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CP lf 97+ TANK, mail/pm

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Estemy, Nov 1, 2012.

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  1. Estemy

    Estemy User

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    hello all!

    my international cp is looking for a tank since our old one stopped playing l2.

    about us: we are all from the horde, so if you join us, then after an initial trial you'd have to join the clan (afterall we need you in sieges). the cp always starts 19.30 gmt+1 and we play from monday through thursday + sunday. we usually finish before 23.00, but there is no official time - we level until we can. on other days (weekend) we do oly, sieges and/or epic raids or we are just free to do whatever we wish irl. my cp is very active on teamspeak, so being there is a must and we always use english in everything we do.

    instances that we do together: epic istina/octavis, antharas, tauti, octavis, istina, balor, balok, soh, cc. that leaves everyone able to do k95, fortuna, gf, olympiad etc on their own.

    how to apply/more questions: mail/pm estemy (i'm online from 9am to 10pm pretty much daily)

    additional info: we are also lf 2nd punctual cp to do octavis and balok with on any workdays 19.30 gmt+1 onwards. mail or pm if interested. any clan/cp is welcome to apply.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2012
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