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[All in One] Technical Help Topic

Discussion in 'Instructions Archive' started by Razzly, Dec 20, 2012.

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  1. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    i've sorted out some general solutions for most common issues and i put it all in one topic. i hope it will be usefull.

    this topic will be constantly updated with new content as soon as possible.

    usefull content:

    supported windows versions
    -> click here

    usefull programs:

    usefull links:

    updates log:

    26.01.2013 - guide has been updated and credits goes to gm team. thank you for your problem solutions!
    21.02.2013 - added guide for software issues​
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
    NeroDOC likes this.
  2. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    no install button or no button at all

    most popular ways to fix it:

    • close your 4game app, unistall it, download new one from website then install it again
    • make sure you are using latest browser (recommended browsers are chrome, mozilla, opera)
    • clear your website cache (cookies)
    • clean your computer registry using ccleaner (link is on the first post)
    • makes sure you have on your computer:

    microsoft visual c++ 2008 redistributable
    microsoft .net framwork 2

    these are a minimum requirements. higher versions are also welcome.
    note: if you have more then one type of these programs or lower version it is required to fully unistall them, reboot pc and then install correct one.

    • make sure, you open browser with admin privileges on your browser (your windows profile should be also with admin rights)
    • if you are using antivirus, put game folder into the white list. it is recommended to unistall antivirus from pc and check the game after reboot (most of antyviruses keeps protecting your pc even if you switch it off in tray or close ones app).

    the various antivirus configurations are at first post.​
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
  3. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    lags, disconnections

    most popular issues:

    • disconnected from game right after choosing character - this is due to frost security. most propably some of your program has been flagged as malicious. please try to close as much unusefull programs as possible (or cheats :) ) and then try again

    • 1-2 seconds lags during gameplay - are mostly caused by internet provider.
    from my private investigestions, the most problems related to lags is providers below:

    neostrada (pl)

    the quickest way to resolve is to use external programs that reroutes your connection (battleping, lowerping).​
    you can also try leatrix latency fix (see the first post).

    • an error “you have been disconnected from this server†appears when choosing a server/creating a character/ logging into the game/ accepting user agreement or every 5-15 minutes in game.

    please, perform the following steps to ensure the correct functioning:
    run internet explorer. then click ‘gears' on the browser panel, choose internet options ->connections -> lan settings and disable all checkboxes.
    do the same in the control panel. click start -> control panel -> network and internet -> internet options ->connections -> lan settings and disable all checkboxes.

    • disconnects because of problems with a router

      - update the firmware of your router. we would like to recommend you to use only authorized drivers, third-party firmware may be unstable. having reinstalled firmware, please set up the router. while setting up, don't forget to enable data exchange through the tcp port 17453.
      - if the problem still remains, please try to connect the internet and load the game directly, without a router.
      - try to turn on your router in bridge mode.
      - if the problem doesn't disappear, please submit a ticket to the support team and indicate the model of your router.

    • disconnects because of conflict of frost and third-party software or other programs

    - disable all programs which may be malicious.​
    - try to update your antivirus and firewall. some antiviruses may conflict with the frost security system. to make sure that this is the reason for disconnects, add exceptions for lineage and frost in your firewall and antivirus software or turn off your antivirus and firewall for some time. if the disconnects stop, please contact the support and you will get recommendations on antiviruses which are comparable with frost.

    • disconnects because of corrupted cache files
    disconnects may be caused by the fact that while updating the game corrupted cache files are used.

    - to solve this problem try to clean temporary files. you can do this manually or with a help of ccleaner. you can download it here: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/ download.​

    - run the program and clean cache files, cookies of your browser and temporal files and cache dns of the operating system. afterwards, reinstall and update the game client.

    • disconnects by connecting login server/ game doesn't load when choosing a server

    the game functions correctly if the tcp ports 7777, 2106, 17453 are open. make sure that these ports are not blocked by your firewall.

    you can check the ports availability manually. please, do the following steps for this:

    - start -> run.. -> cmd​
    - enter in the command prompt telnet 2106 and press enter.​
    - if a “symbol map†or empty screen appears, a port is open on this address and the reason for your problem lies not in there.​
    - repeat these steps with these addresses telnet 7777 и telnet 17453.​

    running telnet in window7:
    - telnet is not installed in windows 7 by default. to install it please do the following steps:​
    - press start, and then choose control panel.​
    - click programs.​
    - choose turn windows features on or off.​
    - enable the check box ‘telnet client'.​
    - press ok.​
    - installation process is underway.

    enter ipconfig /flushdns in the command prompt. then open the file ‘hosts' (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc). please, send file contents to the support team. specify “error by connecting login server†as a ticket subject.

    • disconnects and freezes when choosing a server/ creating a character

    first, try to 'fix' game. for that click on a "spanner" icon next to the 'play' button on eu.4game.com. then click 'restore game'. if the problem still remains, please do the following:

    - in the ‘system' folder of the game find s_info.ini and in the field [date] add 1000 to the value, i.e. there should a figure of about 735654.

    - if you don't have this file, please create s_info.ini manually and copy these contents in it.

    - if [date] field is not in the last line, move it to the last line and don't forget to add 1000. ​


    if the ways indicated here don't help you, don't hesitate to contact the support team. submitting a ticket please attach the information about your computer. to get ‘msinfo' file run lineage ii as usual. press win+r key. in appeared dialog box type in "msinfo32" and press enter. a new window will appear. in the window click menu file -> save. please, indicate a type of internet connection in the ticket as well.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
    Crazy0ne and NeroDOC like this.
  4. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    critical errors:

    if you get a critical error, please check the content of the message and find out your solution here.

    • problem: corrupted files
    • solution: use the check files that is available at the website. alternatively you can use program that check lineage ii files (link in the first post)

    • problem: missing win or lineage ii files
    • solution: try to download this kb (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/269794) . also you can use program that check lineage ii files (link in the first post)

    • problem: wrong version or corrupted specific file
    • solution: look at the numbers (22_19). then you should delete those files:

    22_19.unr from lineage2eu/maps directory
    t_22_19.utx from textures
    and then please start a check files procedure

    • problem:
    • solution:

    • problem: wrong settings
    • solution: possible fix is to delete system folder and make a check files.

    • update the drivers for your video card.

    • download the last version of directx from microsoft web-page: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35
    • reboot the computer.
    • run the directx diagnostic. for this go to start menu, select run and type ‘dxdiag' in the appeared window. in the direct diagnostic tool choose the tab display and check that directdraw acceleration, direct 3d acceleration and agp texture acceleration are enabled. if any of them is disabled, please turn it on.

    if the problem remains, don't hesitate to contact the support team. please, attach the following information:

    • dxdiag:
    winxp: go to 'start' menu, select 'run' and type "dxdiag" in the appeared window. click 'save all information' at the bottom right corner of the directx diagnostic tool window and attach the received text file to your request.​

    win7: go to 'start' menu, in the 'search programs and files' field, type "dxdiag". click 'save all information' at the bottom right corner of the directx diagnostic tool window and attach the received text file to your request.

    • msinfo32:

    winxp: go to 'start' menu, select 'run' button and type "msinfo32" in the appeared window. click 'file' at the top of the window, then select 'save' and attach the received file to your request (if the file is larger than 2mb pack it in the archive).
    win7: go to 'start' menu, in the 'search programs and files' field type "msinfo32". click 'file' at the top of the window, then select 'save' and attach the received file to your request (if the file is larger than 2mb pack it in the archive).

    • properties of 'my computer':

    go to 'start' menu, find 'my computer/computer' on the right side of the menu, right-click and select 'properties'. maximize the appeared window to full screen and make a screenshot.

    • antivirus, firewall, or any other software, which can control network and applications activity:

    - if you have such software installed on your computer please provide us with as much detailed information as possible about your software version and its manufacturer company. attach a screenshot of the software.
    specify whether you have performed any additional customizations of this software.
    - if, when your problem occurs, you see an error window please send us the screenshot of it.

    - run the directx diagnostic. for this go to start menu, select run and type ‘dxdiag' in the appeared window. in the direct diagnostic tool choose the tab display and enable agp texture acceleration.
    - if the button is not active, re-install directx. download the last version of directx from microsoft web-page: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35

    - if the problem still remains, please do the following:
    - go to 'start' menu, select 'run' and type "regedit" in the appeared window.​
    - go to hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\direct3d\drivers. change the value of softwareonly from 1 to 0.​
    - hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\graphicsdrivers\dci\timeout should be 7 ;​
    - hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\directdraw\emulationonly. change the value from 1 to 0.

    • update the drivers for your video card.

    • reboot your computer.
    • move ‘lineage' and ‘frost' to exceptions of your firewall and antivirus software. if there is such a function, add nodes *inn.ru/* and frostsecurity.net/*.

    if the problem remains, don't hesitate to contact the support team. please, attach the following information:

    • dxdiag:
    winxp: go to 'start' menu, select 'run' and type "dxdiag" in the appeared window. click 'save all information' at the bottom right corner of the directx diagnostic tool window and attach the received text file to your request.​

    win7: go to 'start' menu, in the 'search programs and files' field, type "dxdiag". click 'save all information' at the bottom right corner of the directx diagnostic tool window and attach the received text file to your request.

    • msinfo32:

    winxp: go to 'start' menu, select 'run' button and type "msinfo32" in the appeared window. click 'file' at the top of the window, then select 'save' and attach the received file to your request (if the file is larger than 2mb pack it in the archive).
    win7: go to 'start' menu, in the 'search programs and files' field type "msinfo32". click 'file' at the top of the window, then select 'save' and attach the received file to your request (if the file is larger than 2mb pack it in the archive).

    • properties of 'my computer':

    go to 'start' menu, find 'my computer/computer' on the right side of the menu, right-click and select 'properties'. maximize the appeared window to full screen and make a screenshot.

    • antivirus, firewall, or any other software, which can control network and applications activity:

    - if you have such software installed on your computer please provide us with as much detailed information as possible about your software version and its manufacturer company. attach a screenshot of the software.
    specify whether you have performed any additional customizations of this software.
    - if, when your problem occurs, you see an error window please send us the screenshot of it.

    cpu driver is not updated. please, update the driver.

    history: ugameengine::tick <- updateworld <- mainloop

    1. download and install the driver of your processor:



    2. reboot your computer.

    if the problem remains, don't hesitate to contact the support team. please, attach the following information:

    • dxdiag:
    winxp: go to 'start' menu, select 'run' and type "dxdiag" in the appeared window. click 'save all information' at the bottom right corner of the directx diagnostic tool window and attach the received text file to your request.​

    win7: go to 'start' menu, in the 'search programs and files' field, type "dxdiag". click 'save all information' at the bottom right corner of the directx diagnostic tool window and attach the received text file to your request.

    • msinfo32:

    winxp: go to 'start' menu, select 'run' button and type "msinfo32" in the appeared window. click 'file' at the top of the window, then select 'save' and attach the received file to your request (if the file is larger than 2mb pack it in the archive).
    win7: go to 'start' menu, in the 'search programs and files' field type "msinfo32". click 'file' at the top of the window, then select 'save' and attach the received file to your request (if the file is larger than 2mb pack it in the archive).

    • properties of 'my computer':

    go to 'start' menu, find 'my computer/computer' on the right side of the menu, right-click and select 'properties'. maximize the appeared window to full screen and make a screenshot.

    • antivirus, firewall, or any other software, which can control network and applications activity:

    - if you have such software installed on your computer please provide us with as much detailed information as possible about your software version and its manufacturer company. attach a screenshot of the software.
    specify whether you have performed any additional customizations of this software.
    - if, when your problem occurs, you see an error window please send us the screenshot of it.​

    - download last updates for your operating system. the error appears because of missing updates: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=15697.

    if the problem remains, please contact the support team.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2015
  5. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    other issues:

    • message : "problem during frost updating" - frost has corrupted/missing files. delete frost directory and try again.
    • message : "the problem during the upgrade frost." - you have to launch game through website
    • frost update error -
    • artefacts (broken graphic) on the game screen - most propably your graphic card is not good enough.
  6. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    since i successfully helped my friend who has disconnection every 15minutes in-game and i managed to help him via teamviewer (he's so happy now) i would like to share my knowledge and expierence with you.

    notice: this guide is only for people who has problems with random disconnections and it is not related to any problem that has been discovered by gm team.

    in order to check if its you connection fault, please do this step:
    - open command line (start -> execute -> write "cmd")
    - write this command "ping -t -l 1000"
    - if there is a lot of lost packets "the time has exceeded" then this guide migh be usefull for you

    ok lets start so there are possible solutions for it:

    1. not set of set wrong internet connection - its very wide topic but i will explain it in short. fresh windows copy installed on your computer has set internet settings by default. it means its not perfect (or not worst also). but the is the main reason you, players, have problems with lineage (my friend has too).

    the best programs are:

    • advanced system care (unfortunately you need to pay a little)
    • leatrix fix latency

    i used asc along with leatrix and... its was perfect match... i tried to ping eu core before and after applying there leatrix patch.
    • before it was: 900 exceeded time and only 100 successfully sended packet.
    • after: out of 1000 attempts only 5 has failed
    it was also visible in-game!

    2. wi-fi channel - it is also important. if you live in a big city, most common wi-fi channels are overcrowded and there is a big chance that your packets might be lost. most likely it causes the problem.


    as you can see i have default one... it depends on region you live (europe = channel 6). but try to use different one and then restart router.

    you can learn more here

    notice: it will help only when the channel is really crowded. if you dont know you can just try it or use external program to check it

    router position -

    - not many ppl knows that the router can be 'disabled' by electronic stuff like hi-tech television or microwave that stands next to it. it only applies when you connect via wi-fi. you can notice your range is change it by huge number (for example: 1 min you see 5 stripes connection [perfect] and suddenly it goes to 1 stripe [very poor] )

    - many routers has directional way of sending signal. explanation here. any issues with range may be related to this. just move it by 180 degree and check if it helps. so easy!

    oh i missed it. also usefull information here!
    NeroDOC likes this.
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