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Become a mentor

Discussion in '2022' started by Yumi, Mar 21, 2022.

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  1. Yumi

    Yumi Innova Group

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    Hello Elmoreden!

    Have you long dreamed of becoming a mentor and earning recognition among the community of your favorite game? The time has come. In the section "Guides" you can always find some useful information, but time is merciless to knowledge, Elmoreden is changing, as a result of which new game mechanics are constantly appearing. The Ivory Tower Mages are revising their libraries again.

    It's time to prove that wisdom is not the only characteristic of Paagrio! Share your knowledge with other players and get rewards worthy of Emperor Baium himself.


    Works are being accepted from March 21st to April 6th inclusive.
    The winners will be announced on April 7th.
    The awards will be distributed on April 8th.

    Terms and Conditions

    ♦ The subject of the guide can be anything, but it must be relevant to the "Master Class" update. Topics for newbies or new content are welcome;
    ♦ The guide should be published in the "Guides" section as a separate topic. In the title of the topic, be sure to add [Contest]. Example: "[Contest] Guide: Siegel Hell Knight / 2022". At the beginning of the topic, do not forget to introduce yourself (indicate your nickname and your game server);
    ♦ Information in the guide should be accompanied by screenshots or videos for better visualization
    ♦ The work must be created especially for this contest and wasn't previously published elsewhere;
    ♦ One participant can upload only one application;
    ♦ You agree with the fact that Administration has the right to use works, you presented, in marketing, advertising, and other purposes;
    ♦ Your work must not break the rules of the game, the forum, and the current legislature of Luxembourg. Official contest rules can be found here: https://eu-new.4game.com/legal/4game/4/;
    The winners will be decided by Lineage2 Team. Results will be uploaded on April 8th.


    ♦ To upload pictures to the forum, we recommend hosting Imgur or any other. Upload the picture, copy the direct link. On the forum, insert this link through the "Image";
    ♦ You can obtain information about items from the knowledge base;
    ♦ For the comfort of the readers, headings, and subheadings are best emphasized in bold / italic / underline. You can use different types and sizes of fonts, but the main requirement is readability. Do not use more than three colors in the text (the default black is also considered a color).


    I place - 40 000 Einhasad`s Golden Coin
    II place - 32 000 Einhasad`s Golden Coin
    III place - 24 000 Einhasad`s Golden Coin
    IV place - 16 000 Einhasad`s Golden Coin
    V place - 16 000 Einhasad`s Golden Coin

    Incentive prize - 8.000 Einhasad`s Golden Coin. The number of incentive prizes is determined by the Lineage 2 team.


    And now it's time to sum up the results of the contest and we are ready to announce the names of the winners:

    I place - iNastyyy and incredible guide containing detailed information about Sigel Shillen Templar;
    II place - iBlueSkuLL and fundamental new players guide;
    III place - miixa and valuable guide about standart attacks;
    IV place - JohnnyBlaze and specific guide about Death Knight;
    V place -darthblade and the guide about budget playing;

    Thanks to all authors for participating! We are grateful that you decided to become mentors for many players!
    P.S. If you did not specify your nickname and server in the contest guide post, please send me a private message on the forum (Lineage2). For those who have specified a nickname and a server, the rewards will be credited to their private in-game warehouse on April 8th.

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022
    JohnnyBlaze likes this.
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