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Experiment 10: Marks and Exile vs. Mental resistance (Summoners' Myths p.1)

Discussion in 'Archived experiments' started by Yumi, Nov 28, 2012.

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  1. Yumi

    Yumi Innova Group

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    tags: [god] [skills] [stats]

    yumi sat at the table with two orcs - wynn summoners. they were drinking tea (well, at least yumi went for tea) and laughing loudly. the orcs were her two childhood friends and they saw each other quite regularly, but this time was the one when they met after a long while. the lack of communication required proper catching up.

    the orcs boasted about their skills, as they usually do, especially about mark of trick and exile, pitching theories that those in some way depend on the men and con stats.

    'you're pretty mental, you should know,' said yumi to one of them, making the other one roar with laughter.

    she smiled broadly. after knowing each other for so many years, what offence could be taken from such innocent jokes?

    they carried on chatting happily, but the question remained: do those skills really depend on the stats?


    does the land rate of marks and exile skills cast by a wynn summoner depend on the target’s men, con and mental resistance? - that's what i've been asking myself.

    to find out the answer to this question i decided to carry out an experiment with two level 99 wynn summoners not equipped with any weapons, armor or jewelry. one summoner is going to land the [​IMG] mark of trick and [​IMG] exile on the other under different conditions.

    test 1 (target’s stats unchanged)​

    in this test mental shield was not used, and the target’s stats were not changed in any way (an orc wynn summoner without equipment, buffs or items of any kind, 84 men and 43 con).
    • out of 1000 attempts at using the [​IMG] exile skill, 466 were successful, that is, the land rate was 46.6%.
    • out of 1000 attempts at using the [​IMG] mark of trick skill, 780 were successful, that is, the land rate was 78%.

    test 2 (with mental shield) ​

    the same experiment was carried out once again with the target (orc wynn summoner) buffed with [​IMG] mental shield.
    • out of 1000 attempts at using the [​IMG] exile skill, 426 were successful, that is, the land rate was 42.6%.
    • out of 1000 attempts at using the [​IMG] mark of trick skill, 793 were successful, that is, the land rate was 79.3%.

    test 3 (mental shield + 199 men)​

    the experiment was repeated with the target’s stats changed: the orc wynn summoner was still buffed with [​IMG] mental shield and his men was increased from 84 to 199.
    • out of 1000 attempts at using the [​IMG] exile skill, 453 were successful, that is, the land rate was 45.3%.
    • out of 1000 attempts at using the [​IMG] mark of trick skill, 796 were successful, that is, the land rate was 79.6%.

    test 4 (mental shield +199 men and 199 con)​

    the same test was done with our orc buffed with [​IMG] mental shield, his men still being 199 while his con was increased from 43 to 199.
    • out of 1000 attempts at using the [​IMG] exile skill, 450 were successful, that is, the land rate was 45%.
    • out of 1000 attempts at using the [​IMG] mark of trick skill, 766 were successful, that is, the land rate was 76.6%.


    test #exilemark of tricktest 1 (stats unchanged)466780test 2 (mental shield)426793test 3 (mental shield + men)453796test 4 ( mental shield + men + con)450766

    you can also see the results on the diagram below:


    conclusion: the bars of almost equal height bear out the equal land rate regardless of [​IMG] mental shield or extremely high values of men and con.

    comparing the results of tests 1 and 4 for both skills, we can notice that although there is a difference, it is very slight (about 1.5%), which can be regarded as a standard inaccuracy caused by the relatively small amount of trials.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
  2. Obsess

    Obsess User

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    a few days ago you proved that wit is pretty much useless for summoners. now you prove us that men and con are also useless for summoners. is there any stats that benefits summoners?:)) i would like a test for this.
  3. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    requests for tests go to the request thread, they will end up being missed here.
  4. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    you just have to make the right test http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=246920

    what about a nice test with maxed mental protection

    i mean with mental shield (or divine resistance) + bless antharas + bless zaken + beleth ring + trasken ring + freya necklace

    just for curiosity ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2012
  5. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    and again, all requests to the requests thread please, they will be ignored here.

  6. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    i'm requesting something related to the test, not an all new test, it's stupid to do whole new request...
  7. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    the request thread is named that for a reason, its for all requests even those relating to past tests - if it is in relation to one already done the just include the link to related test with your request but if it doesnt go into the appropriate section then it will get overlooked so for your own sake take my advise and post in the correct thread.
  8. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    and as always ppl forget about arcane protection aka chant of protection. and also u didn't test epics vs. no epics. i said this before that you guys should team up with some players that have a good game perspective but deepblue told me you already do, so i just find it neccesary to sum up that ppl who give you advices are kinda bad at this game and you should look for new advisors.

    it's just obvious, i mean look at the pts where i couldn't test dualclass skills and i have to pay some milions on core to actually check them out, and that ain't the only thing that was badly organised on pts.

    and also this is not the first test that you make for nothing because you don't have a good perspective, i won't say more cus i don't have a personal goal to enlighten nubs who read these sections (i kinda like it how some things here miss-lead ppl bcus i can benefit from the little advantages that some "secrets" give) but trust me that some of your tests aren't properly made.

    you take it as a constructive advice or you just ignore it it's fine by me, it's your time spent to make these tests, and u obviously want to do something good here, you might as well improve on how you do them so it's not all for nothing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2012
  9. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    although your comments about pts are off-topic i will answer it - the npc for changing sub/dual class has been changed by korea due to exploitation and to avoid risk of players duplicating that on live servers they removed the function, this has already been explained in the pts section where your comment really belongs. so if you want someone to blame, blame the korean developers - its their npc - we only host the game for them ;)

    now try and stay on topic please :)
  10. Obsess

    Obsess User

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    "somerandrom:any word from the dev team how wit works? or the summoner dots work ?
    juji:not yet. "

    not even the developers know how the wynn skills work
  11. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    are you stupid? there is no dev team in the european or na servers...
  12. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

    Likes Received:
    you are starting to go off topic now guys. pr0t0n you are correct as the devs for l2 are nckorea but there is no need to call people stupid.
  13. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

    Likes Received:
    i am deeply sorry, won't happen again :(
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