the player's screenshot project is being modified into a facebook event - contest - best captions in our effort to enrich our facebook page, we would like players to submit any of their ingame screenshots to be uploaded in our facebook page for the competition. users that contribute their screenshots will not receive any reward and are only providing their screenshots to enrich our facebook page, but they can participate as caption authors if they like to. the screenshots that are posted by players here, will be uploaded into facebook one by one (one each week) and will be asked by our facebook fans to come up with a caption for the screenshot, by comment below the screenshot (including player name ingame and server). caption we mean a phrase - description for the screenshot that makes it funny, entertaining or ironic etc. winning caption will be chosen every wednesday. the screenshot will be posted in best captions album with the winning caption. author of the winning caption will receive a reward ingame. to participate in the event with your screenshot only, post em here. keep in mind that screenshots submitted for the screenshot of the week, cannot be submitted. to participate as author for a caption - and a chance to win ingame reward just follow our facebook page.
hi, my small contribution : recoil shot siege party siege sitting giran harbor heavy arrow rain my point of vue don't touch my healer talking powaaa ! lords of giran flowers ! flowers ! strange power moirai set heavy octavis under fire antharas lair magmeld stairs bonus! for 3d glasses! nice night.
we'd like to inform you that previously submitted screenshots were uploaded in our facebook page's players screenshots album. in addition, due to event's conflict with the screenshot of the week event, we decided not to continue this event, but to make instead another weekly event in our facebook page. more info will be announced in the community spotlight section. kind regards.