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Espada Clan

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Etherial, Aug 10, 2012.

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  1. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    as some of our old members came back to server, we decided to re-make our old clan under the leadership of realbadmofo with coleaders linor and etherial.

    espada clan was created in 2009 by lin0r in server l2world with coleaders etherial and starprincess.
    with some members of his previous clan in zeus server (respect) and some members of etherial's clan in zeus server (allforone) they created a strong clan which was among the biggest clans all servers they have played, feared by enemies and loved by allies.

    clan has played since then in servers:
    - l2world (2009) owning giran caste.
    - adenagate (2010) owning aden castle and having all heroes.
    - l2noble (2010) which was lin0r's server with admins: etherial (titania) and starprincess (osiris).
    - rpg (2011) owning dion castle.
    - asterios (2011)
    - l2.ws (2011)
    - bartz official ncwest server in early 2012
    and is now active in core server.

    our info:
    clan name: espada
    will be updated soon
    recruitment status: open (for now accepting all levels / classes & academy members)
    clan information: international/english speaking

    clan was recently created, so is still low level. all we can offer for now is fun and help to anyone that wishes to join us.
    and ofc daily instances, and xp parties.
    to join our clan you can pm / mail ingame etherial.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
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