventory can hold - 200.
    -------------How to use
    Weight: 0

    Number of slots: 0
    Weight: 0

    Number of slots: 0
    Archmage Potion
    Who said learning magic has to be hard?
    This potion will turn you into a powerful mage in no time!
    Well, for a while anyway.
    ATK/MATK +30,
    ATK/MATK +1%,
    HIT and FLEE +30, ASPD +1,
    SP consumption -5% and
    Fixed casting time -30% for 30 minutes
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Universal Battle Manual
    This book tells how to hunt more efficiently.
    An excellent tutorial for both beginners and experienced warriors.
    Exp rate +75% for 30 min.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Mind Potion
    There are alchemists who can bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.
    This potion was prepared by one of them.
    MSP +10% for 60 minutes
    SP consumption -10% for 60 minutes
    Increase movement speed for 10 minutes.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Bubblegum Battle Manual
    A book about combat arts, written on delicious bubblegum paper.
    After reading the page you can chew it and blow the bubble.
    Exp/Job rate +50% for 30 minutes.
    Item drop rate +100% for 30 minutes.
    Replaces the effects of a common Bubble Gum and Battle Manual.
    Weight: 0

    Number of slots: 0
    Water of Life
    Juice of medicinal plants. It is said that this juice is able to heal wounds in the blink of an eye.
    This potion restore an amount of HP equal to 6% of your Max HP every 3 sec. for a 10 min. duration.
    The effect is not active at the state of berserk.
    When a character is incapable of combat, the effect of item disappears.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Guyak Candy
    A candy made from special medicine. Sweet and sour.
    Recovers 30% HP/SP.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Token of Ziegfried
    A token blessed by the great hero Ziegfried.
    Allows your character to revive in the place of death.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Superb Fish Slice
    Fully recovers HP and SP.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Special Medium Life Potion
    A sizeable bottle of Yggdrasil tree sap that is used for healing wounds.
    Restores 7% of max HP every 4 sec.
    Duration: 10 min.
    Ineffective in the[Berserk] state.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Yummy Skewered Grill
    Skewers made from beef, chicken and onions. It looks very appetizing.
    Recovers 60% SP and HP
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Special Kafra Card
    A card issued by the Kafra Headquarters.
    Allows to open the Kafra storage.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Small Mana Potion
    A bottle with a decoction of the Yggdrasil tree petals.
    It is rumored to heal soul wounds quickly.
    Restores 5% of max SP every 5 sec.
    Duration: 10 min.
    Ineffective in the[Berserk] state.
    Weight: 1

    Number of slots: 0
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2024