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Rage start here!

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Fenris, Aug 16, 2012.

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  1. Fenris

    Fenris User

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    so ... i dont wana use sindeya topic because it is to ... hmm how to call it tooooooo calm :)

    first i wana to say i am rly dissapointed because of actions made by certain mods/admins - which one?
    deleting posts which tell truth about innova actions. rly nice.
    next one is deleting post instead of moving them elswhere ... rly nice x2.

    so wassup innova - still no mentoring ... what is excuse for today? atomic storm in luxemburg/russia or no coffie in ur office?
    i would love to talk private with some of innova staff member and ask him about what the f**k is happening there sitting in some bar and having beer in our hands.
    ... but rly can u write to my email from ur private email(or fake one) what is happening with mentor and events?

    here is my email - fenrisvonulfer@hotmail.com if somebody got any balls do it i am rly interested wtf is happening there.

    we pay u - innova - money and u still fail to do the simplest things - run the event scripts and stop blocking mentor.
    ye u are blocking it ... u got same files like ncwest and guess what ... it is working there.

    there is another case ... could u give me email or anny contact to ur supervisors ? it can be in innova company or ur licence givers ncwest. i would like to write to them.
    if u cant - could u tell me that if i will write polite email to ncsoft hq they will answer me about situation here?

    thx for info - ohh sorry no info.
    thx for draco event ... ups u didnt run the scripts...
    thx for mentor ... **** still no mentor...
    thx for trying to fixing lag problems ... ahh still didnt do it...
    hmm so if i will think ... i should not thank u at all because u didnt do anything...

    ps. i am looking for this kind of work - if there is any job place free inside innova pls write to me - because i see it is the easiest job u can find. u just write " soon" or " no info" and u get money ... awesome :)
  2. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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  3. SomeOneOutside

    SomeOneOutside User

    Likes Received:
    1. there is enough info.
    2. who cares about stupid event where you can get x potions w/o re-use.
    3. useless **** now. it would be good in the beginning.
    4. what lags? change your isp...
  4. MangaWarrioR

    MangaWarrioR User

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    + 10
    no sense to compare ncwest - invova rus with inova eu
  5. Fenris

    Fenris User

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    1 enough info ? so tell me why there isnt mentor ... or hmm why they didnt run scripts of events
    2 everybody care about events ... ur stupid thoughts are minority ... btw let me gues u were freom aria ? :) - go farm
    3 it is good all the times - i see u dont have even simple info how mantor work
    4 there are lags for ppl who use orange - and suddenly there are lags sometimes for other ussers + random dc

    wana argue more ? u should know i can troll ur a.ss up side down
  6. Gilby

    Gilby User

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    actually its really your isp i have no delay/freeze laggs only hardware laggs. in 8 months i got 3 disconnects.

    about events i dont really know in one way they claim that they dont want to ruin server economy but gives s***loads of bewx dyes 5lvl crystals etc beleth event olympic marathon event so dont i dont really understand their strategy on this.

    about mentor i don't even bother to write about it anymore because only answer for 8 month is "mentor does not related with pa".
  7. Hidrica

    Hidrica User

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    actually it is, the ui changes that are made when you buy pa are the same that when you are a mentee if im not wrong
  8. Sproot

    Sproot User

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    play for free - what's the problem?
  9. SomeOneOutside

    SomeOneOutside User

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    1. it was already said about mentor many times. and it was already said why they cant implant (smth about their site). it is enough info.
    2. you are wrong. i'm from core. i was talking only about draco event. ofc. ppl care about events, but draco would even more destroy economy. a lucky lvl 85 guy can get trasken, but it wasnt even killed here at least once. and as i said it's lame because of those potions.
    3. are you so poor that you cant buy anything w/o mentor system? i guess no, so why are you still here crying? if you dont like this way, go to na servers.
    4. once again. change your isp. from the start of server i got like 6 dcs.
  10. khaot

    khaot User

    Likes Received:
    4, there are sometimes mass disconnect, doesnt matter how good is your connection.

    isp isnt problem, my speed is better but i did limit by router.

  11. Fenris

    Fenris User

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    1 nop it was said it is something connected to their side ... but hey they got same files as ncwest ... so why it is working there and not working here ... answer me that einstein because they dont wana do that. - so for me no info!
    2 so u could say event with letters is bad too because u can get baiums/aq? u know how many people got trasken on naia ? i will tell u - 1 after opening ~20k of large eggs and it wasnt kileld on naia - so ur point is wrong. "a lucky lvl 85 guy can get trasken" so what? atm a lucky one can get a tauti... so what ? before tauti chronicle a lucky guy could get a antharas. so what?destroy the economy ? do u know what u are saying ? u know how economy work ? because i see u dont. tell me pl how it will destroy the economy - explain to me step by step pls ... i die to trash u :)
    "lame potions" ? so make it ur own xp/farm a bit because i see that u are some random which is in clan with no wars ( ye we dont know u) and all l2 time u spend for farming propably... so u will get a lot of potions ... bad deal?
    3 "are you so poor" ye maybe i am and maybe there is a lot of people who dont wana spend money. plus they are making l2 service on europe ... so let it work properly dont u think? atm we are kinda playing demo version of ncsoft product. u came here from where ? private servers where nothing worked as it should ? and ur brain got used to thit **** and now u came here " because it is for free" and u wana sell to us - official l2 players - ur sytem of thinking which is damaged? i played naia(earlier teon, hinde, luna) before u started to get piss in the toilet. that was a bit not cool to pay for service there but it got 1 good thing - many ******s which got same opinion as u wont go to officials - because they were private l2 lovers with nothing working. u know why i left them ? because of large amount of bots - which they dont care to vaporize. if there would be smthign like frost or another system which would ban bots - believe me we would not be talking here. so still u prove u dont know a **** about what u are trying to talk.
    4 once again it is not by isp! i know my friends got problems with their routing but it was proven it is because of innova. i got those kind of problems only when i am in my parents house - so it is rare. atm randoms dc occur rly often - and it has nothing to do with isp. yesterday half of cc was dc-ed after porting to tauti. i got at least 1-ce a day error dc with msg.
    it sould not be happening - at least it wasnt before tauti.

    so come on give me ur best shoot because atm u are loosing this discusion.
  12. khaot

    khaot User

    Likes Received:
    4, fenris if someone got problem with ping or lag, contact your provider to change your trace to innova servers.every provider has option to change your trace.lags doesnt problem from innova servers, i have 20-25ms to innova.problem appears almost thru some server, which is in trace to innova server.
  13. Hidrica

    Hidrica User

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    they made the server so bad that everyone is selling their chars, xd you can find 98 chars for 30 euro on some sites, you guys deserve a medal jaja your server is so sh1ty that its easier and cheaper to buy a char than level it from the beggining xd

    i played on private servers where i sold my chars for 200-300 euros x char, really guys, to check your job up just check the prices of that who want to play on this servers and you gonna see that your job is wrong, so wrong
  14. SomeOneOutside

    SomeOneOutside User

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    1. "was said it is something connected to their side" here you go an answer. everything you want as i see is more info, but i can guarantee that if you were businessman, you wouldn't tell all details to your customers. think about it.
    2. can a lucky guy get tauti now? everything is possible, but i would like to see how someone will make cc, needed for tauti, from randoms and then will kill tauti.
    did you see last even like beleth? ppl got a lot of stuff and do you see bewr prices now? in my opinion best events are like 2x exp, 3x3 tournament or w/e not luck based.
    and again you are wrong, i have a clan, which pvps :)
    3. nowadays you need to pay for everything so argument "people don't want to pay" is invalid.
    if they say true and here is a problem concerning mentor system, so it can't be run properly as you want.
    yes, i'm from private servers? and if you don't know, good private servers were carrying about their customers. bad thinking is that private servers player is worse.
    4. was answered above.

    i said everything from my and people like me perspective. you can disagree, but i can't make you think otherwise and you can't make me.
  15. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    is this guy seriously paying money for his pa with his own hand then complaining about paying money? dafuq?

    btw fenris, obama called, he said he wants you two to meet tomorrow to discuss the economical crysis.
  16. blu3s0ul

    blu3s0ul User

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    welcome to my world fenris!
  17. Fenris

    Fenris User

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    private servers - customers ? wtf is this **** ? seriously ? if this would be still pay for play u would root on ur sh1ty private server ... and ye i think that private servers were sh1ty - not players but servers.
    where i got answer ?. company secrets ? wts man ... they made licence to make service lineage 2 for europe - full lineage not some demo version. same with ur idiotic way - got a clan got pvp ... where ? toi ? soa ? i wana get full service if it is possible - they give me choice pay or dont pay ... but if i pay it make me their client - so i am customer and i can rage for better threatment! so i wana know in details what is happening!? why ncwest which got same client got mentor and we dont.
    randoms ? u fking idiot - we dont care about randoms - if u cant find a pt - make cp - join clan go raids... the era where u could be fking random ended with high5. i dont care about ur stupid excueses that some random get epics ... somebody can be on karma and drop it too ... so "random" will get an epic next he will join some good clan and he stop being random ... so still i dont know where is the problem of " random" geting epix ? u are pissed because u cant mae istina in 1 pt ? u are pissed because u cant enter octavis ? good for u go rage to ur noob clan.

    btw still w8 for ur answer of economy crysis after event ... pls give me ur plan... go go go i wana laught moar!
  18. SomeOneOutside

    SomeOneOutside User

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    you don't know my level, clan, but you are talking ********. why should i rage? you are raging here the most, but ok, go on. it's nice to see when person gets mad because of other's opinion ^^
  19. ShizZ

    ShizZ User

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    fenris i think u care to much, carring sometimes can be bad
    ps : i didnt even read what u wrote
  20. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    ok guys, if the flaming. insulting and inappropriate language does not stop i will close this thread down. have some respect for your fellow human beings and have a rational conversation. if you want to insult eachother take it to pm's.

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