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Experiment 6: Augmentation and the chance of acquiring active and passive skills

Discussion in 'Archived experiments' started by Tully, Nov 15, 2012.

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  1. Tully

    Tully Experimenter Moderator

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    tags: [god] [skills] [item modification]

    tully stumbled along the dark corridor, puffing under the weight of a wooden crate full of life stones that he was carrying to his store room. the crate was quite heavy, even for tully, and he is no weak dwarf by any standards. "almost there", he thought as he took a turn and... crash! he tripped over a pile of armour and weapon that was lying very inconveniently by the wall, the crate slipped out of his hands, as he landed hard on the ground, and all the life stones went spilling across the floor. he got up, swearing under his breath, cursing the whole wide world. the life stones were now all over the place.

    tully cast an angry look at the heap of armour and weapon and saw the bow that he had tripped over. he pulled it out and looked at it. his trained eye detected immediately it was not an ordinary bow, it had augmentation effects, which suddenly set tully's mind to work. he glanced at the scattered stones, then back at the bow. a curious smile stretched slowly across his bearded face. "i wonder..."


    in order to determine the chance of acquiring active and passive skills through augmentation i decided to test 2000 life stones – level 76 of different grades by inserting them into [​IMG] draconic bow. the experiment was divided into 4 parts:

    1. 1. insert 500 [​IMG] life stones
    2. 2. insert 500 [​IMG] mid-grade life stones
    3. 3. insert 500 [​IMG] high-grade life stones
    4. 4. insert 500 [​IMG] top-grade life-stones

    in the end i acquired 183 skills in total, so the average chance of acquiring a skill (active or passive, including chance skills) was around 9.15%. thus every 11th augmentation resulted in obtaining a skill. the table shows the chance-grade relation.

    gradequantitychance[​IMG] life stone – level 7644 out of 5008,8%[​IMG] mid-grade life stone – level 7644 out of 5008,8%[​IMG] high-grade life stone – level 7650 out of 50010%[​IMG] top-grade life stone – level 7645 out of 5009%total183 out of 2 0009,15%

    here’s a visual representation of the data:


    as you can see, the average chance of augmentation is around 9% and the chances between different grades don’t differ significantly.

    in total there are 191 skills introduced by the developers that can be acquired through augmentation (86 active, 78 chance, 22 passive and 5 active skills introduced in tauti). now we can calculate the chance of obtaining a specific skill:

    resultchancetotal~9,15%active skill (any)~4,1%chance skill (any)~3.7%passive skill (any)~1.05%new skill (tauti)~0.24%specific skill~0.05%


    • the chance of acquiring a skill through augmentation doesn’t depend much on the grade of the life stone and on average equals 9.15%
    • the chance of acquiring a particular skill is around 0.05%
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
  2. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    which are???
  3. ShizZ

    ShizZ User

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    item skill - warp
    stuns and cancels targeting of nearby enemies and teleports forward. cooldown is 24 seconds. consumes 10 b-grade gemstones.

    item skill - dash
    increases spd. by 30, p. evasion by 7, and hp recovery bonus by 7 for 10 seconds. consumes 10 b-grade gemstones.

    item skill - undying will
    becomes invincible for 5 seconds. can be used when hp drops to 20% or below. consumes 20 b-grade gemstones.

    item skill - silence
    cannot use p. atk. or m. atk. for 5 seconds. consumes 30 b-grade gemstones.

    item skill - disable target
    make yourself impossible to target for 5 seconds. consumes 10 b-grade gemstones.
  4. Ronove

    Ronove User

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    thanks for this test, the % of obtaining a specific skill was always something that interested me. (damn you reflect aug :d )
  5. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    me want :ddd
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