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Tauti Patch Notes

Discussion in '2011 ~ 2017' started by Cheers, Jul 16, 2012.

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  1. Cheers

    Cheers User

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    castle siege

    1. siege battle times have been changed to once in 2 weeks on sunday at 8-10 p.m.

    2. when the siege begins, the gate crash quest-campaign starts.

    3. sayune has been added near aden and rune castles.

    4. light and darkness system has been added:
    • after the update, all castles are set as castles of light.
    • the seal of ruler skill has been deleted, and the imprint of light and imprint of darkness skills have been added.
    • if the imprint of light skill is used during a siege, the castle belongs to the light. if the imprint of darkness skill is used during a siege, the castle belongs to the darkness.
    • after the siege is over you can choose between light and darkness again through the messenger that appears for 1 hour.

    5. the castle of light and the castle of darkness have their own specific characteristics:
    castle of light
    • the npc sales tax rate is 0%.
    • the npc purchase tax rate is 0%
    • a quest that resets a castle of darkness is available.
    • the castle lord can get the radiant cloak of light from the chamberlain. clan members can get the cloak of light from the court magician:
    radiant cloak of light: all stats +3, damage received in pvp decreases by 15%, provides castle escape skills. all attributes def. +15.
    cloak of light: all stats +2, damage received in pvp decreases by 10%, provides castle escape skills. all attributes def. +10.

    • a chaotic character cannot equip radiant cloak of light or cloak of light.
    • the existing habitat skills have been deleted, and an ability of light skill that increases max cp by 3000 and normal/skill attack damage during pvp by 10% has been added.
    • the ability of light skill does not apply to chaotic characters.
    • the sky around the castle has cleared.
    • a proclaimer in the castle of light's village can give a buff that increases xp by 3%.

    castle of darkness
    • the npc sales tax rate is 30%.
    • the npc import tax rate is 10%.
    • the castle lord can get the cold cloak of darkness from the chamberlain. clan members can get the cloak of darkness from the court magician:
    cold cloak of darkness: all stats +3, damage received in pvp decreases by 15%, provides castle escape skills. all attributes def. +15.
    cloak of darkness: all stats +2, damage received in pvp decreases by 10%, provides castle escape skills. all attributes def. +10.

    • the existing habitat skills have been deleted, and an ability of darkness skill that increases max cp by 3000 and normal/skill attack damage during pvp by 10% has been added.
    • the sky is filled with storm clouds, creating a sombre atmosphere.
    • revolutionaries are created in the castle of darkness's village.
    • a revolutionary npc appears outside the castle of darkness during siege times, allowing clan members level 40+ that own a castle of light to purchase a special siege weapon to use against the castle of darkness. when the weapon is equipped, a skill that can only be used on the siege battlefield is added.
    • pvp value increases when you pk clan members that are possessing a castle of darkness. (no effect on pk value and reputation)


    1. the applied territory tax has changed for the following 2 villages:
    • talking island village: gludio territory
    • floran village: dion territory
    2. alco's sales tax has been changed from 20% to 30%.

    3. the tax revenue is now affected by the highest level aden and rune castles:
    • the castles in gludio, dion, giran, oren, and innadril receive tax revenue only when aden castle is a castle of darkness.
    • the castles in goddard and schuttgart receive tax revenue only when rune castle is a castle of darkness.
    • the castle tax revenue is deposited every monday at midnight into the castle's vault as long as the defense campaign on the highest castle is successful and the lord does not change.
    4. tax rate of the town where the merchant of mammon appears has an impact on the items prices.


    1. items for obtaining clan reputation points and individual fame points have been added:
    • clan exclusive pet (raccoon): item that summons a nurture-type clan pet (raccoon)
      clan exclusive pet (white cat): item that summons a nurture-type clan pet (white cat)
      clan exclusive pet (desert fox): item that summons a nurture-type clan pet (desert fox)
      cheeky angma summoning scroll: item that summons a combat-type cheeky angma
    • the clan exclusive pets and the cheeky angma summoning scroll can only be used by clan members who belong to a clan that is above level 5.
    • when a nurture-type clan pet is summoned and 72 hours go by, you can obtain 100 clan reputation points, and there is also a chance of acquiring the "pouch of doubt" through which you can obtain reward items.
    • you can exchange a nurture-type clan exclusive pet.
    • if you defeat the combat-type cheeky angma within the given time, you receive 1000 individual fame points and 30 clan reputation points. there is a chance of also obtaining the "attribute crystal fragment."
    • the combat-type cheeky angma uses skills such as heal, stun, and aerial yoke. you can defeat it by working with another character.
    • pet items and summoning scrolls can be purchased using "marks of doubt" through the "ceremony of chaos."

    2. a "clan flag" skill has been added:
    • in order to acquire the skill, you must purchase a scroll from the clan merchant. it takes 1000 clan reputation points to purchase the scroll.
    • in order to use the skill, you must be a marquis or higher. it requires 100 clan reputation points.
    • the flag that is summoned through the clan flag skill is maintained for 30 minutes. for 10 minutes, it casts the "clan rising" buff on all clan members, and it casts "clan curse" on all those who do not belong to the clan.
      clan rising: raises the clan flag. increases damage of clan members during pvp and decreases received damage.
      clan curse: it has the same effect and range as the "clan rising." so you can know the effect and range of a clan flag that has been summoned by another clan. it does not have any other effects.
    • you cannot use a clan flag in the festival of chaos or in the olympiad.
    • the clan rising skill's effect does not overlap.

    3. the "clan insignia" has been changed as follows:
    • it's name has been changed to "clan mark."
    • the clan mark can be registered as a 256x256 24-bit or 32-bit tga file.
    • the clan mark uses new standards, so the clan insignia that was registered under previous standards cannot be used.
    • following the new standards change the information about clan insignia will be deleted.
    • the clan mark applies to the clan shield, clan flag, and clan tombstone.
    • the possibility to achieve clan level 11 by visiting the clan npc with radiant cloak of light has been added.
    • the impossibility to apply clan skills with the clan reputation above 0 has been fixed.

    ceremony of chaos

    registration requirements
    to participate in the ceremony of chaos one must:
    • belong to a clan that is level 3 or higher.
    • be level 76 or higher and have completed the third class transfer.
    • dual class and subclass characters can participate if they meet the above-stated requirements.
    • if a character becomes ineligible at the time of the transfer to the arena it is not to be transferred.

    • 0.00 a.m. of every 1st day of every month serves as the end of the previous ceremony of chaos period and the start of a new one.
    • fights take place daily from 7 p.m. till 00.00 a.m. 3 times an hour.

    1. the invitation comes from 0 to 5, 20 to 25, 40 to 45 minutes of every hour and shows as an icon on the screen.
    2. to register one must click on the invitation icon in the top right corner of the screen.
    3. to apply for the ceremony of chaos one can by clicking "participate" in the invitation.
    4. upon applying one will see a registration ui where one can click "cancel" should he/she change his/her mind.
    5. at 5th, 25th and 45th minute of every hour the invitation icon disappears.

    arena transfer pending period
    1. from 5 to 10, 25 to 30, 45 to 50 minutes of every hour it is a pending period.
    2. at 8th, 28th and 48th minute of every hour there is a message in system chat that reminds players of the transfer to the arena (in 120 seconds).
    3. after one minute of preparation fights start at 11th, 31st, 51st minute of every hour.

    battle process

    1. upon arrival, a character has 60 seconds to prepare for battle, during which time they can also read the pop-up guide about the ceremony of chaos.
    2. during the preparatory 60 seconds players remain invisible for each other and can use buffs, etc.
    3. character become visible once the fight starts.
    4. names of the participants change to player1, player2, player 3, etc. characters are flagged as enemies.
    5. pet's names also change.
    6. on the arena chat, private store and some other functions don't work.
    7. escape and summon do not work on the arena.
    8. fight includes 2 stages:
    regular match - pvp
    event match - players fight agaisnt vicious monsters which they can get special items from.
    9. all transformations, except for the flying ones, are allowed, you can also use finite items and summon your pets.
    10. xp is not taken away when dying on the arena.
    11. after 1 minute and 3 minutes into the fight it is announced that any kind of invisibility is taken off.
    12. 2 special ceremony of chaos items have been added.
    13. special items can be obtained through fighting monsters in event match or you can exchange them at npc mysterious butler.
    14. these items can be used only by the owner. can be stored in a private warehouse. cannot be exchanged, dropped or traded.
    mysterious power: reduces your hp, mp, and cp to 1 but gives you a 30% chance of inflicting lethal strike on a targeted opponent. reuse time is 6 minutes. cannot be dropped, exchanged or traded, but can be stored in a private warehouse.
    mysterious shadow: become invisible but spd. is reduced by 30%. effect cancels upon use of skills or items. cannot be dropped, exchanged or traded, but can be stored in a private warehouse.

    determining winners and losers

    if entering an arena alone in pvp version, you are immediately declared a winner.

    if entering the pve version, you win after defeating five npc monsters. if you are killed by the monsters, or do not attack the monsters until the match ends, you lose the match.

    if two or more characters enter an arena (no matter which version), the last character alive, or the one that scores the most kills over 6 minutes is declared the winner. if killed by a npc or another character, you lose the match. if two or more characters survive the match but none are singled out as an obvious winner, a tie is declared.

    if killed, you cannot be resurrected: you can watch the rest of the match as a viewer until the match is over and you are moved out of the arena at the end of the match.


    • buffs: all winners, and characters winning a draw, receive powerful buffs:
    • doubtful herb of power: increases p. atk. by 100% for 5 minutes.
    • doubtful herb of magic: increases m. atk. by 400% for 5 minutes.
    • doubtful herb of vitality: for 5 minutes, vitality is replenished when xp is acquired through hunting.
    • losing characters receive the doubtful herb of power and doubtful herb of magic buffs as well.

    cancellation penalty

    a cancellation penalty is applied to prevent abuse and spam in the ceremony of chaos waiting list system. a cancellation penalty is applied if any of the following happens:
    • the character cancels their match registration over 7 minutes into the registration period.
    • the character logs out or is disconnected from the game, canceling their registration status and removing them from the waiting list.
    • the character cannot be moved into the arena when the match begins.
    conditions that prevent a character from moving into the arena include:
    • is dead
    • is inside an instanced dungeon
    • has over 80% weight and volume in their inventory
    • leaves the clan
    • changes to a class that is below level 76 and has not passed their third class transfer
    • is chaotic
    • possesses a cursed sword
    • is offline (by choice, or by disconnect)
    • the character presses quit before the match is over, or forcefully leaves the match by any means before the match is over.

    if a character accumulates 30 cancellation penalties by any means they cannot participate in the ceremony of chaos for that month and will not receive invitations to the matches. the penalty count is reset at the beginning of the next ceremony of chaos cycle.

    mysterious butler

    1. the mysterious butler npc can be found in every major town or village near the olympiad manager npc.
    2. he serves to sell items and buffs in exchange for adena, fame points, and mysterious marks.
    3. mysterious butler now sells some new items:
    mysterious ring: summons a targeted clan member to your location. lasts 60 days. reuse time is 1 hour. cannot be exchanged, dropped, or traded.
    mysterious scroll: teleports a targeted chaotic character and whisks them away from you, taking them to another town. reuse time is 30 minutes. cannot be exchanged, dropped, or traded.
    healing potion of chaos: when used, recovers 2,500 hp. any leftover recovery points after the character’s hp is fully restored goes to recovering cp. tradable.

    4. mysterious butler can also provide the information on the best fighter and the best clan as well as a prospective winner of the current period.
    5. the best fighter obtains from mysterious butler:
    • mysterious belt
    • 5 000 clan reputation points
    • 50 000 individual fame points
    • "true hero" title
    6. the clan of the true hero character receives a special buff from the mysterious butler npc - ruler’s blessing: sleep, bleed, shock, poison and hold attack bonus increases by 30% for 30 minutes.
    7. via mysterious butler one can watch the matches of the ceremony of chaos.

    territory wars

    the territory war system and npc's have been deleted. other changes:
    1. quest:
    • you cannot begin or undertake territory war related quests.
    • if you have territory war related quests that were started before the update and are currently in progress, you can receive rewards through the news informer in the village.
    2. territory badge:
    • you can obtain a treasure chest item by donating it to the aden reconstruction society member.
    3. territory special products
    • they can be purchased through the news informer npc during the set time.


    1. the list of items that can be purchased from the "olympiad manager has been changed:
    • delete: s-grade weapons and armor, r-grade weapons and armor, r95-grade weapons and armor
    • add: r99-grade weapons and armor, scrolls of imprinting (including mastery, discipline, and oblivion)
    2. the prices of the items sold by the olympiad manager have been adjusted.
    3. the options on the "hero's cloak" and the "cloak of honor" have been changed as follows.
    hero's cloak
    • before change: hp and cp increase
    • after change: hp and cp increase, m. def. increase, all stats increase, resistance to attributes increase
    cloak of honor
    • before change: hp and cp increase
    • after change: hp and cp increase, m. def. increase, all stats increase, resistance to attributes increase
    4. the effect of the "warrior's temporary healing potion" that applied the recovery amount differently according to hp has been changed as follows.
    • previous: recovers a certain amount of max con
    • changed: recovers up to 5000 power as hp and the remaining power recovers cp

    attribute system

    received damage when the defense attribute value is higher than the attack attribute value has been decreased. defense attribute value can be raised to decrease received damage. damage that raises attack attribute value can be increased.

    when non-attribute skills are used, different bonuses are applied depending on the item attribute.
    when non-attribute skills are used, the attack attribute bonus that can be checked on the character information screen is applied.
    when attribute skills are used, the same skill attribute as before is preferentially applied.
    when the skill attribute and item attribute are the same, the combined attribute value is applied.
    the monster attribute value has been changed according to the attribute bonus change. attribute values of previous level 95 monsters have been decreased. the xp and sp that can be acquired from monsters has been changed to depend on the transformed attribute value.

    a new augment option that can be bestowed on stones of life that are above r-grade has been added. when you use the new augment skill that can be bestowed on stones of life that are above r-grade, b-grade gemstones are consumed.


    1. vitality points that are consumed during solo or 2-6 member party hunting has been decreased.
    2. a possibility to get to know how many times a week a vitality item can be used by pointing at the vitality menu in the character info box has been added.


    othell rogue:
    • shadow hide: deleted movement speed decrease
    • final ultimate evasion: increased skill evasion and added m. def and m. evasion
    • angel of death: increased skill evasion
    • reverse: decreased skill cooldown, deleted instant kill effect
    • shadow chase: decreased skill cooldown
    • grand light armor mastery: increased p. evasion
    • heart breaker: added p. evasion
    • chain blow: can now be used without having to be in a bleeding state.
    • maximum critical: increased vital point attack rate.
    • assassin's reflex: eliminated vital point attack rate.
    • poison zone: increased success rate. when poisoned, added p. def. and m. def. effects.
    • scorpion poison - block magic: added reduced speed effect.
    • the soulshot bonus that is applied on the othell rogue's blow skills has been changed. when the othell rogue uses a soulshot, higher damage is applied than before.
    • the mirror image created by using the clone attack skill will now automatically disappear when the battle is finished.

    aeore healer:
    • fairy of life: decreased recovery skill cooldown
    • the aeore healer's servitor "unison of light" has been changed as follows: the attack method has been changed from the current melee physical attack to long-range physical attack. the pve battle abilities have been strengthened to allow easier hunting.
    • the skills that are acquired upon awakening as an aeore healer have been changed as follows.
    • the level 3 class skill "light armor mastery" which was temporarily provided prior to acquiring the awakening skill will no longer be provided.
    • the level 3 class skill "light armor mastery" that was acquired by characters who awakened as an aeore healer has been deleted.

    the iss enchanter:
    • crippling attack: increased de-buff duration (5 sec -> 10 sec)
    • shadow blade: increased de-buff duration (5 sec -> 10 sec)
    • mass crippling attack: increased de-buff duration (5 sec -> 10 sec)
    • mass shadow blade: decreased re-use time (15 sec -> 10 sec). increased de-buff duration (5 sec -> 10 sec)
    • angel's resurrection: increased skill effect (20% -> 40%). additional acquired skills at levels 90 and 95
    • for othell rogues and yul archers, on their "grand light armor mastery" skill, an effect that increases speed and physical skill critical rate according to the character's dex value has been added.

    feoh wizard:
    • ultimate body to mind: re-use time decreases to 15 seconds.

    sigel knight:
    • shield charge: the rate for applying debuffs increases.
    • shield impact: it changes to a skill targeting a single object. its debuff duration time increases to 5 seconds.
    • shield wave: the rate of skill effect changes from the front to the character's surrounding.
    • gust blade: the range of skill effect changes from the front to the character's surrounding.
    • chain galaxy: debuff duration time increases to 5 seconds.

    wynn summoner:
    • the sense of royalty, which is activated when a summoner is injured, is to be activated when a summoner has much greater injury.
    • the attribute number of an item worn by summoner affects the "reaper power" skill.

    tyrr warrior:
    • last attack skill reuse time has been reduced from 30 seconds to 15 seconds.

    hunting zone

    the seed of hellfire

    it was originally bremnon's weapon, but when tauti received shilen's command, he led his followers, the jahks, kundas, and sophas, to this place in order to expand shilen's influence on the gracia continent. tauti is carrying out shilen's command, but he does not hide the fact that he is also seeking to increase his own power.

    level: 97+
    type: party hunting zone
    • normal monsters are spawned here.
    • tauti boss battle (normal, epic) quest is available.
    • on the 1st and 2nd floors in the northern region, you can hunt multiple monsters. in the southern region, you can hunt a single monster.
    • after you successfully complete a certain number of the tauti attack (normal, epic), it will change from normal status to pc conquered status.
    • when the seed of hellfire changes to stage 2 (pc conquered), you can move to 3rd floor (kunda training camp) through the move supporter npc.
    • you can collect items in the floor 3 kunda training camp.

    level: 97+
    type: raid time zone
    • for normal mode, 14-35 characters can play. for epic mode, 21-35 characters can play.
    • regular and epic mode raids exist. enter the normal mode through the npc sizrak inside the seed of hellfire. enter the epic mode through the npc aku.
    • the instant dungeon is reset every wednesday at 06:30.

    guillotine fortress

    this place was previously the execution grounds raid field. monsters that were captured at the hallucination of blood were used to build this fortress. the souls of those who died with regret wander around in this place. it is now called the guillotine fortress. it called forth its followers to raise a powerful chaos shield around itself.

    level: 95-97
    type: party hunting zone
    • the previous execution grounds hunting ground has been changed to the levels 95-97 party hunting ground guillotine fortress.
    • new monsters will be spawned rather than the previous ones.
    • some monsters use chaos shield upon appearing to maximize p. def. and m. def.
    • the chaos shield is weak to the tyrr warrior's armor destruction skill. while in party status, if the tyrr warrior's armor destruction skill is accurate, there is an increased chance of successfully inflicting half-kill on the monster that raises the shield.
    • if the half-kill attack is accurate or a certain amount of damage is inflicted on the monster, chaos shield is shattered, and that shock temporarily stops the monster from engaging in battle.
    • infinity keeper izhad and fortress scout gazem are anticipation-type monsters, so proceed with caution.
    • when you defeat a guillotine fortress monster, there is small chance of acquiring the proof of survival item. if you hunt monsters while possessing the proof of survival, there is a chance that the event monster skull dissect of hellfire will appear.
    • some monsters only appear when it is nighttime in the game.
    • the raid bosses guillotine of death, head warden houpan, and crazed crook have been added to the guillotine fortress.
    • sayune that allows you to move to the guillotine fortress have been added in the following towns: dion, and giran.

    treasure chests

    1. the previous "treasure chest" that appears in the hunting grounds has been changed to "dimensional treasure chest":
    • you can acquire more valuable reward items through the "dimensional treasure chest" than through the previous "treasure chest."
    • the reward items that can be acquired through the "dimensional treasure chest" are different according to the level of the hunting ground.
    2. the way to acquire reward items through the "dimensional treasure box" is the following:
    • speak with the "dimensional treasure chest" to summon the "abyss gate." when you enter through the abyss gate, you will be moved to a room in the 1-player instant dungeon "welcoming gatekeeper of hell bertoph."
    • when you speak with bertoph, three kinds of treasure boxes are summoned. select one to receive a reward.
    • the npc "bertoph's box" that is summoned in bertoph's room is not an anticipation-type monster. it can be defeated with 1 strike or by using the bomb "zaken's candle". it drops various herbs while hunting.
    3. the "abyss gate" is maintained for 3 minutes.
    4. it is maintained for 3 minutes after entering the instant dungeon "bertoph's room." a maximum of 14 characters can enter this instant zone at the same time.

    hunting zones changes
    • the issue in which the boss monster’s petrified state would come undone before the seventh stage in kartia’s labyrinth has been fixed.
    • we fixed the issue in which the pathway to the stone coffin room wouldn’t open even if you killed beleth, the hellbound raid boss.
    • characters can be summoned to cruma tower.
    • we fixed the issue in which the dead body of a servitor summoned in an instance dungeon would not disappear.
    • the rate of monsters' magic critical attack is much lower.
    • we fixed the issue in which the vampire queen of the tower of insolence didn’t respond correctly to attacks.
    • the issue with istina occasionally attacking characters while the magic ballista was charging has been fixed.
    • npc officer klemis lets only levels 85+ enter the seed of annihilation.
    • the issue with entering the fortuna instance zone has been resolved.
    • the problem of the npc “hermuncus” incorrectly stating in its html that the seed of annihilation is a level 88 hunting ground has been corrected.
    • the problem of the raid boss “baylor” in the crystal caverns occasionally moving inside the secret gate has been corrected.
    • the time of the mammon npcs moving among towns has been extended from 30 minutes to 4 hours.
    • to facilitate the process of levelling up the atrribute defence of monsters has been decreased.
    • npc's daichir and chichirin have been moved from shuttgard to the mithril mine.

    weapon pvp/pve features
    1. you can now bestow pvp and pve specific options on r99 amaranthine items through the blacksmith of mammon.
    weapons bestowed with pvp options are called "dark amaranthine."
    they have the following effects:
    • increased pvp physical and magic damage
    • increased pvp skill damage
    • chance of not increasing the pk count upon pk.

    weapons bestowed with pve options are called "bloody amaranthine."
    they have the following effects:
    • increased pve physical and magic damage
    • increased pve skill damage
    • buff effect is maintained upon being killed by an npc.

    r99 grade pvp and pve special options can be enchanted through the "giant's energy," "energy of destruction," and "amaranthine enhancement stone" ingredients.
    • the "energy of destruction" can be acquired through hunting and quests.
    • the "giant's energy" can be purchased in the habitat or acquired as an olympiad quest reward.
    • the "amaranthine enhancement stone - pve" can be acquired through the tauti boss battle.
    • the "amaranthine enhancement stone - pvp" can be acquired through the siege campaign.

    seed talismans

    1. you can exchange seed talismans for "energy of destruction" and "giant's energy" through the "seed talisman manager" in the town of aden, rune township, and the keucereus alliance base.*
    2. if you use the "energy of destruction" and "giant's energy" to acquire seed talismans and exchange them with the seed talisman manager, you have a chance of acquiring a high-level seed talisman.*
    3. unlike a normal talisman, the seed talisman does not have remaining magic so there is no limit on its use period.*
    4. the following effects are applied when a seed talisman is equipped:
    • max hp/mp/cp increase, accuracy/magical accuracy increase, evasion/magic evasion increase, vampiric rage effect, atk. spd./casting spd. increase, critical/m. critical increase, p. atk./m. atk. increase, skill p. atk. increase, resistance to reflect damage increase, physical/magic p. atk. increase, skill mp consumption decrease, str/int increase, con/men increase, dex/wit increase
    5. when you equip a seed talisman and a high-level seed talisman, only the high-level seed talisman's effects will apply.
    6. when you equip a seed talisman, various effects will occur depending on its type.

    tauti weapon

    the following 3 tauti weapons have been added: "tauti's one-handed axe," "tauti's axe," and "tauti's dual axe":
    • in order to craft tauti weapons, you will need "tauti's fragment" that can be obtained after hunting tauti in tauti's epic battle as well as various ingredient items.
    • you can craft tauti weapons through the blacksmith ishuma who is located at the wharf of gludio airships.
    the following top-level item skills have been added to existing augment options:
    • charm
    • peace
    • guidance
    • agility
    • iron body
    • winter
    • aggression up
    • aggression down
    • aggression
    • hold
    • mana gain
    • slow
    • bleed
    • shield
    • empower
    • spell clarity
    • might
    • magic barrier
    • poison

    new quests

    guillotine fortress
    the invaded execution grounds
    • 95+
    • patrol each area of the guillotine fortress and report back to endrigo. single
    • [town of dion]
    • high priest sylvain

    weeding work
    • 95+
    • collect the roots and stems from mandragoras and report back to dadphyna.
    • single
    • [guillotine fortress]
    • dadphyna

    an uninvited guest
    • 95+
    • summon and defeat the skull dissect of hellfire and report back to endrigo.
    • single
    • [guillotine fortress]
    • guillotine fortress warden endrigo

    the executioner's execution
    • 95+
    • defeat the guillotine of death and report back to endrigo.
    • single
    • [guillotine fortress]
    • guillotine fortress warden endrigo

    seven flowers
    • 95+
    • grow flowers from the seed of doubt collected from the mandragoras.
    • collect the various types of flowers and deliver them to the spiteful souls that wander the execution grounds.
    • daily
    • [guillotine fortress]
    • dadphyna

    wraith's liberation
    • 95+
    • defeat the monsters that wander the guillotine fortress and report back to roderik.
    • daily
    • [guillotine fortress]
    • guillotine fortress warden roderik

    seed of hellfire
    to the seed of hellfire
    • 97+
    • move to the seed of hellfire and confirm its current situation.
    • single
    • [keucereus alliance base]
    • admiral keucereus

    day of liberation
    • 97+
    • defeat tauti in a normal battle and report back to sizrak.
    • single
    • [seed of hellfire]
    • sizrak

    fergason’s offer
    • 97+
    • defeat monsters in the seed of hellfire, collect unstable petras, and deliver them to aku.
    • single
    • [seed of hellfire]
    • sizrak

    an audience with tauti
    • 97+
    • hunt tauti in an epic battle. collect the fragments and deliver them to fergason.
    • single
    • [seed of hellfire]
    • fergason

    resistance support
    • 97+
    • defeat the kundas located on the 2nd floor of the seed of hellfire, then report back to sizrak.
    • daily
    • [seed of hellfire]
    • sizrak

    the need for petra
    • 97+
    • collect petras from the kundas in the seed of hellfire and deliver them to aku.
    • daily
    • [seed of hellfire]
    • aku

    highest quality petra
    • 97+
    • acquire petras from low level jahks and deliver them to aku.
    • daily
    • [seed of hellfire]
    • low level jahk

    orbis temple
    resurrected owner of hall
    • 95+
    • defeat octavis in an epic battle and report back to lydia.
    • single
    • [orbis temple]
    • god's messenger
    • lydia

    noblesse quest
    noblesse, soul testing
    • 75+ subclass
    • it proves that you helped the goddess eva by purifying the water and that you possess a strong soul that passed the soul testing.
    • single
    • [town of goddard]
    • priest cerenas

    ceremony of chaos
    suggestion of doubt - 1
    • 76+
    • participate in the ceremony of chaos, collect traces of competition, and deliver them to the steward of doubt.
    • daily
    • [each village]
    • steward of doubt

    suggestion of doubt - 2
    • 76+
    • participate in the ceremony of chaos, collect traces of competition, and deliver them to the steward of doubt.
    • daily
    • [each village]
    • steward of doubt

    clan quests

    the newly added clan quest can be undertaken during the "retrieve the stolen taxes" campaign.

    the lord of light and the shadow of darkness - gludio
    • clan 10
    • defeat the chamberlain of darkness in aden castle or rune castle, which has fallen into darkness.
    • single
    • [gludio castle]
    • chamberlain of light

    the lord of light and the shadow of darkness - dion
    • clan 10
    • defeat the chamberlain of darkness in aden castle or rune castle, which has fallen into darkness.
    • single
    • [dion castle]
    • chamberlain of light

    the lord of light and the shadow of darkness - giran
    • clan 10
    • defeat the chamberlain of darkness in aden castle or rune castle, which has fallen into darkness.
    • single
    • [giran castle]
    • chamberlain of light

    the lord of light and the shadow of darkness - oren
    • clan 10
    • defeat the chamberlain of darkness in aden castle or rune castle, which has fallen into darkness.
    • single
    • [oren castle]
    • chamberlain of light

    the lord of light and the shadow of darkness - aden
    • clan 10
    • defeat the chamberlain of darkness in rune castle, which has fallen into darkness.
    • single
    • [aden castle]
    • chamberlain of light

    the lord of light and the shadow of darkness - innadril
    • clan 10
    • defeat the chamberlain of darkness in aden castle or rune castle, which has fallen into darkness.
    • single
    • [innadril castle]
    • chamberlain of light

    the lord of light and the shadow of darkness - goddard
    • clan 10
    • defeat the chamberlain of darkness in aden castle or rune castle, which has fallen into darkness.
    • single
    • [goddard castle]
    • chamberlain of light

    the lord of light and the shadow of darkness - rune
    • clan 10
    • defeat the chamberlain of darkness in aden castle, which has fallen into darkness.
    • single
    • [rune castle]
    • chamberlain of light

    the lord of light and the shadow of darkness - schuttgart
    • clan 10
    • defeat the chamberlain of darkness in aden castle or rune castle, which has fallen into darkness.
    • single
    • [schuttgart castle]
    • chamberlain of light

    castle of darkness quest

    it can be undertaken during the "retrieve the stolen taxes" campaign.

    castle of darkness, "liberation" chapter
    • 40+
    • defeat the chamberlain of darkness located in the castle of darkness.
    • repeat
    • [town of aden or town of rune where the castle has fallen into darkness]
    • revolutionary captain

    castle of darkness, "guardian of light" chapter
    • 5+
    • defeat the chamberlain of darkness located in the castle of darkness.
    • repeat
    • [castle of light interior]
    • revolutionary captain

    seed talisman quest
    containing the energy of destruction
    • 90+
    • defeat one of the following monsters: tauti, istina, octavis, spezion, baylor, balok, or ron. obtain the core of twisted magic and deliver it to the seed talisman manager.
    • daily
    • [keucereus alliance base, town of aden, town of rune]
    • seed talisman manager

    deleted quests

    1. some quests have been deleted with the system change.
    you cannot proceed on any deleted quests, even if you already received the update and possess it.

    • path to becoming an elite mercenary
    • path to becoming an exalted mercenary
    • steps for honor
    • path to becoming a lord - gludio
    • path to becoming a lord - dion
    • path to becoming a lord - giran
    • path to becoming a lord - heine
    • path to becoming a lord - oren
    • path to becoming a lord - aden
    • path to becoming a lord - schuttgart
    • path to becoming a lord - goddard
    • path to becoming a lord - rune
    • for the sake of the territory - gludio
    • for the sake of the territory - dion
    • for the sake of the territory - giran
    • for the sake of the territory - heine
    • for the sake of the territory - oren
    • for the sake of the territory - aden
    • for the sake of the territory - goddard
    • for the sake of the territory - rune
    • for the sake of the territory - schuttgart
    • protect the territory catapult
    • protect the supplies safe
    • protect the military association leader
    • protect the economic association leader
    • protect the religious association leader
    • pierce through a shield
    • make spears dull
    • weaken the magic
    • deny blessings
    • destroy key targets
    • possessor of a precious soul - 1
    • possessor of a precious soul - 2
    • possessor of a precious soul - 3
    • possessor of a precious soul - 4
    2. you can receive rewards for previously obtained quest items through the village news informer.

    changes to quests

    1. the following quests and quest-related systems have been changed:
    • "help the sister!" - the monsters to be hunted have been changed.
    • "temple champion - 1" - the monsters to be hunted have been changed.
    • "adept of taste" - the process of acquiring mandragoras has been changed.
    • "little wing" - some of the monsters to be hunted have been changed.
    • "how to oppose evil" - special products and rewards items have been added to the seed of hellfire region.
    • "fate's whisper" - the difficulty of the following quest monsters has been changed to solo-type.
    - messenger cabrio
    - longhorn golkonda
    - death lord hallate
    - kernon
    2. if you undertake the "supplier of reagents" quest while the "mimir's elixir" quest is received, the chance of acquiring the following item ingredients is now higher:
    • moonstone shard
    • quicksilver
    • volcanic ash
    3. the rewards of the following quests have been changed:
    • olympiad starter
    • olympiad undefeated
    • not strong enough alone
    • completely lost
    • nightmare of dwarves
    • monstrosity in the underground mine, teredor
    • precious research material
    • stuffed ancient heroes
    • be lost in the mysterious scent
    • suspicious gardener
    • breaking through the emerald square
    • challenge, steam corridor
    • in the coral garden
    4. the problem of not being about to complete the "target the opportunity" quest through the "temporal moving device" has been corrected.
    5. the problem of the start scroll of the "whereabouts of the archaeologist" quest appearing on npc "liesel" has been corrected.
    6. when undertaking the following repeatable quests, the chance of acquiring quest items has been changed to differ according to the difference in level between the quest monster and the character:
    • the one who ends silence
    • threat removal
    • gather the flames
    • matras' suspicious request
    • figuring it out
    • rise and fall of the elroki tribe
    • attack sailren
    7. when advancing to a phantom summoner through the "proof of fate" quest, the problem of the wrong dialogue appearing for npc "tobias" has been corrected.
    8. the level for the following quests in the seed of annihilation has been changed to level 85.
    - to the seed of annihilation
    - finding the lost soldiers
    - not strong enough alone
    - completely lost
    9. among rewards which can be obtained depending on participating in the "olympiad starter!" quest, the reward for participating 10 games has been changed.
    10. the issue in which the quest completion npc for the ‘eliminate the threat’ quest description was incorrectly displayed as kartia researcher instead of agent giorgio has been fixed.
    11. the incorrect information on reward xp in the start of another fate quest description has been corrected.
    12. the issue in which the quest item could not be acquired after hunting the scarlet stakato worker, located in the forge of the gods, while doing the quest for fishing shot quest has been fixed.
    13. only one party member would have an increased number of kills when killing the quest monster as a party in the eliminate the threat quest.
    14. the issue in which you couldn’t obtain the mark of splendor after hunting anays when doing the fade to black quest if a member of your party didn’t have the quest has been fixed.
    15. the issue in which the reward exchange window wouldn’t open when trying to get rewards for the supplier of reagents quest has been fixed.
    16. the issue in which the quest giver is incorrectly displayed for the threat continues quest in the world information has been fixed.
    17. the problem of the zone quest proceeding information icon not being displayed in the dialogue window has been fixed.


    1. the following campaigns have been added:
    retrieve the stolen taxes - aden castle
    • campaign goal: stop the transportation unit member who is collecting taxes from the merchants in the village that is controlled by the lord of darkness.
    • campaign prerequisite: aden castle is a castle of darkness
    • campaign participation level: characters above level 40 who are not clan members in the castle of darkness
    • campaign time: sunday at 18:00
    • campaign duration: 45 minutes
    • campaign regions: the castle of darkness among the castles in gludio, dion, giran, oren, aden, or innadril, as well as the siege battlefield in aden castle
    • the castle gates can be destroyed during the campaign.
    retrieve the stolen taxes - rune castle
    • campaign goal: stop the transportation unit member who is collecting taxes from the merchants in the village that is controlled by the lord of darkness.
    • campaign prerequisite: rune castle is a castle of darkness
    • campaign participation level: characters above level 40 who are not clan members in the castle of darkness
    • campaign time: sunday at 18:00
    • campaign duration: 45 minutes
    • campaign regions: the castle of darkness among the castles in goddard, rune, or schuttgart, as well as the siege battlefield in rune castle
    • the castle gates can be destroyed during the campaign.


    when you mouse over the vitality ui that appears in the character screen, you can now check the number of vitality items that can be used that week.
    1. a new icon has been added to let you select more various items than before upon registering a macro.
    2. in the preferences menu, an option item has been added to the game tab to let you select the dialogue box and private shop/private workshop sign.
    3. "/instancezone" command has been changed: the information is displayed in a separate window instead of the system chat.
    4. a new button to show the instance zone window has been added to the main menu (alt+x).
    5. the animation of some monsters' skills has been changed.
    6. a spell casting progress line of a targetted character/monster has been added.
    7. "clan flag" skill is available to clans of level 8+
    8. when setting up a private shop or private workshop for each race, the displayed sign has been changed.

    these patch notes are subject to minor editions and addendum.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2012
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