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LF Kardoi, my friend

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by HELL-SK, Dec 10, 2012.

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  1. Hax

    Hax User

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    i did reply to you. read better

    and i told you saying "ego cp got kicked" is wrong.
    if i would've get kicked for olympiad measures my cp wouldn't have followed, u can be sure of it.

    open olympiad i didnt get relogged to even once, only if people wanted to make quest and that wasnt really any +10.
    like sinde said, even in open oly i would've won any of them "relogging to me".
    i call you stupid because you dont realize we didnt leave/get kicked because of hero's.
    there was a conflict going on a whooole different level, which made us quit/partly get kicked from hi.
    many many small (and a few big) drama made happen what happened, not what any1 from outside planned.
    kingsize and sagara told me b4 i even got kicked, that alarion just tries to make drama between me and kardi, but the actual drama happened on a much different way, which none simply knows, except the people in my cp and his cp.

    where does any clan in their current state have any power except maybe ooc or bs ?
    it's all about numbers. ob,rg,th can provide and ooc just has to take.
    Angelripper likes this.
  2. Obsess

    Obsess User

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    also all summoners ?:d
  3. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    that if idealistas/lempartus/alarion had a clue of what their doing...
  4. Hax

    Hax User

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    only pony obsess, sry.
    and kardi
    those two win me more or less 100%.
  5. Alarion

    Alarion User

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    1) fun fact: when mako was kicked from clan and started reloging to me, 1-2 days after my pc had broken for almost 1 month. i was bit suprised when i heard kingsize grp wanted to join (and was joined at the end) but since pretty long time we make decisions as the grp (couple of ppl) so seems liek rest decided it is best idea to do it. anyway, dont write about me cause i was offline for this period : d

    at server will look like this: 2 sides bs + enclave + error vs ooc (merged with hi) + ob + rg + th. if you make some kind of ally your number will be still muchos higher than our. the problem is your changing the mind sperminatorka, cause it was already several times when you said "xxx" but in last moment you decided to do "yyy". for example campaign on aden couple of weeks ago. also from some ppl i know you were agreed for merge with ooc and day after saying "not merge" several times too. you were balancing between russian cheaters and ooc since some time, you should decide for something serious and start doing cause seems like ppl leaving your clan feeling that something is not ok (i dont know what excatly cause i dont play in your clan and ****** nemesys is still offline qq )


    i never wanted offend you or something like. just cant understand why even after publishing materials how russians were cheating you still wanted support for them (kardi: ok rebata davai 2 valakasy do mena i toplesi4ki- princesi4ki). at the and you see how kardi was treating you. also how he was treating his own memebrs. amazing ppl wanted to play and support cheaters for so long period. at this point i was telling it from almost beginning of server but only several grps were fighting vs them on all lvls (85 - 99 + dont quit!) and could see their robots scripts in work.

    you could easily make your own side with some clan instead of supporting cheaters for so long.

    yes i also blame kingsize grp that they were playing with kardi4ki so long and they knew about their programs and they didnt care. but at the end better late than stay with cheaters to the end. to the moment when they took valakas and emo quited hard.

    for example ppl who were invited for beleth by kardi rly thought he will give them any ring? but still unext party were coming trusting kardi4ki and toplesi4ki to the end : (

    anyway i am happy server is w/o robotz on pvp now.
  6. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    i remember hax telling that kardi cp was good only because of qhp and that sindeya was a worthless healer, i also remember sindeya saying that hax wasn't better than topless.

    but look at them now how they defend eachother, they're like the perfect couple....
  7. Hax

    Hax User

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    they had auto qhp and?
    sindi is noob healer, /care
  8. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    if i post video of bs cheating at antharas can it be best drama of the year?
  9. AquaMarine

    AquaMarine User

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    new couple of server-sinde+hax will not let u
    they do know how to do it :d
  10. Hax

    Hax User

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    post it .

    @deepblue: btw in russian they call themselves русский which equals russkij (depending if you write й as i or j which would be russki). idk why it shouldn't be allowed :d

    mod edit: because we have had complaints about its use which is why we keep asking people not to use it ;)
  11. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    so u don't mind if i call you paki? or better curry?

    video is currently being evalutated by the staff, wont post it for now :)

    (for deepblue before i get another warning, they're only example i'd never go racist on kinder hax)
  12. AquaMarine

    AquaMarine User

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    hax mb u shold start to think some days /after u finish smoking
  13. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    and? think of a couple that is married for 50 years, you think during these 50 years they will never fight? but that doesn't make the big picture of their relationship more or less valid. we are all ppl, we have egos, nerves, we act like *****s, we rage, we emo, we get better, what matters is the big picture over time.

    let me play along and explain:
    1.- hax will always call other ppl who he doesn't play with (and especially against) worthless at some points, and i will also.
    2.- i supported topless with everything i could, game-related like what to do during fights, morally as a friend, and of course i would never accept someone is better than my friend, i will always look for means to help my friend to be better and win. it's called fighting and not quiting even when u start to loose = opposite of what kardi did when he started loosing. and i don't blame him, he didn't have much support from the pt, i know how many times i had to be his morale support and look for ways to improve any ****ty situation. maybe if i was still there he wouldn't give up, but he made his choice to give everything to ppl who aren't strong enough to keep on fighting, while taking ppl like me for granted regardless of how much i had to suffer in the process.
  14. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    don't even bother answering me i can't get in a discussion with you, it's apparently against the rules...
  15. Hax

    Hax User

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    as im neither of them i couldnt care less )
    we cheat mucho hard at antharas :ddd
  16. Sperminatorka

    Sperminatorka User

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    who exactly is that?

    stop beeing full of bull****s. you were no from start, you just changed your mind for yes in last negotiation and then no after gf raidboss in night because 2 partys didnt wanna share xp and drops with your pt,who had 5 box. the last suggestion about merge was actually comming from you or will you say i lie about that also ?

    ally was disbanded, because it was told to alarion nicely we have enought of this ally, because me and cursed at that time had to deal with drama about gf raidboss more then we had to deal with clan.
    and it was obious what was more important to you guys at that time.
    there were no threats, if there were any pleas do call alarion to post here saying we threatened bs to merge or we disband ally!
    only thing said was we had enought of this bulls..t called ally and you guys have 1 week to decide what you wanna do, after 1 week we will disband ally. at that time merge was out of question already. it was us saying politely you have 1 week to gtfo from ally instead of just kicking.

    and for a clan who "threated" bs so badly it sure is amazing, th actually stayed and was not asked to leave from hb ts for whole 2 weeks after ally broke up, jeez we still worked together to some degree even after that.
    its even not so long time ago i was on hb ts about heros and campaign is it (2 months ago)?

    and dont drag gravedigger into this disscusion cuz hes in neighter of our clans for very long time.

    hax is best healer atm, but hax was not so geared/enchanted skills/ and other **** blabla bla 3-4 months ago. so yes at that time this situations you are refering above with stuns or summners were more common. i am talking about past not present situation.
    i have nothing against you or kingsize cuz i dont know neighter of you. i dont like hax cuz hes drama maker and he was washing dirty laundry of his clan on forum (i mean ok if he wasnt in hi at that time, but he was and a normal person doesnt go do that to his clan does he?). and hell because of obious reason what he did to his clan after server merge.

    but like i said, i said no participating in that plan, but for sure that plan was up, i might be mistaken but that plan was actually from alarion. dont know how much you underestimate him, but he was watching and talking to hax and he didnt hide it athleast not from me, dunno about gavin.
    and thats exactly why that plan was in motion, but if i am bull****ing so much, why not just go ask alarion or gavin about it ?
  17. Hax

    Hax User

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    the stated situation was present the moment i got kicked in hi.
    why you think i got told to relog to topless although i wanted one fight?
    because as soon as i will win her, i'll claim hero because i killed kardi, lotus and their whole grp in olympiad by then.
    there is too much bullsht in hi in the past none will ever know about :d
  18. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    i also remember another scene
    hax: kardi kardi teach me to do epic octavis, plz plz plz plz
  19. Hax

    Hax User

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    there is nothing to think about. i was there myself till 4am and i know what and how antharas was blocked for several hours.
    no cheats involved :d

    @shaon: i never spammed him, he was coming to our channel trying to tell us how to do it.
    after 3 fails queem looked it up himself. there is no teaching as everything is on goha duh.
  20. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    that ****ed hard indeed :< but you know, u can't be petitioned with some forum things, it should be screen from the game or smthin, and i was fked over by someone either from clan, or someone i talked in pm with from patri's char, so it wasn't hax's fault for makin drama on the forum about mage hero, it was even worse.

    p.s. sry deepblue hihi xd
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