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why should i read about irrelevant for me to know the reason things happening to me?

Discussion in 'Feedback Archive' started by Nursery, Nov 22, 2012.

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  1. Nursery

    Nursery User

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    yesterday i logged in to play a little, very little bacuse i had no time. i suddenly noticed that i am pa (i always hesitating because of things like i write about now, aka below here). i thought i lost my memory but as listening to others, maybe a lot of us lost memory of paying... so, i thought it must be a mistake again, somehow.

    i went to the login page again to get information (why the heck i am thinking this should have be a lot better...), knowing nothing. asked a lot of people, knowing nothing. so, because of limited time, i did what i could and went offline again. and today i came back to see "pa effect is gone" (happily i noticed this, so i dont have to blame myself playing too much when i had to do other things in real life...). i started playing the routine and noticed that i was yesterday a bit higher on %. cursing hell i headed into forum to look for information, again, found nothing. asked many ppl again and only i answered. he said, go and check heros status issue, there is the explanation for pa effect yesterday but cannot tell nothing about a possible rollback again.

    so, with anger in heart i was about to uninstall the game. fortunatelly i had to take care of my little girl, so i calmed down only to protest: we players need to be respected by you! a lot more! i dont care about issues, things happen. i know them as sysadmin in many other sytems. but... why dont you respect us with giving us information relevant like this? i should read hero status issue (never ever wanted to be hero, i have life) to know that i could have used pa effect advancing with my char? why on earth should i?

    on the login screen i always see "really relevant and informant things" like screenshot rewards and no relevant information like a pa thing or rollback?

    please give us information, we are not just toys and ppl who make your living by buying in your shops :(
  2. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    dear nursery,

    the rollback that happened was as a result of the issues with hero status, therefore the compensation of 1 days pa was in respect to that issue. it has complete relevance, everyone was aware of the reason for the rollback and therefore anyone who was affected by the rollback followed that thread for further updates. if you decided to ignore that thread because you didnt want to be hero then im afraid that is your problem and no one elses, other users who are not running for hero and were effected by the rollback that resulted from the hero status issues followed the thread.

    we are not responsible for any user that chooses not to read announcments made, we also do not have flashing lights to tell us what thread each and every user will or will not read. all announcements are considered important and should be treated so by yourselves. our responsiblity is to post them, it is your responsibility to read them, if you choose not to then you shouldn't be surprised.

  3. Nursery

    Nursery User

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    for deepblue


    as u closed the thread in we may had conversation about a problem i give it another try ,) because reading your reply it seems you replied to something else not my question and i think it was not intentional.

    i wrote about that no relevant information is on the login page but rollbacks have more importance and you mention it only in selected topic. then you blamed me not to read topic which is about something not global (yes, being hero is not a global thing cos not everyone goes for it).

    there was an issue of hero things. there was a compensation (pa for 1 day or else). and there was a rollback (for me at least). is it normal? i was writing about this and you said stfu and read every topic or get lost. is feedback for only those who say "hello and you are doing well"? i didnt think so.

    well, i took your answer that you were in bad mood and didnt really want to understand my concern. it maybe was not intentional. prove me wrong or do as you please. if you reconsider my question and feedback all will see that you really need feedback. or do nothing, or else, and all will see that our responses mean nothing.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2012
  4. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    dear nursery,

    if you wish to address one person then please use private messages.

    the thread was closed simply because we had collected your feedback, i had pointed out to you that you were incorrect about the relevance of the hero issue and the pa compensation and if the thread was overlooked then it was not our fault but your own. that had nothing to do with my mood, your mood or anyone elses, its simply just that ;) the "news" feed on the login page is the twitter feed and not alerts from the forum, for forum news there is a link provided on the login page.

    and please refrain from missquoting people, i at no point said "stfu and read every topic or get lost"

    the point is the pa was in respect to the rollback that was needed to solve the problem associated with the hero status issue - therefore any updated news about that including the pa being issued was to be updated in that thread, if you decided it was not relevant for you that can't be helped by us, its your choice to read or not to read and we can not accept any responsibility for your actions. think of it like a chain of events heres a "hypothetical" scenario for you: earthquake hits a country on the otherside of the world, news reports it but because it appears to have no relevance as im not in that country i dont listen to/read that bit of news - the earthquake there causes a tsunami that travels across the ocean and then hits my country/town - im surprised because i didnt expect it but if i had followed the news then i would have seen it coming and could have prepared for it - its the newscasters/newspapers fault that i didnt read?

    we understand that you are frustrated but you have to understand that important news and announcements are posted to the forums, the forum is the main source for news and information that may effect users ingame and not a social network feed.

    thread is merged with your other thread and please refrain from discussing bans on the forum boards.
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