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Violations and Penalties changes

Discussion in '2011 ~ 2017' started by Cheers, Oct 10, 2012.

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  1. Cheers

    Cheers User

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    dear members,

    we would like to draw your attention to some changes in violations and penalties. please pay attention. changes will concern para 8.1. and 8.2. from clause 8.
    new penalties shall be applicable starting from 14th october, 2012.

    8.1. unauthorized access to another users’ account - from 3 days to permanent blocking of the account that was accessed and/or account that was involved in violation (if any), recall of the last exchange deals and item displacement from one character/account to another.

    8.2. sharing your account information with other users - from 3 days to permanent character/game account blocking, recall of the last exchange deals and item displacement from one character/account to another.

    these will be changed respectively to:

    8.1. unauthorized access to another users’ account - from warning to permanent blocking of the character/account that was accessed and/or character/account that was involved into violation (if any), recall of the last exchange deals and item displacement from one character/account to another.

    8.2. sharing your account information with other users - from warning to permanent character/game account blocking, recall of the last exchange deals and item displacement from one character/account to another.

    thank you.

    innova team
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