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Are you really about opening a polish server?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by MrScubba, Dec 5, 2012.

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  1. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    hm, i think those polish players who would like to play on the official already plays at the innova eu-ru or ncwest.

    those who aren't might be they won't later neither.

    i guess the european communities did agree and keep it to normal if they plays on eu server where many kind of people around them.

    germany has nice lineage 2 population too, but look their server or forum it is kinda empty.

    i think innova didn't make any real research when they did agree in a contract they will open official localized servers in 8 european countries, while keep an international european server and next of them manage the exist european servers in russia.

    you here talks about the players mostly, but the innova need to make profit. without profit no marketing, no employees, no servers.

    to open another 7 localized servers they will need about 70-100 new employees, 7 new offices, 7 new servers.

    so right now the innova eu has i guess about 20-25% chance to be able give the good service and support to those things what the chapter 3 will take.

    the cross server sieges between innova and ncwest server never won't happen. first reason is, that they separated companies, different services, item store, clients etc.
    second is, that the ncwest has the background to make the cross server sieges.

    also we haven't fix info when will comes to us this chapter 3. maybe just 6 months later. as i did read about the polish server it will stand up in this month or next month. so, until the innova eu, innova de, innova pl must to be profitable too.

    personally i think it is a problem at the innova, that they sells too good xp too cheap. so players gets early and cheap the 99 after won't be necessary to them the premium account.

    after all i think, if maybe these localized servers open and the core would close as some of you told here, i guess the whole european community will hate the innova.
  2. Limaro

    Limaro User

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    the answer about the site has been already given on ru forum:
    translated with google
  3. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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  4. SirVual

    SirVual User

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    dark clouds incoming to the eu server. lot of polish n00bs, including fenris will go to pl server. pl ppl made 30% on-line on eu. and for what is that? i think - for polish l2 store, with easy phone-payment, for kids, who dont have own bank account, but have a unlimited money on... daddy's mobile phone.
  5. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    why you think most polish ppl from core will move to polish server? not everyone wanna play with kids and kindergarden, so most mature polish players will stay on core. from our clan (we got around 50% polish players) noone is going to move to this lol server. stop making cheap propaganda, cause you were saying "core will die" like 7-8 months ago (bcs of tera, gw2, some private servers l2) and everytime these other games were failing hard and ppl come back. moreover online now on core is higher than 3-4 months ago.

    most funy thing is (the same like on polish forum) ppl who saying: "dud servidor, core will diiieeeezz" etc are ppl who quited and from some reasons still writing here instead to move to other forums of their new games : )
  6. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    well, look there are some people who just hater, because he can't be top guy neither on innova neither on ncwest servers.
    look this zaikarh or what is his name, he is always on this forum to blame the l2 and say how another games will good. since this time while we play lineage 2 and he stopped, i guess this guy played about 4-5 game and did quit from everywhere, while from now maybe here he hasn't so good chance to be top guy.

    i do read the korean forums and the cross server siege is something amazing brutal popular there as i read.

    if we look, the fansite forum activity there in the last days the l2 is the most popular or second most popular game in korea.

    while to the forum of another games to 1-1 article the readers write only 1-30 comments, a css news result close to 200 comments too.

    so, l2 can have really nice future, just to can use the full contents of the game the innova eu they shouldn't share their player base.
  7. dem00

    dem00 User

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    you are talking about korea here mate. in eu you don't see lineage 2 and aion as one of the most played games.

    but best wishes for lineage2 in eu also.
  8. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    with this, i wanted to say, that looks like the lineage ii could take a content what will can be really successful massively at the players outside korea too.
    on the ranklist of pc caffees where they count, that a player how much hours play a day with a game the lineage ii is the 14th most played game in every category.
    this place totally a really good place, but right when most of the players in korea actively made xping to get the lvl 99 lineage 2 was the 7th or 6th too on this list.

    so while the l2 will be able to improve its self and will focus again to its main unique things l2 will can improve its popularity again.
  9. Krontas

    Krontas User

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    guys but you know that the german client is still beta. so dont worry there wont be a german server at all xd
  10. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    just read your latest post about myself,i never hidden that i dont play anymore cause i dislike what this game became with latest updates, a fully instanced game,while for players like yourself should be a great improvement be able to leave town without gettin erased in a millisecond for me the whole system is flawed.
    now that the mystery is solved could you get back to what you were doing,as usual,crying about bots and saying how nc and l2 are good,how "haters" are "evil" and prooving that you are incapable to substain a discussion without indicize others as haters or spam useless propaganda?
    moreover im quite sure i have seen more content in l2 than you will ever do,so dont worry about me,its redundant.

    the games i tried meanwhile i paid for,i can judge them,you're just another fanboy trying to convince yourself that you stick to l2 cause its good and not cause you cant afford to try out anything else.
    have fun,stay safe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2013
  11. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    i can afford any game what i want try out. what i wanted try out, i did try out.

    if you not even a lineage 2 player and aren't playing neither at ncwest or innova, why the hell are u posting to here?

    i guess not really care about what you say at here, because mainly you just come here to flame the l2 or the innova/ncsoft.

    while you can't agree, that still exist a lots of players who love the lineage ii and a part of them maybe love it much more as before.

    go and read the forum of those games what with you play.
  12. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    first of all,dont despise your own brain trying to make conclusions about myself,also theres no rule in the forum that forbid people to post if they aren't playing.
    im not flaming,im expressing my own opinion,which until now proved to have been completely right,the fact you cant take criticism about your fav game is a problem that i cant nor i want to solve.
    i stopped to take your posts seriously after you tried to deny that ncsoft fell apart having to hand over to nexon and making most of his games as f2p,if you're an ncsoft employee i'm sad for you,if you are just a fan,well...time to grow up and accept the reality and stop to cry about haters,ghosts and my person.

  13. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    than keep posting who cares...

    but do no quote my comments than, people like jump in to every over hyped games while the crowd you jump from there out and just exist to flame these games.

    if i do not play with game or do not like it, i simply do not make comments about it or read its forum like would act every normal player.

    you may were fail as player or bot too at ncwest, after came to innova, that here you will be someone, but just became a no one.

    it is so simply. every active player knows, what things are the problem at the innova or at the ncsoft or what the currently bad or good contents of the lineage ii and we/they can decide, that we want to play here or not.

    i know too and feel too, that the much instance what appeared or the 8 class idea weren't good ideas.

    but i also know, that the game in the next update will return to the roots, it is already really popular in korea and as i hear from the players it will very popular at here.

    it is good, that the nexon own a part of the ncsoft, because the nc a really good (may only good) mmo maker company, but totally dumb for the business, nexon is one of most creative video game company if we look the business part also high skilled in service/f2p fronts so if the nexon or ncsoft/nexon would manage the l2 in the us would be one of best thing what could happen with the l2.
  14. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    self-disassociative syndrome?
    god,you might be worth far more than ncsoft for the science,actualy....
    i must be careful to preserve your condition without cause further complications,i see.

    but...you randomly made my name up without reason,completely off topic and pretend that i dont answer to your bulldocks?

    thats cool said from someone which i've never heard of,not here nor on naia,admitting you played there,only thing you did so far about this game was being a babelfish fanboy,much to judge anyone else,sure.
    also the "bot argument" was old 4 years ago,but can't pretend you to understand it.

    does not make sence,hope you understand it soon or later.
    cut the fairy tales cause so far ncsoft cannot afford to publish anything without nexon covering their costs,nexon actualy drives ncsoft and own their trademark.
    you just prooved me to dont have a clue about those arguments,using "shareholding argument",most likely you read an article about the argument in which you found that word and thought it would be cool to use it in your broken posts,well,your "economics for dummies" level of propaganda does not impress me.
    but yea you can tell whatever you want to make it looks better,you're just lying and looking ridicolous to whoever knows how the things are.

    again?! source please?
    expecially about the korean popularity,i've completely different sources,they are constantly loosing players and not even pay2win shops manages to cover entirely the game expense at this point.
    aion is doing even worse,but its off topic...

    your google-translate kind of english is pretty annoying,would you bother to double check the grammar before click "submit" please?
  15. Ronove

    Ronove User

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    flaming discussion between 2 people that don't even play here... epic.
    please just stop posting. both. thanks on behalf of everyone else on forum.
  16. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    @rapidblades and zairakh please take you personal issues with eachother to private messages, the forum boards are not the place for your issues with eachother to be aired and you are taking this thread totally off topic and stop with the "you dont play so you cant post" stuff please as that is irrelevant and is not a reason for someone to post or not to post.

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