hi guys! on my main account i have made 3 characters. now i wanna take 2 characters from my account and i wanna put them on other accounts. can you help me wit some sugestions? is posible? ty
hello faust, transferring characters from one account to another is not available on our server at the moment.
so i must understand is not available for the moment, but in short future will be? some ppl made the same mistake like me to have in main acc more then 1 character. now i wanna make them in with independent acc and the sistem can't help me, but the sistem dont think if all my acc will have pa they will take more $ from me. i think you have friends who dont have patience to take a new start and if you can help them with a character and they will take pa to lvl up faster from 85 to 99 all will have benefits. you as a player will apreciate coz in server will be more ppl to play this nice game and innova for pa. pace!
first of all trading/sharing characters is not permitted as per the user agreement that you agreed to when you created your account, should you need to refresh your memory then there is a link to it on my signature. secondly - character transfer service is not available and is not expected in the near future if at all. if the option becomes available the character would only be transferable to your own account and not a friends account. but again there are no plans to introduce that service at this time. regards.
i understand your point of view as a moderator and i hope you understand my point of view as a player. is not about trading acc and characters, is just about my desperate attempt to make cp with my old friends. if innova don't let me sharing acc then is ok, but innova must do something for ppl with more caracters on 1 acc to give them possibility to mouve them on other acc for boxing. regards you too mate!
the fact that you can have as many accounts as you like for spreading your characters across them is something that innova has provided for you some games only allow one account per person. we are not responsible if you created your characters all on one account and then change your mind at a later date. as i said, this service is not currently available and is not going to be introduced in the near future. regards.
i'm not taling about who is responsable for my mistake. we are talking about option in case of mistakes. so if i will not find cp or i can't play boxing my chars for farming i will be force to leave the server coz i can't wach on the screen doing nothing. right? so my friend can you tell me what options give me your team (coz i saw you are talikng with "we innova")? i am not asking mouving my chars on other acc for free coz mistakes cost $ and i know that. i am talking about my work and time and $ spended rong on the same acc and i ask for options and help.
i know and understand what you are asking but the bottom line is the service is not available and is not going to be available in the near future. there is nothing else we can do for you and repeating it over and over isnt going to change the fact that there is no service available for you to use to do this. making threats about leaving server if we do not help you with it is not going to make us hurry to develop such a service as we do not bow down to blackmail and will only result in me reminding you of the forum rules where threats are not tolerated. regards. the question has been answered several times therefore thread is now closed to avoid more repetitious answers.