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LF Kardoi, my friend

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by HELL-SK, Dec 10, 2012.

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  1. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    well, it's easiest to judge things bout how they seem, to let your feelings for someone - like hate - get in the way of an objective oppinion, oppinion which u can't even evolve without having all the facts straight. some things are much too complicated to judge as an outside-er. i always liked you elronia, and never intended to offend you in any way, as others around here i'm pretty sure, you must understand that questions like "how does it feel to give them a valakas and 2 days after seeing them quit?" are mostly directed to them, not to you, and it's just normal that some flames would happen at some point related to this, i mean you can't expect ppl to just stay quiet about something like this, not everyday we have top cps/cl quiting.
  2. sh1ny

    sh1ny User

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    as i told you, i value loyalty more than being on the top and i express that quality of mine, even if i don't get the same from the other side....up to a point where i decide it is not worth it or something happens to the other side ( like now ). with all due respect to all the quality players, what i dislike the most (as i already told you) is side hopping and bandwagoning. yes, that's what mostly happens in l2, that doesn't mean i like it.
  3. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    yes, and as you have your right at some point to decide it's not worth it or something happens, in the same manner others have the same right. you're just assuming they didn't have reasons to, which is not so fair when u don't know all that happened.
  4. Hax

    Hax User

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    i got kicked, i didnt hop. kthx
  5. sleepers

    sleepers User

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    i (with my cp) joined a clan when they were nothing. gave them the best castle, gave them mage hero, archer hero, top pvp party, a person that could lead sieges, support for everything, helped them to make the clan grow. then got kicked by the clan leader party because we didn't agree with the clan leader scamming the whole clan/ally, found a new clan, proceeded to take every hero from the same party that kicked me, and made them quit and run away, with shame.

    sadly we gave so much for a clan to the point that it belonged to us more than it belonged to the character that had clan leader, only to get betrayed in the end by people that were moved by nothing more than greed.

    but in the end, i feel good. backed up ingame every word that was said in this forum. goodbye holyinquisition. we created you, then we ended you. nothing more than fair.
  6. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    oh pls your pt got their share of stolen siege adena, you didn't leave hi because kardi was scamming anything u left probably because after mak0 and bahhie botted for months in hellbound kardi cp took all the rings...

    i'm sure that at the first chance u will betray also bs living them to die too..
  7. LostOne

    LostOne User

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    one party gave aden castle, so why doesnt bs still have now that you are there? :d
  8. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    well, 1 pt didn't take aden castle for 1 clan, but a leader of that siege did.
  9. Sperminatorka

    Sperminatorka User

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    couldnt care less what was going in hi, and who got what and who scammed whom. we just know some fishy things were going in there.

    ego party would be sticking inside of hi for quite some time i guess if it werent for kick.
    and now flaming kardi no mather how true it is, still doesnt change the fact ego party left cuz of kick and claming otherwise to make some1 look better is just hypocrit. cause same things were said ages ago before kick and didnt bothered people that got kicked or left before recently, as long they were on wining side.

    bs and ooc had a deal to feed mako (without his approval or knowing, just every 1 from this clans would restart to him all the time, no mather the conditions), th was invited also but refused, so he would get hero or close with points to russian and would cause drama and hoping for a kick.
    the plan was for ego party to get kicked and go to 7 sins clan and remain nonfactors there (since no1 from bs/th/ooc wouldnt take em), and leaving hi weakened to th/ooc/bs.
    but alarion went back on the plan and recruited them anyway, despite all the talks about it while discussing the plan.
    i will not lie to say, it did suprise me, tho it shouldnt since i was an ex ally with bs.
    the plan worked nonetheless.

    the idea of a strong second clan while hi had total domination was in plans (th + bs + aurora), but plans never came true cuz bs said no to it like 4 or 5 times, because the 4 cps at that time feelt they were superior to any clan at that time, which is funny since most of these so called "noobs or carpets" are now in their clan. well more funny was fenris saying yes for merge 1 day and second day no, cuz he came with 5 boxes to gf rb and expected share of drops and xp.
    but it was better like this anyway.

    at that point every1 was afraid that server could die if th and bs would yield to hi.
    but its not so different with bs now tbh, actually its worse since the epics. the only excuse alarion now has for making a zerg (just saw error504 in ally, lol) is he got a "legit" zerg compared to hi lead under russian party.
    but more funny thing is when there is untagged pt, alarion is trying to recruit them, afraid of ooc might gain in power to make a second side, despite all the talk of "lf second side, to have more fun!".

    lets not forget, hi promised and brought ****load of randoms clans to help was like 10+ clans sieging aden, which ok didnt count so much, but was still as hell annoying to chase and clean them from siege zone by th and bs (allys of hb at that time). i sure did some mistakes as th clan leader at that time, but biggest fail was hb not knowing their castle after 2 weeks.
    tbh did hb play better, aden wouldnt have been lost that siege.
  10. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    im so surprised and dissapointed, so much
    dirty politics ....
  11. Hax

    Hax User

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    i got kicked, my party didnt.
    kardi begged sagara+kingsize to stay, but in the end they'd stick with me as they know what kardi did wasn't right and what he was keep on doing. so you are wrong here.

    i didn't need any feeds at all since i was beating any healer, so whatever plan you had it just included signing in olympiad. oh if you didnt know, i was rr'ing to alarion since he was closer to topless than me.
    i got kicked not because i was close, i got kicked because i killed topless 1x with, 1x without cloak and then she emoraged on my pm's, same for kardi and i told them to fk off and got kicked after i rr'd to alarion.
    so you are wrong here too. the drama which actually caused all this was going on waaaay before, but clueless people can't know :)
    your plan didnt work at all.

    since hi died now, rg and ob are free to join whichever side they want.
    we all know if your clan, rg, ob will join ooc stuff will look different. so why blame us?

    @mrshaon: we never botted in hellbound. bahhie and me lvled it legit from stage 3 to 11 by hands during 2 weeks /12h+ nolife! qq moar.
    it was ur dear leaders idea btw to keep it a secret from everyone and monopolize rings without sharing :)
  12. Doomcio

    Doomcio User

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    so true

  13. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    i propose to make me king of server and i'll split you guys into parties, sides until we reach equallity, clans, allies, split dragons everything. just do as i say and we have balance.
    it's like a fashion these days to pretend you care that your enemy is weak and not strong and you're soooooooooooooo upset by it.

    i'll be honest, to ze enemiez: i hope you delevel to lvl 1 in 1 day !
  14. Hax

    Hax User

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    the vip hero has spoken, hands down
  15. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    politics are politics, u shouldn't be naive. i must admit i have pretty much no clue about what's discussed here, but i know there are always more than 1 side to the story, depends on which side u look at, and ppl will always have their own version of how things happen, this means ppl at most are better or less informed, more or less driven by their personal feelings... only time can tell to someone who can see the big picture what is closer to reality and what isn't. things deffinetly are never black and white.

    +1 to what hell said, this thing with who has who blablabla is exactly like crying that some 99 class killed a 90 class on dual, like there is any reason why i should let my enemies exp and get stronger, sure i will just pass and let u xp bcus it's so sad to kill u while u can't do anything about it. ppl can ofc flame about it cus they get mad, but it doesn't mean it's the fair thing... fairness is only in our eyes, and it's a subjective thing.
  16. Sperminatorka

    Sperminatorka User

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    times when individuals in l2 mathered is long gone, sadly, and this game is more and more cp based, so it was never only about you. the thing with you getting kicked is ofc for rest of cp to follow. read it again, i mention ego party all over the post.

    wasnt mine i just got offered to participate and i refused to take part in it.
    and oly is not only about class based, was it about class based, nickmgs would have hero over kasyra long time ago. thing was to make you colect points faster, easier, enable class based and for you to get egoistic, later getting kicked and cp following. call me stupid but thats exactly what happened, the only thing not going to plan was none of clan that mathers to take you in.

    flaming hi and presenting bs as something better is just lol, like i said there is 1 difference. clans that mathered in past was afraid of hi screwing the server and same happening now, except bs have bigger chance cuz no epic in past. i mean same things excluding russian party that were said about hi 4-5 months ago can be said for current bs. and tbh with horde in current state i dont care, because i dont have the power to do something. i just cant stand some b...sh.t said on forums, despite your bashing a totaly diffrent clan/ally and people in it.
  17. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    so much wall text... btw still no one denied mak0 was botting it up in hellbound..
  18. Fenris

    Fenris User

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    ehhh sperminatorka lets start from ur "more funy" - i was ok with merge but when ur true leader started to blackmail us with " u will merge or we are leaving ally" and my cl told me that decision was made and to stop talking about merge i changed my opinion for no. here u go ur explanation.
    still u claim that u got "stronk" clan ?
    buuulllsssshhhiiitt ... our 4 pts made carpet from whole ur clan. thats the fact - u can shove ur words deep in ur anus.
    gf raid ? w8 a sec it wasnt gravenoob who made all the mess at frst place ? it wasnt u who begged us to make a quest and later pred without sharing drops?
    u are so low that i dont have word to describe u. u are on same level as gravenoob - same ****** brain in same noob head.

    be prepared this weekend ... maybe ur castle will soon be taken :)
  19. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    you do realise healer like hax can win 99.99% of his open olympiad matches, losses occur only when some random thing happen like geting stun from archer or more dmg than you have hp or smthin, or if u run out of mp by mistake, or if you meet a summoner (and there is only 1 who can win him, and that's just easy, u can sign when he is in), can't think of other reasons. so why should i, or anyone else who read your statement reguarding this take it seriously?

    give me 3 names of ppl who win hax constantly, or even 2 let's say, and if there would even be 2 ppl still that wouldn't justify whole server working together to relog to him. pretty weird if u look at it this way, no?
    whoever proposed/took this seriously if it ever happened is just a funny guy - my oppinion.

    about the stuff with "ruining the server", seriously again, we killed 3 lizards and no epics even dropped, when we will get 10 ok we can let enemies have 1 so we don't ruin the server lol.
  20. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    1) me
    2) chuck norris
    3) santa claus!

    sorry, couldn't resist :cool:
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