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Class system balance

Discussion in '2011 ~ 2017' started by Cheers, Oct 19, 2012.

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  1. Cheers

    Cheers User

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    dear members,

    we present you a letter from lineage ii development team

    this time we are going to talk about another topic that users are so keen on - the way of regulating a balance between classes.

    awakened class skills are the criteria that differentiate classes, that is why this aspect is so important.
    with the god awakened class system and their skills the balance between classes was changed.
    the analysis of the awakened classes revealed a necessity for further improvements in the system.
    when devising awakened skills we faced the following restrictions:

    • overall damage-dealing power increased significantly due to skill-based battle structure
    • with each awakened class "inheriting" all the skills from its corresponding third transfer classes, they would absorb core skills from dissimilar classes (neutralization, debuff, etc...) as well if they were included in the group of corresponding classes
      example: differences between sigel knight and feoh wizard (soul taker gets integrated)
    • imbalances occur in damage dealt, cooldowns, effect duration, etc..., due to having to provide better skills than those of the 3rd transfer classes
    • buff-type skills are higher-lever skills, so a higher percentage of stats would give an advantage to certain classes
    we have made certain balance improvements with the "awakening" update, but there is still much work to be done. we will have a thorough examination of the matter. the class balance has a big impact on pvp. we plan on analysing each class's problematic spots and balancing out the whole system.

    below is our plan for class balance adjustment in goddess of destruction: chapter 3: lindvior.

    1. balance system modification
    1) levelling the increase

    a few classes at the moment have an advantage in terms of balance. a way to level out the imbalances would be to scale down or to eliminate skills that cause imbalance, but this will have a direct negative impact on class-specific skills that do not influence that balance in a negative way. therefore, we would like to level out the imbalances by increasing the power of relatively weak classes instead of decreasing the power of the powerful ones.

    2) renovating skill usefulness and battle formula

    we would like to address the issue in which each class has certain battle formulas or lack usefulness for certain skills. this is especially true for special skills that have been added for awakened classes, whose power throws off the class balance. we would like to fix this issue to allow for a more strategic use in battle as intended by the designers. as for battle formula, we will simplify it for easier recognition and correct unfair disadvantages to certain classes.

    2. battle formula modification
    1) debuff formula and resistance value change

    debuffs on whole have success rates which vary depending on the user and targets’ stats. this alone provides plenty of variety to debuffs, so random duration times can be problematic in terms of increased complexity. as such, we will eliminate the random factor in duration times and retain only the success/failure element as a variable, simplifying the mechanics once the debuff is successful. also, we will scrutinise the current physical/mental/simple debuff categories and judge whether each debuff skill is well-suited for its category and whether to apply it to the debuff success rate decrease, so that certain debuffs may become more useful in battle.

    2) evasion formula change

    we have concluded that there is a problem with the current structure in which you accrue more damage if hit, rather than accruing less damage when evading an attack. as such, we plan to change the formula so that damage received would not increase as evasion rate increases; this would be more rewarding for classes that wear light armor and use evasion as a main form of defense.

    3) changes to the ranged physical damage formula according to distance

    when attacking with a bow, physical damage increases or decreases depending on the distance between attacker and target.

    damage gradually decreases when 60% or lower than full hit range, and increases when 60% or higher.

    the purpose of this formula was to give more control to archer types according to their calculation of distance and the following damage, but the result has complicated gameplay and frequently yielded negative user experience. therefore, we will modify this formula so that damage would be universally applied regardless of distance, resulting in a more intuitive gameplay.

    3. classes' modifications
    1) sigel knight

    the sigel knight is essential to group play, and currently ranks as one of the more powerful classes in pvp. we will increase the usefulness of certain skills, especially revamping those that are powerful but not often useful. but in the case of the aggression skills, we will have to adjust their excessive impact on melee classes in large-scale pvp and make them more useful in hunting.

    increase shield charge duration
    modify the king of beasts skill
    decrease skill cooldown to 30 sec. and increase mp consumption
    soulshots apply; casting time is affected by attack speed.
    chain strike and chain hydra skills have increased success rates
    superior aggression and superior aggression aura skills have decreased success rates

    2) tyrr warrior

    tyrr warrior’s damage skills will overall increase in efficiency; powerful damage-dealing skills will increase in usefulness and mp cost to encourage more strategic usage in battle.

    increase armor destruction and hurricane blaster skills’ power
    30% increase in ability to decrease target’s defense
    modify last attack skill
    eliminate skill cooldown and make it more useful in pvp
    increase skill’s critical rate
    increase all damage-dealing skills’ success rates
    increase superior light armor mastery’s power
    modify sonic star and infinity strike
    decrease skill cooldown to 30 sec. and increase mp consumption
    soulshots apply for more damage; casting time is affected by attack speed

    3) othell rogue

    we focused on clarifying the class’ original intent by modifying the blow-type skills’ damage formula. we also increased success rates for various debuff skills to allow for a more dynamic control of targets’ status. but the shadow fake death skill currently has an excessively low mp cost, making the battles boring, so we increased the mp consumption.

    shadow fake death skill increases in mp consumption
    debuff skills have higher success rates
    blow-type damage formula modified
    due to the buff that decreases received critical damage, we lowered the percentage of decrease in blow-type damage, so that it can yield higher damage than before in the same scenario.

    4) yul archer

    the yul archer is formidable in pvp right now; after awakening, it has become the jack of all trades, ranging from various evasion and invincibility skills to powerful damage-dealing. we modified success rates for certain debuffs, and we intend to increase usefulness for powerful damage-dealing skills. though the yul archer’s stance-type skills are toggle form and can only be used one at a time, they can be applied redundantly, so we will change them to buff-type skills and change their effects as well.

    debuff skill success rates increased
    impact shot, recoil shot, slow shot, bullseye
    lure shot, bow strike, and other such debuffs have decreased success rates
    phoenix arrow skill modified
    significantly decrease skill cooldown and increase mp consumption
    decrease the formally excessive skill power
    modify stance-type skills
    change from group toggle form to standard buff form
    siege fire stance: effect now increases attack and skill power
    rapid fire stance: effect now increases atk. power and decreases cooldown
    sniper stance: effect now increases atk. power and attack range

    5) feoh wizard

    the feoh wizard’s original concept was a powerful ranged magician, but currently this class is not performing as expected. we will be doing an overhaul on mp usage during hunts and damage dealt in general. the vortex plus slasher combo that will be included upon diversification will help restore the original damage-dealing pattern of the wizard.

    increase all skill attack power by 10%
    increase success rates for debuff skills
    increase elemental spike’s power
    eliminate skill cooldown to make it feel more like a standard attack
    devil’s curse and mass devil’s curse skills are increased in power and thus made more useful
    increase debuff duration
    target’s m. atk. / m. def. decreased by 30% instead of 10%
    unleash hell and death mass unleash hell increased in power
    spiritshots applied; casting time is affected by m. atk speed.
    cooldown significantly decreased and mp consumption increased

    6) iss enchanter

    we will modify the iss enchanter to allow for a more comfortable battle through debuff duration increase and normal damage increase. also, we will be changing the skill effects of crazy nocturne due to its lack of usefulness. but as for the increase poem skills, the current healing skills’ effects are exceeding the healers’ so we will make this a more selective choice by increasing mp consumption.

    increase debuff duration to 20 sec.
    crippling attack, shadow blade, mass crippling attack, mass shadow blade
    10% increase in damage against monsters during a standard attack
    chaos symphony skill modified
    decrease cooldown to 30 sec. and increase mp consumption
    soulshots apply and casting time is affected by attack speed.
    crazy nocturne skill modified
    changed effect to decrease received critical rate by 50%
    increase poem skill’s mp consumption increased

    7) wynn summoner

    the wynn summoner is currently the most powerful class in hunting. we will be increasing the usefulness of skills that connect with servitor skills as befitting the summoner class. the biggest change will be that we will be decreasing the max number of summoned servitors while increasing the stats of each servitor, so that the effect will be the same despite the decrease in numbers.

    servitor major heal skill increased in power
    atk. power increases when equipped with dual blunts for wizards; weapon selection also increased
    increase summon death gate skill power
    increase servitor’s attack and defense
    change max number of summoned servitors
    2 is now the max number of servitors that can be summoned by level
    following the decrease in numbers, the servitors’ stats will increase accordingly

    8) aeore healer

    having had three 3rd transfer classes of varying abilities merge into one, the healer class is currently quite powerful with various skills and healing powers. we have decided that this class needs no big changes, but can still have a few tweaks in certain factors. they presently have an issue in which wearing heavy armor is more beneficial because casting speed and such that have max stat limits are not affected by disuse of soul crystal enhancement, as can be seen by not wearing robes or using acumens. such issues were limited through individual skills and passive skills before the awakening, but after the awakening, such issues were overlooked contrary to our intent. accordingly, we plan to make certain skills only available when equipped with robes or light armor in order to minimise issues such as forced armor exchanges.

    frantic healing skill modified
    skill effect applies when equipped with light armor or robe
    progressive heal and balance heal have increased mp consumption

    we have made it our goal to retain overall balance through increases while minimising decreases, but things may not be perfect as everything is relative to other classes. we will test these changes and investigate possible problems before implementing to the live update.

    we look forward to hearing your feedback on class balance here.
    thank you.

    you are welcome to take part in the poll that we are having concerning this news.
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